339 research outputs found

    Pullback attractors for a singularly nonautonomous plate equation

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    We consider the family of singularly nonautonomous plate equation with structural damping utt+a(t,x)ut+(Δ)ut+(Δ)2u+λu=f(u), u_{tt} + a(t,x)u_{t} + (- \Delta) u_{t} + (-\Delta)^{2} u + \lambda u = f(u), in a bounded domain ΩRn\Omega \subset \R^n, with Navier boundary conditions. When the nonlinearity ff is dissipative we show that this problem is globally well posed in H02(Ω)×L2(Ω)H^2_0(\Omega) \times L^2(\Omega) and has a family of pullback attractors which is upper-semicontinuous under small perturbations of the damping aa

    Facilifarma ? um sistema de controle de vendas de medicamentos

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    Este projeto visa facilitar a vida dos pacientes na hora de comprar medicamentos controlados, conectando o tri?ngulo m?dico/paciente/farm?cia de forma pr?tica. O objetivo ? fornecer aos clientes um aplicativo conveniente e confi?vel para compra de medicamentos em farm?cias localizadas pr?ximas a eles, e garantir que as farm?cias tenham uma plataforma completa e intuitiva para administrar suas vendas pelo aplicativo e contato com os seus clientes. O aplicativo permitir? aos usu?rios pesquisar farm?cias em sua ?rea, visualizar produtos, fazer pedidos. Para as farm?cias, a dashboard possibilitar? a visualiza??o de estat?sticas e gera??o de relat?rios em diversos formatos, contendo gr?ficos e tabelas para total controle do n?mero de vendas, clientes alcan?ados, produtos vendidos e diversos outros dados ?teis para no??o de alcance. Para os m?dicos, um app de assinatura de prescri??es, para que pacientes consigam comprar seus medicamentos nas farm?cias com a receita

    Influence of grinding on the pozzolanic activity of granite residue.

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    This study explores the potential of the granite residue to be applied as a supplementary cementitious material. Furthermore, the efficiency of grinding methods in the improvement of the residue reactivity was also evaluated. The granite residue was collected in a facility located in Brazil and used as a Portland cement replacement with a substitution rate of 25% in mass. The residue was submitted to wet, dry and additive dry grinding methods, with several different times. The cement-based composites were characterized by quantitative X-Ray diffraction using the Rietveld's method, thermogravimetric analysis, and compressive strength. In conclusion, there was observed a higher efficiency of the wet grinding method, followed by an increase in compressive strength results as grinding time increased. Furthermore, the portlandite content was lower in the cement-based composite with granite residue, especially in the samples ground for 60, 120, and 180 minutes; a fact that summed up with other results for the pozzolanic potential of the granite residue

    Business networks and their effects on tourism.

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo propor um modelo de alinhamento competitivo para a rede de atores do turismo, visando aumentar sua coes?o e facilitar a busca de objetivos comuns. Tal proposta foi definida com base na expertise dos autores na analise de redes de turismo, aliada a resultados obtidos na pesquisa em Ouro Preto (MG). Dessa forma, foi poss?vel perceber o peso dos atores envolvidos em fun??o dos crit?rios de escolha utilizados pelos visitantes para configurar seu caminho dentro da regi?o tur?stica analisada e, assim, refor?ar os relacionamentos existentes.The relationships between firms, to be successful, demand high levels of transparency, information and physical flows of goods and services, in order to provide free access for all people involved in doing business together. The same can be said regarding flow of money resources and talents needed by the processes and operations performed by the network. Thus, the main idea involves reaching balance conditions in terms of sharing the results obtained by all participants, considering their objectives and goals, to keep the network form of organization as being an adequate strategy. This proposal was defined from the authors? expertise in analysis of tourism networks, together with results obtained on research in Ouro Preto. Thus it was possible to realize the weight of the players involved depending on the selection criteria used by visitors to configure their way into of the tourist region analyzed and thereby strengthen existing relationships


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    O trabalho teve como objetivo coletar, identificar e caracterizar faunisticamente os lepid\uf3pteros associados a um plantio de Eucalyptus spp., no munic\uedpio de Pinheiro Machado, RS. No per\uedodo de outubro de 2005 a outubro de 2007, a cada 15 dias, foram realizadas coletas de insetos com tr\ueas armadilhas luminosas instaladas no interior do florestamento. Ap\uf3s procedimentos de triagem, transfixa\ue7\ue3o e montagem os lepid\uf3pteros foram identificados comparando-os a cole\ue7\uf5es entomol\uf3gicas e com uso de literatura especializada. Foram coletados 2.020 indiv\uedduos, distribu\ueddos em 14 fam\uedlias, 106 g\ueaneros e 220 esp\ue9cies. As fam\uedlias com maior n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies coletadas foram Noctuidae (59), Geometridae (30), Arctiidae (28) e Saturniidae (14). De acordo com a classifica\ue7\ue3o faun\uedstica a maioria das esp\ue9cies foi considerada n\ue3o dominante, pouco frequente, rara e acidental. Dentre as esp\ue9cies identificadas, foram observadas algumas, cujas lagartas s\ue3o desfolhadoras do eucalipto; Oxydia agliata (Geometridae), Sarsina violascens (Lymantriidae), Automeris illustris , Eacles imperialis magnifica e Lonomia obliqua (Saturniidae), as quais necessitam ter suas popula\ue7\uf5es monitoradas.The objective of this research was to collect, to study and to characterize the fauna of lepidopterous associated with Eucalyptus spp., plantation in the Municipality of Pinheiro Machado, in RS state. In the period of October 2005 to October 2007, every 15 days, collections of insects were accomplished with three light traps. After selection and transfixion procedures, the lepidopterous were identified based on entomological collections and specialized literature. Two thousand and twenty individuals belonging to 14 families, 106 genera and 220 species were collected. The families with the highest number of species collected were: Noctuidae (59), Geometridae (30), Arctiidae (28) and Saturniidae (14). According to the fauna classification the most species were considered not dominant, uncommon, rare and accidental. Among the species identified, there were some whose larvae are defoliators of the eucalypts: Oxydia agliata (Geometridae), Sarsina violascens (Lymantriidae), Automeris illustris , Eacles imperialis and Lonomia obliqua (Saturniidae), which needs to have their populations monitored

    Improving 3-PG calibration and parameterization using artificial neural networks

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    Understanding how the physiological processes of trees are affected by the environment or silvicultural practices is important for forest management, which requires process-based models. It enables the evaluation of the growth of a forest under different scenarios. The 3-PG model has been widely used all over the world, justified by its simplicity and efficiency, as it uses a more accessible language and fewer parameters than other process-based models. It is a model of greatest interest for forest management because it enables the use of allometric equations to calculate variables of interest in this area, such as the average diameter at 1.30 m height (DBH), total height and stand volume. The 3-PG parameterization is essential to guarantee the model's good performance; however, in some cases, when observed data are not available, values from the literature is used or calibration is performed. In general, there is a mixture of these alternatives in the same parameterization, but some of the parameters generate greater sensitivity in some outputs or change according to site characteristics. In the present work, we analyzed the efficiency of artificial neural networks to predict some of the parameters pointed out in the literature as being of the greatest importance for 3-PG using climate and process variables as inputs. For this, a simulated database was generated, using 16 parameterizations of 3-PG, for different regions of Brazil. The parameters values of the DBH function (as and ns), minimum and maximum fraction of biomass allocated to the root (ηRn and ηRx), and age at full canopy cover (tc) were associated with this database. The Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) were trained using the database with parameter repetition over time and with the average condition of each site. In the second case, training was performed using 100% of the data, and validation was performed using a simulated database. The efficiency of neural networks has been proven in predicting the parameters as, ns and ηRx, with validation root mean squared error (RMSE) of 6.9%, 6.9% and 4.8%, in the first training approach, respectively. For training based on sites average condition RMSE was 20.7%, 3.0% and 8.8%, for as, ns and ηRx, respectively. The study showed the need for more scientific investigation for the other parameters, including information and input variables such as soil characteristics. As demonstrated in this study, the possibility of parameterizing 3-PG with ANNs or any machine learning technique may contribute to the broader use of this process-based model. In addition, artificial neural networks have great potential to assist in the calibration process of the 3-PG model, making this process more efficient by integrating environmental conditions and allowing the association between parameters. It is recommended to apply these ANNs for the conditions tested here

    Populations, mother tree and plant age effects on physical traits in pequi fruits

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    O pequi ? uma esp?cie com ampla distribui??o no cerrado brasileiro, tendo grande import?ncia social e econ?mica para os habitantes desse bioma. O presente trabalho foi proposto em fun??o da aus?ncia de informa??es sobre os efeitos de fatores gen?ticos e ambientais na express?o de vari?veis f?sicas em frutos dessa esp?cie. Informa??es dessa natureza facilitam as decis?es em rela??o ao processo de domestica??o e melhoramento dessa esp?cie. Para atender a este objetivo, colheram-se frutos nos munic?pios de Curvelo e S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto, Minas Gerais, totalizando 15 matrizes por munic?pio, selecionadas atrav?s de caracter?sticas que refletem suas idades, sendo a principal o di?metro do tronco rente ao solo (DAS). As vari?veis f?sicas avaliadas foram: Peso Total do Fruto (PTF); Peso do Mesocarpo Externo (PME); Peso dos Putamens (PTP) por fruto; N? de Putamens (NP) por fruto e Peso Total de Polpa (PTPL) por fruto. O efeito de matrizes foi altamente significativo para todas as vari?veis avaliadas, enquanto o de popula??es foi apenas para NP. As estimativas das correla??es entre as vari?veis avaliadas foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. As estimativas das correla??es entre DAS e as demais vari?veis tamb?m foram todas positivas, algumas significativas. Os resultados permitem concluir que: h? grandes expectativas de ganhos a partir da propaga??o vegetativa de matrizes selecionadas no campo para as caracter?sticas f?sicas de seus frutos; o peso de polpa por fruto, car?ter de grande import?ncia econ?mica, mas de avalia??o trabalhosa, pode ser selecionado a partir da avalia??o do peso de putamens por fruto; o efeito da idade da planta sobre a express?o de vari?veis f?sicas em frutos de pequi ? nulo ou positivo, podendo a sele??o ser conduzida em plantas jovens.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)Pequi is a very common tree in Central and Center-East Brazilian territory, known as Cerrado sensu strict, and its fruits are largely appreciated by people that live in these regions. This study was proposed due to the lack of information about environmental and genetic effects on physical attributes expression in pequi fruits. Information on this subject is relevant to favor decisions regarding to domestication and breeding processes of this species. Pequi fruits were collected from populations of Curvelo and S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto, State of Minas Gerais, being 15 mother trees per population. These mother trees were selected based on physical attributes that imply their age, being stem diameter at ground level (SD), the main one. Physical attributes were: fruit Total Weight (FTW); Outer Mesocarp Weight (OMW); Putamen Weight per fruit (PW); Putamen Number per fruit (PN) and Pulp Total Weight per fruit (PLTW). There was a mother tree effect for all attributes evaluated, whereas for populations, there was effect only for PN. Correlations among all variables were positive, being some of them significant. Also, correlations between SD and all other variables were positive and some, significant. Results allow the conclusion of high expected gains through vegetative propagation of mother tree selected by means physical fruit attributes: pulp weight can be selected based on putamen weight; the effect of plant age on fruit physical attributes is null or positive, so the selection can be carried out in youth plants

    Coleoptera collected with light traps and ethanol traps in plantation of Eucalyptus spp. in the south of the state Rio Grande do Sul

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo coletar, identificar e estudar a flutua\ue7\ue3o populacional de esp\ue9cies da ordem Coleoptera em plantio de Eucalyptus spp. no munic\uedpio de Pinheiro Machado, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os insetos foram coletados com armadilhas luminosas e etan\uf3licas a cada quinze dias, no per\uedodo de fevereiro de 2006 a outubro de 2007. Os exemplares, ap\uf3s triagem, foram identificados por compara\ue7\ue3o com cole\ue7\uf5es entomol\uf3gicas e literatura especializada. Foram coletados 6.172 indiv\uedduos, distribu\ueddos em 39 fam\uedlias e 249 esp\ue9cies, dessas 130 foram identificadas em n\uedvel de esp\ue9cie e 119 em fam\uedlia, representando 4.498 e 1.674 do total de indiv\uedduos coletados respectivamente. As esp\ue9cies mais abundantes foram Cyclocephala sp. 1, Cyclocephala sp. 2, Dyscinetus sp. 1, Euetheola humilis (Scarabaeidae) e Neoclytus curvatus (Cerambycidae) representando 49,28% dos indiv\uedduos identificados por g\ueanero e/ou esp\ue9cie. Scarabaeidae apresentou o maior n\ufamero de indiv\uedduos (2.588), distribu\ueddos em 37 esp\ue9cies. As fam\uedlias Cerambycidae (47) e Scolytidae (40) apresentaram maior quantidade de esp\ue9cies. Em todos os meses coletaram-se indiv\uedduos da ordem Coleoptera, com maior n\ufamero de exemplares em dezembro de 2006 e mar\ue7o de 2007.The objective of this study was to collect, identify and study population fluctuation of Coleoptera species in a forest of Eucalyptus spp., on a farm in the municipality of Pinheiro Machado, Rio Grande do Sul State. Insects were collected with light traps and ethanol traps, once every fifteen days, in the period of February 2006 to October 2007. The insects, after selection procedures, were identified based on entomological collections and specialized literature. A total of 6172 individuals were collected and distributed among 40 families and 249 species, of which 130 were identified at the species level and 119 at the family level, representing 4498 and 1674 of total individuals collected, respectively. Cyclocephala sp. 1, Cyclocephala sp. 2, Dyscinetus sp. 1, Euetheola humilis (Scarabaeidae) and Neoclytus curvatus (Cerambycidae) were the most abundant species, representing 49.28% of the individuals identified in genus and/or species. Scarabaeidae presented the highest number of individuals (2588), distributed in 37 species. The families Cerambycidae (47) and Scolytidae (40) presented the largest number of species. Individuals of Coleoptera were trapped at all collections but the largest number of individuals was trapped in December 2006 and March 2007

    Synthesis and characterization of the copolymer poly(3-poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-co-?-caprolactone) from poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and poly(?-caprolactone)

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    O copol?mero poli(3-hidroxibutirato-co-?-caprolactona) foi sintetizado por transesterifica??o, a partir dos homopol?meros PHB e PCL, usando acetilacetonato de zirc?nio(IV), como catalisador, nas concentra??es de 20, 50 e 80% de PHB em massa. Os copol?meros foram caracterizados por GPC, m?todos espectrosc?picos (RMN-?H, RMN-13C e IV-FT) e m?todos t?rmicos (TG e DSC). A rota de s?ntese utilizada mostrou-se eficaz na s?ntese dos copol?meros P(HB-co-CL), os quais mostraram diminui??o das cadeias polim?ricas, apresentando Mw inferior a 24.000Daltons. Todos os copol?meros obtidos s?o termicamente mais est?veis que o PHB e com menor cristalinidade que os homopol?meros de partida. Esses materiais s?o bons candidatos para utiliza??o como biomateriais em matrizes para libera??o controlada de f?rmacos ou mesmo como compatibilizante em blendas PHB/PCL.Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecu?ria de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico (CNPq)Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES)In the present work, the copolymer poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co??-caprolactone), P(HB-co-CL), was prepared by transesterification reaction from PHB and PCL. Zirconium (IV) acetylacetonate was used as catalyst and the copolymers were obtained in a wide range of compositions of PHB/PCL (20/80, 50/50, 80/20). These copolymers were characterized by GPC, FT-IR, ?H-NMR, 13C-NMR, TG, and DSC. The copolymers had weight average molecular weight less than 24.000 Daltons. All the systems were thermally more stable than PHB, showing lower crystallinity than the homopolymers. These materials are good candidates to be used as biomaterials, in drug release matrices, or even as PHB/PCL blends compatibilizers

    Живопись викторианской эпохи в Англии. История создания прерафаэлитского братства

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    В статье рассматривается история возникновения и развития братства Прерафаэлитов. Анализируется творчество художников: Данте Россетти, Холмана Ханта, Джона Миллеса.У статті розглядається історія виникнення та розвитку братства Прерафаелітів. Аналізується творчість митців: Данте Россетті, Холмана Ханта, Джона Міллеса.The foundation and development of the Pre-Raphaelites Brotherhood is observed in the article. The life and main works of the following artists are analyzed: Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais