6 research outputs found

    Autoimmunity against Nucleus Ambiguous Is Putatively Possible in Both Long-COVID-19 and Vaccinated Subjects: Scientific Evidence and Working Hypothesis

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    As reported by the World Health Organization (WHO), about 10–20% of people have experienced mid- to long-term effects following SARS-CoV-2 infection, collectively referred to as post-COVID-19 condition or long-COVID, including some neurovegetative symptoms. Numerous findings have suggested that the onset of these neurovegetative symptoms upon viral infection may be caused by the production of autoantibodies through molecular mimicry phenomena. Accordingly, we had previously demonstrated that 22 of the human proteins sharing putatively immunogenic peptides with SARS-CoV-2 proteins are expressed in the dorsal motor nucleus and nucleus ambiguous. Therefore, if molecular mimicry occurs following severe forms of COVID-19, there could be transitory or permanent damage in some vagal structures, resulting in a lower vagal tone and all the related clinical signs. We investigated the presence of autoantibodies against two proteins of vagal nuclei sharing a peptide with SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein using an immunoassay test on blood obtained from patients with cardiorespiratory symptoms in patients affected by ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 (long-COVID), subjects vaccinated without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and subjects not vaccinated without a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Interestingly, putative autoantibodies were present in both long-COVID-19 and vaccinated groups, opening interesting questions about pathogenic mechanisms of the disease

    Bone Morphogenic Proteins and Their Antagonists in the Lower Airways of Stable COPD Patients

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    Background: Bone morphogenic proteins (BMPs) and their antagonists are involved in the tissue development and homeostasis of various organs. Objective: To determine transcriptomic and protein expression of BMPs and their antagonists in stable COPD. Methods: We measured the expression and localization of BMPs and some relevant antagonists in bronchial biopsies of stable mild/moderate COPD (MCOPD) (n = 18), severe/very severe COPD (SCOPD) (n = 16), control smokers (CS) (n = 13), and control non-smokers (CNS) (n = 11), and in lung parenchyma of MCOPD (n = 9), CS (n = 11), and CNS (n = 9) using immunohistochemistry and transcriptome analysis, in vitro after the stimulation of the 16HBE cells. Results: In bronchial biopsies, BMP4 antagonists CRIM1 and chordin were increased in the bronchial epithelium and lamina propria of COPD patients. BMP4 expression was decreased in the bronchial epithelium of SCOPD and MCOPD compared to CNS. Lung transcriptomic data showed non-significant changes between groups. CRIM1 and chordin were significantly decreased in the alveolar macrophages and alveolar septa in COPD patients. External 16HBE treatment with BMP4 protein reduced the bronchial epithelial cell proliferation. Conclusions: These data show an imbalance between BMP proteins and their antagonists in the lungs of stable COPD. This imbalance may play a role in the remodeling of the airways, altering the regenerative-reparative responses of the diseased bronchioles and lung parenchyma

    Upregulation of Notch Signaling and Cell-Differentiation Inhibitory Transcription Factors in Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients

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    Notch signaling is involved in the prevention of cell differentiation and cell fate in various organs, including the lungs. We aimed to determine the transcriptomic and protein expression of Notch receptors, their ligands, and related transcription factors in stable COPD. The expression and localization of Notch receptors, their ligands, and related transcription factors were measured in bronchial biopsies of individuals with stable mild/moderate (MCOPD) (n = 18) or severe/very severe (SCOPD) (n = 16) COPD, control smokers (CSs) (n = 13), and control nonsmokers (CNSs) (n = 11), and in the lung parenchyma of those with MCOPD (n = 13), CSs (n = 10), and CNSs (n = 10) using immunohistochemistry, ELISA tests, and transcriptome analyses. In the bronchial biopsies, Notch4 and HES7 significantly increased in the lamina propria of those with SCOPD compared to those with MCOPD, CSs, and CNSs. In the peripheral lung bronchiolar epithelium, Notch1 significantly increased in those with MCOPD and CSs compared to CNSs. ELISA tests of lung parenchyma homogenates showed significantly increased Notch2 in those with MCOPD compared to CSs and CNSs. Transcriptomic data in lung parenchyma showed increased DLL4 and HES1 mRNA levels in those with MCOPD and CSs compared to CNSs. These data show the increased expression of the Notch pathway in the lungs of those with stable COPD. These alterations may play a role in impairing the regenerative–reparative responses of diseased bronchioles and lung parenchyma

    Bacterial load and related innate immune response in the bronchi of rapid decliners with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    Background: Characterization of COPD patients with rapid lung functional decline is of interest for prognostic and therapeutic reasons. We recently reported an impaired humoral immune response in rapid decliners. Objective: To determine the microbiota associated to markers of innate immune host response in COPD patients with rapid lung functional decline. Methods: In COPD patients monitored for at least 3 years (mean +/- SD: 5.8 +/- 3 years) for lung functional decline, the microbiota and related markers of immune response was measured in bronchial biopsies of patients with different lung functional decline (rate of FEV1% lung functional decline: no decline FEV1%, 20 70 ml/year, n = 15) using qPCR for microbiota and immunohistochemistry for cell-receptors and inflammatory markers. Main results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Streptococcus pneumoniae were increased in rapid decliners vs slow decliners, S. pneumoniae was also increased compared to non decliners. In all patients, S. pneumoniae (copies/ml) positively correlated with pack-years consumption, lung function decline, TLR4, NOD1, NOD2 scored in bronchial epithelium and NOD1/mm(2) in lamina propria. Conclusion: These data show an imbalance of microbiota components in rapid decliners which is associated to the expression of the related cell-receptors in all COPD patients. These findings may help in the prognostic stratification and treatment of patients