4 research outputs found

    New paradigm of the Russian labor market in the context of the formation of an inclusive economy and a new gender order

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    The author considers the profound changes that have occurred in the Russian labor market during the transition from a transitive economy to an inclusive one and the expanding influence of the emerging gender order, the theoretical concept of which is the theory of gender neutrality. A new paradigm for the development of the Russian labor market is proposed, which meets the radically changed economic and social conditions for the development of socio-gender labor resources in the conditions of digitalization. According to the author, a new multi-vector structure has formed in the Russian economic space, consisting of four closely interrelated markets: labor, employment, professions, and educational services. The labor market and the employment market have become the epicenter of the development of social inclusion and an inclusive economy, which have presented qualitatively different requirements for socio-gender labor resources. The complex interrelations between the four segments of the new structuration are analyzed as deep structural changes and tectonic shifts in the formation of socio-gender labor resources, the implementation of their social functions, and the reformatting of social mechanisms for managing ongoing processes. The inertial view of the labor market as a single social space does not correspond to the realities of its modern development. The article reveals the essence of the new social structuration in the context of the theory of Giddens, its architectonics, logistics of development, dialectics, and social multidimensionality. The trends in the development of a new social structuration are evaluated through the standpoint of the formation of a new gender order and the theory of gender neutrality

    Family entrepreneurship as a social resource for increasing employment of Russian families

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    The subject of the article is the poorly studied to date social phenomenon of family entrepreneurship as a type of joint labor activities of family members, which improves the family’s standard of living. The phenomenon of family entrepreneurship is considered from the standpoint of the sociological approach in four perspectives: as a social process, as a type of collective work activity, as a form of group economic behavior of family members as a small group, and as a form of educational work on the formation of children’s needs and working skills. From the perspective of gender sociology family entrepreneurship is considered as a type of gender-neutral entrepreneurship, in which all family members can participate, regardless of gender attribute, but with different degrees of involvement in a family business. A positive prerequisite for the development of family entrepreneurship in the Russian market is the active integration of women in business and the development of gender-oriented entrepreneurship (male and female) in Russia. Each of these types, with its own experience, specifics, and dynamics of development, has a positive impact on the spread of family entrepreneurship. Based on the method of content analysis the degree of actualization of public and scientific attention to the problem of family entrepreneurship, scientific approaches to its study and the potential for further spread are revealed. The findings of the content analysis are supplemented by the results of narrative interviews with entrepreneurs revealing the degree of their understanding of the essence of family entrepreneurship, its strengths, and weaknesses, risks, and potential, the attitude of entrepreneurs to increasing economic activity of family members. The assessment of factors hindering the development of family entrepreneurship, its prospects, and expectations of forms of government assistance to this process is provided. The social potential of family entrepreneurship, its educational role in the formation of children’s labor skills, and intergenerational continuity of family business are emphasized in the research

    Women's and Men's Work in Transitional Russia: Legacies of the Soviet System

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