15 research outputs found

    Clue cell

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    The skin changes in pregnancy can be either physiological (hormonal), changes in pre-existing skin diseases or development of new pregnancy specific dermatoses. Pregnancy-specific skin dermatoses include an ill-defined heterogeneous group of pruritic skin eruptions which are seen only in pregnancy. These include atopic eruption of pregnancy, polymorphic eruption of pregnancy, pemphigoid gestationis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. Atopic eruption of pregnancy is the most common of these disorders. Most skin eruptions resolve postpartum and require only symptomatic treatment. Antepartum surveillance is recommended for patients with pemphigoid gestationis and intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy as they carry fetal risk. This article deals with the classification, clinical features and treatment of the specific dermatoses of pregnancy


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    Lymphangioma circumscriptum (LC), a hamartomatous lymphatic malformation, is a therapeutic challenge for the dermatologist. Various modalities like surgical excision, lasers, and sclerotherapy have been used in the past to treat this notorious skin condition. We report the efficacy of a radiofrequency ablation in a patient with LC. The treatment efficacy of radiofrequency was satisfactory in our patient with no recurrence during 1 year follow-up period. The radiofrequency technique is a safe and economic treatment for management of LC

    Biologic therapy in psoriasis

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    Madarosis: A dermatological marker

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    Radiofrequency ablation in dermatology

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    Radiofreqeuency ablation is a versatile dermatosurgical procedure used for surgical management of skin lesions by using various forms of alternating current at an ultra high frequency. The major modalities in radiofrequency are electrosection, electrocoagulation, electrodessication and fulguration. The use of radiofrequency ablation in dermatosurgical practice has gained importance in recent years as it can be used to treat most of the skin lesions with ease in less time with clean surgical field due to adequate hemostasis and with minimal side effects and complications. This article focuses on the major tissue effects and factors influencing radiofrequency ablation and its application for various dermatological conditions