54 research outputs found

    Grading the Watson Tests

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    Grading the Watson Tests

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    Bioinformatic analysis of long-lasting transcriptional and translational changes in the basolateral amygdala following acute stress.

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    Stress profoundly impacts the brain and increases the risk of developing a psychiatric disorder. The brain's response to stress is mediated by a number of pathways that affect gene expression and protein function throughout the cell. Understanding how stress achieves such dramatic effects on the brain requires an understanding of the brain's stress response pathways. The majority of studies focused on molecular changes have employed repeated or chronic stress paradigms to assess the long-term consequences of stress and have not taken an integrative genomic and/or proteomic approach. Here, we determined the lasting impact of a single stressful event (restraint) on the broad molecular profile of the basolateral amygdala complex (BLC), a key brain region mediating emotion, memory and stress. Molecular profiling performed thirty days post-restraint consisted of small RNA sequencing, RNA sequencing and quantitative mass spectrometry and identified long-lasting changes in microRNA (miRNA), messenger RNA (mRNA) and proteins. Alignment of the three datasets further delineated the regulation of stress-specific pathways which were validated by qPCR and Western Blot analysis. From this analysis, mir-29a-5p was identified as a putative regulator of stress-induced adaptations in the BLC. Further, a number of predicted mir-29a-5p targets are regulated at the mRNA and protein level. The concerted and long-lasting disruption of multiple molecular pathways in the amygdala by a single stress event is expected to be sufficient to alter behavioral responses to a wide array of future experiences, including exposure to additional stressors

    Heroin Regulates Orbitofrontal Circular RNAs

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    The number of drug overdose deaths involving opioids continues to rise in the United States. Many patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) that seek treatment still experience relapse. Perseverant opioid seeking behaviors represent a major challenge to treating OUD and additional therapeutic development will require insight into opioid-induced neurobiological adaptations. In this study, we explored the regulation of a novel class of RNAs, circular RNAs (circRNAs), by the addictive opioid heroin in the rat orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that mediates behavioral responses to rewarding stimuli. Microarray analysis identified 76 OFC circRNAs significantly regulated in male rats after heroin self-administration. We evaluated the specificity of these findings by measuring heroin-associated circRNA expression in female rats after heroin self-administration and in rats that self-administered sucrose. We identify circGrin2b, circUbe2cp, circAnks1a, circAdcy5 and circSlc24A2 as heroin-responsive circRNAs in the OFC. Linear mRNA levels of heroin-associated circRNAs were unchanged except for Grin2b and Adcy5. An integrated bioinformatics analysis of regulated circRNAs identified microRNAs predicted to bind heroin-associated circRNAs and downstream targets of circRNA: microRNA sponging. Thus, heroin regulates the expression of OFC RNA splice variants that circularize and may impact cellular processes that contribute to the neurobiological adaptations that arise from chronic heroin exposure
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