2,643 research outputs found

    Expansive actions on uniform spaces and surjunctive maps

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    We present a uniform version of a result of M. Gromov on the surjunctivity of maps commuting with expansive group actions and discuss several applications. We prove in particular that for any group Γ\Gamma and any field \K, the space of Γ\Gamma-marked groups GG such that the group algebra \K[G] is stably finite is compact.Comment: 21 page

    Modified Regge calculus as an explanation of dark energy

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    Using Regge calculus, we construct a Regge differential equation for the time evolution of the scale factor a(t)a(t) in the Einstein-de Sitter cosmology model (EdS). We propose two modifications to the Regge calculus approach: 1) we allow the graphical links on spatial hypersurfaces to be large, as in direct particle interaction when the interacting particles reside in different galaxies, and 2) we assume luminosity distance DLD_L is related to graphical proper distance DpD_p by the equation DL=(1+z)DpDpD_L = (1+z)\sqrt{\overrightarrow{D_p}\cdot \overrightarrow{D_p}}, where the inner product can differ from its usual trivial form. The modified Regge calculus model (MORC), EdS and Λ\LambdaCDM are compared using the data from the Union2 Compilation, i.e., distance moduli and redshifts for type Ia supernovae. We find that a best fit line through log(DLGpc)\displaystyle \log{(\frac{D_L}{Gpc})} versus logz\log{z} gives a correlation of 0.9955 and a sum of squares error (SSE) of 1.95. By comparison, the best fit Λ\LambdaCDM gives SSE = 1.79 using HoH_o = 69.2 km/s/Mpc, ΩM\Omega_{M} = 0.29 and ΩΛ\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.71. The best fit EdS gives SSE = 2.68 using HoH_o = 60.9 km/s/Mpc. The best fit MORC gives SSE = 1.77 and HoH_o = 73.9 km/s/Mpc using R=A1R = A^{-1} = 8.38 Gcy and m=1.71×1052m = 1.71\times 10^{52} kg, where RR is the current graphical proper distance between nodes, A1A^{-1} is the scaling factor from our non-trival inner product, and mm is the nodal mass. Thus, MORC improves EdS as well as Λ\LambdaCDM in accounting for distance moduli and redshifts for type Ia supernovae without having to invoke accelerated expansion, i.e., there is no dark energy and the universe is always decelerating.Comment: 15 pages text, 6 figures. Revised as accepted for publication in Class. Quant. Gra

    Welfare loss with municipal amalgamations and the willingness-to-pay for the municipality name

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    Functional advantages and drawbacks are commonly mentioned to rationally justify or condemn municipality amalgamations. However, many consolidation projects are resisted by local governments or citizens on the grounds that amalgamation would dampen local identity. A municipality's name change is probably the most visible sign of the loss of community bond experienced by citizens at amalgamation time. This article aims to put a value on this loss by measuring citizen willingness to pay for their city name. This methodological approach innovates upon the literature on municipal amalgamation and place branding by exploiting the versatility of the so-called contingent valuation method (CVM). CVM confronts respondents, in a survey setting, with a hypothetical market in which a characteristic of interest is exchanged. Here the characteristic is the possibility to retain one's city name for an amalgamated jurisdiction. The article presents the estimates provided by a survey conducted in four Swiss cities

    La valeur du nom de commune

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    Ex-post survey on the consequences and perceptions about amalgamation : The case of two Swiss municipalities

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    In 2006, two municipalities located in the canton of Fribourg (Switzerland), La Tour-de-Trême and Bulle, amalgamated. In this study, we report on the evolution of citizen perceptions as well as try to better understand the reasons behind the respondents various positions concerning this new political and territorial entity. Five-hundred individuals were surveyed almost four years after the amalgamation came into effect. Our results show that if the amalgamation was voted again, it would be necessary to be particularly attentive to citizen access to municipal offices and to local service provisions, to citizen identification to their municipality as well as to the life of the local associations. Indeed, these are clearly important issues for small localities. Furthermore, citizens of the newly amalgamated municipality are mostly sensitive to access to municipal offices and to contact with local representatives. Improving the population's perceptions of these particular issues could lead to a 12 percentage point increase in support for the amalgamation

    Maxwell equations in matrix form, squaring procedure, separating the variables, and structure of electromagnetic solutions

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    The Riemann -- Silberstein -- Majorana -- Oppenheimer approach to the Maxwell electrodynamics in vacuum is investigated within the matrix formalism. The matrix form of electrodynamics includes three real 4 \times 4 matrices. Within the squaring procedure we construct four formal solutions of the Maxwell equations on the base of scalar Klein -- Fock -- Gordon solutions. The problem of separating physical electromagnetic waves in the linear space \lambda_{0}\Psi^{0}+\lambda_{1}\Psi^{1}+\lambda_{2}\Psi^{2}+ lambda_{3}\Psi^{3} is investigated, several particular cases, plane waves and cylindrical waves, are considered in detail.Comment: 26 pages 16 International Seminar NCPC, May 19-22, 2009, Minsk, Belaru

    Generalized Gravi-Electromagnetism

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    A self consistant and manifestly covariant theory for the dynamics of four charges (masses) (namely electric, magnetic, gravitational, Heavisidian) has been developed in simple, compact and consistent manner. Starting with an invariant Lagrangian density and its quaternionic representation, we have obtained the consistent field equation for the dynamics of four charges. It has been shown that the present reformulation reproduces the dynamics of individual charges (masses) in the absence of other charge (masses) as well as the generalized theory of dyons (gravito - dyons) in the absence gravito - dyons (dyons). key words: dyons, gravito - dyons, quaternion PACS NO: 14.80H

    Exponential beams of electromagnetic radiation

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    We show that in addition to well known Bessel, Hermite-Gauss, and Laguerre-Gauss beams of electromagnetic radiation, one may also construct exponential beams. These beams are characterized by a fall-off in the transverse direction described by an exponential function of rho. Exponential beams, like Bessel beams, carry definite angular momentum and are periodic along the direction of propagation, but unlike Bessel beams they have a finite energy per unit beam length. The analysis of these beams is greatly simplified by an extensive use of the Riemann-Silberstein vector and the Whittaker representation of the solutions of the Maxwell equations in terms of just one complex function. The connection between the Bessel beams and the exponential beams is made explicit by constructing the exponential beams as wave packets of Bessel beams.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Edwin Powe