9,563 research outputs found

    What's [Yet] to Be Seen? Re-Using Qualitative Data

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    This paper considers current debates about re-using qualitative research data by reflecting on its implications for the nature of social science knowledge created in this process and the ways in which the disclosure of researchers\' practices are linked with the making of professional academic careers. It examines a research project using two different approaches – a \'virtual\' and a \'classic\' ethnography – to argue that issues concerned with re-use of data depend on the methods employed and the overall processes of investigation. The paper argues for an appreciation of the contexts involved in the generation of research material which takes into account both the development of the study and related fieldwork processes as well as the academic context in which knowledge is produced, particularly those involved in the construction of academic selves and professional careers, which are part of a wider situation bearing upon scientific enquiry.Secondary Data Analysis, Ethnography, Visual Methodology, Academic Careers

    A Political Economy Model of Regulation Explained Through Fuzzy Logics

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    The basic problem of environmental regulation involves the government trying to induce a polluter to take socially desirable actions, which ostensibly are not in the best interest of the polluter. But the government may not always be able to precisely control the polluter. To further complicate matters the government faces a complex problem of determining exactly what level of pollution is best for society. In reality the government faces pressures from consumers and polluters. There are some important lessons to gather from the analysis of current models of regulation. One is that there are many imperfect links between the legislature and the pollution-generating process. In this case regulation may be excessively costly, may result in considerable cheating, and may result in excessive pollution. Another lesson is that legislature does not necessarily act as an efficient benevolent maximizer of social well-being. The authors intend in this paper to explain the current view of political models of regulation, analysing them for their complexity, and attempt to provide a reasonable explanation of their functioning recurring to fuzzy logics. Understanding how the browns and greens interact with the legislature and regulatory agencies can to some extent explain the current environmental regulations. The fuzzy approach, intends to allow for easier understanding of these interactions, and provide an answer for more effective decision making. Keywords: Environmental Regulation, Environmental Economics, Fuzzy Logics, Models, Pollution Control, Sustainability

    Selected Texas University Stakeholders\u27 Perceptions of Threat Assessment Teams and Their Impact on Campus Safety

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    In response to the rising violence on university campuses many institutions of higher education (IHE) have formed Threat Assessment Teams (TAT) on their campuses (Randazzo, & Cameron, 2012). The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of the impact that Threat Assessment Teams have had on the campus safety at two large state universities in Texas. To examine this perception, Threat Assessment Team members as well as selected stakeholders were interviewed, as a method of collecting data. The research design for this study was a Qualitative Collective Case Study (Creswell, 2015). This research investigated the perceptions university stakeholders have about their Threat Assessment Teams and their impact on the safety of the campus. Sampling was purposive and criterion sampling (Creswell, 2015). The findings have supported the research by reinforcing the need for these Teams to enhance the safety and security of the college community. The themes clarified the perception that these Teams have a positive impact on campus safety, including the support and resources provided to students in need. The study highlighted the importance of the role these teams play on campus. Showing several implications which could improve the TAT and their function for impacting the safety of the college. One of the key recommendations was an assertion that formalizing Threat Assessment Teams on a college campus was essential
