8 research outputs found

    Elastoplastic analysis of plane steel frames under dynamic loading

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    Knowledge of structural behavior is essential for designing lighter constructions without affecting their safety and quality standards. Lack of levels and characteristics of dynamic response, for example, can lead to system failure during repetitive loading application, due to the accumulation of structural damage. Thus, it becomes necessary to use more complex theories, such as nonlinear formulations, avoiding simplifications in the process of analysis/design. Plastic analysis of steel structures enhances several benefits compared to the elastic’s, because one of the most important characteristics of this material, the ductility - ability to withstand large deformations before breaking - is fully considered. This allows for force redistribution after the yielding limit of some structural member’s cross section has been achieved. This property also promotes the absorption of energy, which becomes extremely important in structures subjected to seismic excitation

    Elastoplastic analysis of plane steel frames under dynamic loading

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    Knowledge of structural behavior is essential for designing lighter constructions without affecting their safety and quality standards. Lack of levels and characteristics of dynamic response, for example, can lead to system failure during repetitive loading application, due to the accumulation of structural damage. Thus, it becomes necessary to use more complex theories, such as nonlinear formulations, avoiding simplifications in the process of analysis/design. Plastic analysis of steel structures enhances several benefits compared to the elastic’s, because one of the most important characteristics of this material, the ductility - ability to withstand large deformations before breaking - is fully considered. This allows for force redistribution after the yielding limit of some structural member’s cross section has been achieved. This property also promotes the absorption of energy, which becomes extremely important in structures subjected to seismic excitation

    Influência dos níveis de concentrado sobre os cortes comerciais, os constituintes não-carcaça e os componentes da perna de cordeiros confinados Effect of concentrate levels on retail cuts, non-carcass and leg components of crossbred feedlot lambs

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    Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de determinar a influência dos níveis de concentrado sobre o peso e o rendimento dos cortes e dos constituintes não-carcaça e a composição tecidual da perna de cordeiros mestiços de Dorper terminados em confinamento ou mestiços de Dorper x Santa Inês. Foram utilizados 32 cordeiros (não-castrados) ½ Dorper x ½ Santa Inês (peso médio inicial de 17,1 kg) alimentados com dietas contendo 30, 45, 60 e 75% de concentrado. Os cordeiros foram distribuídos em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro tratamentos e oito repetições. Os animais foram mantidos em confinamento durante 43 dias. Após o abate, as carcaças foram resfriadas por 24 horas. Foram registrados os pesos e as porcentagens dos cortes da meia-carcaça e as porcentagens de osso, músculos e tecido adiposo, avaliadas por meio de dissecação da perna. Houve efeito significativo linear crescente dos níveis de concentrado sobre os pesos de pescoço, paleta, costilhar, lombo e perna. Verificou-se também efeito significativo linear decrescente sobre os rendimentos dos cortes comerciais (pescoço, perna e paleta), excetuando-se o de costilhar, que cresceu linearmente. A espessura de gordura e a área de olho-de-lombo foram influenciadas pelos níveis de concentrado. Observou-se efeito significativo sobre os constituintes não-carcaça, exceto o trato digestório, que não foi afetado pelos níveis de concentrado. O aumento do nível de concentrado influenciou o peso e o rendimento dos cortes e órgãos internos e aumentou a proporção e a deposição de gordura na carcaça.<br>Thirty-two intact lambs averaging 17.1 kg of initial body weight were assigned to one of the following four treatments: 30, 45, 60 or 75% of dietary concentrate in a completely randomized design (eight lambs/treatment). Lambs were feedlot fed during the experimental period (43 days). After slaughter, carcasses were refrigerated for 24 h. It was measured the weights and percentages of five cuts from the half carcass as well as the proportion of muscle, bone and fat tissue from the leg. The weights of neck, shoulder, ribs, loin and leg all increased linearly by increasing the level of concentrate in the diet while the opposite was observed for the yields of neck, leg, and shoulder; yield of ribs followed the increment of concentrate in the diet and increased linearly. Fat thickness and loin eye area were both affected by the level of concentrate in the diet. The same was observed for the non-carcass components with the exception of digestive tract. Feeding increasing dietary levels of concentrate to lambs affected the weight and yield of retail cuts and internal organs and increased the proportion and deposition of fat in the carcass

    Seed quality and optimal spatial arrangement of fodder radish

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    Besides the use of fodder radish (Raphanus sativus var. oleiferus Metzg.) as green manure plant cover crops and animal feed, the seeds have high oil content and low viscosity, ideal characteristics for the production of biodiesel. Studies related to the technology of seed production for this species are insufficient to define the best spatial arrangement of plants in the field that provides higher yields associated with high-quality seeds. Thus, we investigated the space and density between plants that would be ideal for the production of high quality fodder radish seeds. We evaluated the agronomic characteristics and physical, physiological and seed health quality in recently harvested fodder radish in row spacings of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 m and densities of 10, 30, 50 and 70 seeds m-2. The quality and productivity of the fodder radish's seeds were affected by the spatial arrangement of plants in the field. Seeds harvested under the spacing of 0.2 m and density of 30 seeds m-2 had better performance and physical, physiological and health quality. Alternaria sp. incidence increased with greater spacing, while Fusarium sp. incidence decreased

    Antibody response in cattle after vaccination with inactivated and attenuated rabies vaccines Resposta imune humoral anti-rábica em bovinos imunizados com vacina inativada e atenuada

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    Despite the absence of current official reports showing the number of cattle infected by rabies, it is estimated that nearly 30,000 bovines are lost each year in Brazil. In order to minimize the important economic losses, control of the disease is achieved by eliminating bat colonies and by herd vaccination. In this study, we compare the antibody response in cattle elicited by vaccination with an attenuated ERA vaccine (AEvac) and an inactivated-adjuvanted PV (IPVvac) vaccine. The antibody titers were appraised by cell-culture neutralization test and ELISA, and the percentage of seropositivity was ascertained for a period of 180 days. IPVvac elicited complete seropositivity rates from day 30 to day 150, and even on day 180, 87% of the sera showed virus-neutralizing antibody titers (VNA) higher than 0.5IU/ml. There were no significant differences between the VNA titers and seropositivity rates obtained with IPVvac in the two methods tested. AEvac, however, elicited significantly lower titers than those observed in the group receiving inactivated vaccine. In addition, the profiles of antirabies IgG antibodies, evaluated by ELISA, and VNA, appraised by cell-culture neutralization test, were slightly different, when both vaccines were compared.<br>A raiva bovina, transmitida principalmente pelo morcego hematófago Desmodus rotundus, é endêmica em várias regiões do Brasil, com um crescente número de casos sendo registrados anualmente. O controle desta infecção em bovinos é feito pelo controle de colônias de morcegos hematófagos e pela vacinação dos rebanhos. Embora as vacinas inativadas sejam mais seguras e mais estáveis que as vacinas atenuadas, estas últimas são ainda amplamente utilizadas em muitas regiões do país, por se acreditar que confiram imunidade mais duradoura. Neste estudo, foram comparadas as respostas anticórpicas de dois grupos de bovinos imunizados com uma vacina atenuada e uma inativada disponíveis comercialmente. Os anticorpos anti-rábicos neutralizantes (AcN) foram titulados pela técnica de soroneutralização em cultura de células BHK-21, enquanto que os níveis de anticorpos anti-rábicos totais (IgG) foram avaliados pela técnica de ELISA, por um período de 180 dias. A vacina inativada induziu a soroconversão (AcN 3 0,5 UI/ml) em 100% dos animais no dia 30, mantendo-se assim até o 150o dia; no dia 180, 87% dos animais ainda mostravam-se com títulos de AcN 3 0,5 UI/ml. Neste grupo, os níveis de IgG anti-rábicas foram semelhantes aos de AcN. A vacina atenuada, no entanto, induziu títulos de AcN e de IgG significantemente menores que os encontrados com a vacina inativada, com consequente diminuição da taxa de soropositividade. Além disso, ao contrário do verificado com a vacina inativada, o perfil de AcN não teve paralelismo com o de anticorpos IgG quando soros foram testados pela técnica de soroneutralização e pelo ELISA, respectivamente