3 research outputs found

    Parasites in vegetables used for human consumption: a risk for public health

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    Vegetables are pivotal food source to the human beings, representing the source of key nutrients, which in turn the occurrence of chronic diseases. Nonetheless, the consumption of poorly washed or in nature vegetables may expose individuals to the risk of infection by parasites. The aim of this study was to assess the contamination by parasites of medical and veterinary concern in raw vegetables used for human consumption. Fresh vegetables [i.e., lettuces (n = 50), carrots (n = 50) and beet (n = 50)] were acquired in different market places across the municipality of Garanhuns (northeastern Brazil) and the presence of parasites assessed by a sedimentation technique. Parasites were detected in 44.7% (67/150) of the evaluated samples. This study provides important data on the occurrence of zoonotic agents in vegetables. Therefore, strict hygienic measures should be adopted to reduce the risk for vegetable contamination leading to a reduction of human infection by pathogens of medical importance

    Distribuição espacial e caracterização molecular das linhagens de Trypanosoma cruzi em triatomíneos em municípios do Agreste de Pernambuco

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    Trypanosoma cruzi apresenta população heterogênea com sete linhagens reconhecidas denominadas de Discrete Typing Units (DTU’s). O conhecimento dessas DTUs pode contribuir para melhor compreensão da epidemiologia da doença de Chagas e os possíveis fatores de risco de infecção ao homem. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar levantamento entomológico de triatomíneos e caracterizar molecularmente as linhagens de T. cruzi que estão presentes nos vetores, em municípios do agreste de Pernambuco, Brasil. A partir de dados do Programa Nacional de Controle da Doença de Chagas (PNCDch) foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo (2008-2017) para avaliar a ocorrência e distribuição de triatomíneos em 21 municípios. Além disso, durante o período de julho de 2018 a junho de 2019, triatomíneos foram coletados no intradomicílio e peridomicílio e identificados, para posterior extração de DNA. A pesquisa de T. cruzi foi realizada por meio de exames parasitológicos e moleculares. Para a pesquisa de DNA de Trypanossoma spp. foi realizada PCR, os produtos amplificados foram purificados e sequenciados. A genotipagem de T. cruzi foi realizada por Multiplex PCR. Para avaliar a distribuição espaço-temporal de triatomíneos infectados por tripanosomatídeos foram usados dados do PNCDch (2008-2018), incluindo o número total de triatomíneos capturados nas áreas intra e peridomiciliares, bem como a taxa de infecção (TI) por tripanosomatídeos. O método \u1d43a\u1d456∗ por Getis–Ord foi usado para identificar agrupamentos de concentração estatisticamente significativos e a TI. O modelo de regressão linear generalizado com distribuição binomial foi usado para avaliar a probabilidade de detectar a taxa de infecção por tripanosomatídeos. Através do estudo retrospectivo, um total de 4694 triatomíneos foram coletados, sendo 94,5% no intradomicílio e 5,5% no peridomicílio. As espécies mais frequentes foram Panstrongylus lutzi (30,36%), Triatoma brasiliensis (26,12%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (22,43%) e Panstrongylus megistus (20,54%). Um total de 117 triatomíneos foram coletados, sendo 93,16% e 6,84% em ambientes intradomiciliar e peridomiciliar, respectivamente. As espécies capturadas foram P. lutzi (37,60%), T. pseudomaculata (26,50%), T. brasiliensis (23,08%) e P. megistus (12,82%). A taxa de infecção por T. cruzi foi de 5,49% e 12,09% em exames parasitológicos e moleculares, respectivamente. A análise molecular detectou 70,59% de genótipo TcI, em todas as espécies de triatomíneos identificadas e 29,41% de TcIII/TcIV em P. megistus e P. lutzi. A análise da distribuição espaço-temporal de triatomíneos infectados por tripanosomatídeos foi realizada com 4.800 triatomíneos. Formas flagelares semelhantes a T. cruzi foram detectadas em 10,29% deles, e a maioria das amostras positivas (98,17%) foram coletadas no intradomicílio. As análises geoespaciais identificaram aglomerados de triatomíneos em ambientes intradomiciliares e peridomiciliares. A regressão logística para as espécies (P. lutzi, P. megistus, T. brasiliensis e T. pseudomaculata) demonstrou que a probabilidade de detecção da infecção por T. cruzi permanece constante em até 50 espécimes examinados ou mais. A presença de triatomíneos infectados em áreas de intra e peridomicílio alerta para a implementação de ações de vigilância, como educação em saúde nas áreas de maior vulnerabilidade de ocorrência desses vetores. Além da adoção de medidas de controle entomológico sistemático para reduzir os riscos de infestação e, consequentemente, da doença de Chagas.Trypanosoma cruzi presents a heterogeneous population with seven lineages recognized, called Discrete Typing Units (DTU's). The knowledge of DTUs can contribute to a better understanding of the epidemiology of Chagas disease and the possible risk factors for infection to man. The study aimed to carry out an entomological survey of triatomines and molecularly characterize the lineages of T. cruzi present in vectors, in municipalities in the rural region of Pernambuco, Brazil. Based on data from the Programa Nacional de Controle da Doença de Chagas (PNCDCh), a retrospective study (2008-2017) was conducted to assess the occurrence and distribution of triatomines in 21 municipalities. In addition, during the period from July 2018 to June 2019, triatomines were collected in intradomicile and peridomicile area and identified for subsequent DNA extraction. The search for T. cruzi was carried out through parasitological and molecular exams. For the DNA research of Trypanosoma spp. PCR was performed, and the amplified products were purified and sequenced. T. cruzi genotyping was performed by Multiplex PCR. To evaluate the spatiotemporal distribution of triatomines infected by trypanosomatid parasites, data from the PNCDch (2008-2018) were used, the total number of triatomines captured from intradomicile and peridomicile areas, as well as the infection rate (IR) by trypanosomatid. The \u1d43a\u1d456∗method by Getis–Ord method was used to statistically identify significant concentration clusters and the IR of triatomines by trypanosomatids. A generalized linear regression model with binomial distribution was used to evaluate the probability of finding an IR by trypanosomatids. A total of 4694 triatomines were collected, 94.5% and 5.5% from the intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary environments. The most frequent species were Panstrongylus lutzi (30.36%), Triatoma brasiliensis (26.12%), Triatoma pseudomaculata (22.43%) and Panstrongylus megistus (20.54%). A total of 117 triatomines were collected, 93.16% and 6.84% from the intradomiciliary and peridomiciliary environments, respectively. The captured species were P. lutzi (37.60%), T. pseudomaculata (26.50%), T. brasiliensis (23.08%), and P. megistus (12.82%). In parasitological and molecular tests, the T. cruzi infection rate was 5.49% and 12.09%. The molecular analysis detected 70.59% of the TcI genotype in all triatomine species identified and 29.41% of the TcIII/TcIV in P. megistus and P. lutzi. The analysis of the spatiotemporal distribution of triatomines infected by trypanosomatids was performed with 4,800 triatomines. The flagellar forms similar to T. cruzi were detected in 10.29% of them, the majority of positive specimens (98.17%) were collected at intradomicile. The geospatial analyses identified triatomines clusters in intradomicile and peridomicile environments. The logistic regression for species (P. lutzi, P. megistus, T. Brasiliensis, and T. pseudomaculata) showed that the probability of detection of T. cruzi infection remains constant in up to 50 specimens examined or more. The presence of infected triatomines in intra and peridomicile areas calls for implementing surveillance actions, such as health education in areas where these vectors are most vulnerable. In addition, the adoption of systematic entomological control measures reduces the risks of infestation and, consequently, of Chagas diseas

    Seroprevalence of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in dogs from an urban area of North-eastern Brazil: a spatial approach

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    Abstract INTRODUCTION: The present study aimed to assess the seroprevalence and spatial distribution of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in dogs. METHODS: Blood samples (n = 241) were collected and analyzed for the presence of anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies. The spatial distribution was evaluated using kernel density estimation (KDE). RESULTS Anti-N. caninum and anti-T. gondii antibodies were detected in 24.06% (58/241) and 9.54% (23/241) of samples, respectively. A heterogeneous spatial distribution of positive dogs was observed across the city. CONCLUSIONS These data are pivotal for better understanding the dynamics of infection caused by these protozoa in the canine population