4 research outputs found

    Corticosteroid pharmacogenetics: association of sequence variants in CRHR1 with improved lung function in asthmatics treated with inhaled corticosteroids.

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    Corticosteroids mediate a variety of immunological actions and are commonly utilized in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. Unfortunately, therapy with this class of medications is associated with a large proportion of non-responders and significant side effects. Inhaled corticosteroids are the most commonly used asthma controller therapy. However, asthmatic response to corticosteroids also varies widely between individuals. We investigated the genetic contribution to the variation in response to inhaled corticosteroid therapy in asthma. The association of longitudinal change in lung function and single nucleotide polymorphisms from candidate genes crucial to the biologic actions of corticosteroids were evaluated in three independent asthmatic clinical trial populations utilizing inhaled corticosteroids as the primary therapy in at least one treatment arm. Variation in one gene, corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) was consistently associated with enhanced response to therapy in each of our three populations. Individuals homozygous for the variants of interest manifested a doubling to quadrupling of the lung function response to corticosteroids compared with lack of the variants (P-values ranging from 0.006 to 0.025 for our three asthmatic populations). As the primary receptor mediating the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, which regulates endogenous cortisol levels, CRHR1 plays a pivotal, pleiotropic role in steroid biology. These data indicate that genetic variants in CRHR1 have pharmacogenetic effects influencing asthmatic response to corticosteroids, provide a rationale for predicting therapeutic response in asthma and other corticosteroid-treated diseases, and suggests this gene pathway as a potential novel therapeutic target

    FCER2: a pharmacogenetic basis for severe exacerbations in children with asthma.

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    BACKGROUND: Although inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) generally protect against severe exacerbations in asthma, they may result in elevated IgE levels, which are associated with exacerbations. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether variation in the low-affinity IgE receptor gene, FCER2, is associated with severe exacerbations defined as emergency department visits and/or hospitalizations in patients with asthma on ICSs. METHODS: We resequenced, then genotyped 10 FCER2 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 311 children randomized to inhaled budesonide as part of the Childhood Asthma Management Program. We evaluated the association of FCER2 variants with IgE levels and presence or absence of severe exacerbations over the 4-year clinical trial. We also evaluated differences in cellular expression of the novel FCER2 SNP, T2206C. RESULTS: In white subjects, 3 FCER2 SNPs were significantly associated (P \u3c .05) with elevated 4-year IgE level; each was also associated with increased severe exacerbations. Final multivariable models demonstrated associations between T2206C and severe exacerbations in both white and African American children (hazard ratio, 3.95; 95% CI, 1.64-9.51; and hazard ratio, 3.08; 95% CI, 1.00-9.47), despite ICS use. Interaction models supported a true gene-environment effect in white subjects (interaction P = .004). T2206C was also associated with decreased FCER2 expression (P = .02). CONCLUSION: FCER2 predicts the likelihood of treatment protocol success in asthma. The associations of T2206C with IgE level, severe exacerbations, and FCER2 expression may provide a mechanistic basis for the observed findings. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Genetic variation in FCER2 may help form a prognostic model for ICS response in asthma