8,520 research outputs found

    Don't Panic! Closed String Tachyons in ALE Spacetimes

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    We consider closed string tachyons localized at the fixed points of noncompact nonsupersymmetric orbifolds. We argue that tachyon condensation drives these orbifolds to flat space or supersymmetric ALE spaces. The decay proceeds via an expanding shell of dilaton gradients and curvature which interpolates between two regions of distinct angular geometry. The string coupling remains weak throughout. For small tachyon VEVs, evidence comes from quiver theories on D-branes probes, in which deformations by twisted couplings smoothly connect non-supersymmetric orbifolds to supersymmetric orbifolds of reduced order. For large tachyon VEVs, evidence comes from worldsheet RG flow and spacetime gravity. For \IC^2/\IZ_n, we exhibit infinite sequences of transitions producing SUSY ALE spaces via twisted closed string condensation from non-supersymmetric ALE spaces. In a TT-dual description this provides a mechanism for creating NS5-branes via {\it closed} string tachyon condensation similar to the creation of D-branes via {\it open} string tachyon condensation. We also apply our results to recent duality conjectures involving fluxbranes and the type 0 string.Comment: 48 pages, harvmac big; 13 figures. v2: added references; comment on gravity regime added to section 5.2. v3: added reference

    Tension is Dimension

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    We propose a simple universal formula for the tension of a D-brane in terms of a regularized dimension of the associated conformal field theory statespace.Comment: 18 pages, harvmac (b), one ref added, one typo fixe

    Matrix Description of Interacting Theories in Six Dimensions

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    We propose descriptions of interacting (2,0) supersymmetric theories without gravity in six dimensions in the infinite momentum frame. They are based on the large NN limit of quantum mechanics or 1+1 dimensional field theories on the moduli space of NN instantons in \IR^4.Comment: 10 pages, harvmac bi

    Monodromy in the CMB: Gravity Waves and String Inflation

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    We present a simple mechanism for obtaining large-field inflation, and hence a gravitational wave signature, from string theory compactified on twisted tori. For Nil manifolds, we obtain a leading inflationary potential proportional to phi^(2/3) in terms of the canonically normalized field phi, yielding predictions for the tilt of the power spectrum and the tensor-to-scalar ratio, ns≈0.98n_s\approx 0.98 and r≈0.04r\approx 0.04 with 60 e-foldings of inflation; we note also the possibility of a variant with a candidate inflaton potential proportional to phi^(2/5). The basic mechanism involved in extending the field range -- monodromy in D-branes as they move in circles on the manifold -- arises in a more general class of compactifications, though our methods for controlling the corrections to the slow-roll parameters require additional symmetries.Comment: 43 pages, latex. 4 figure

    Junior Recital: Rachel E. Silverstein, mezzo-soprano

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    Elective Recital: Rachel E. Silverstein, mezzo-soprano

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    Senior Recital: Rachel E. Silverstein, mezzo-soprano

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