421 research outputs found

    The Porcupine Survey: A Distributed Survey and WISE Followup

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    Spitzer post-cryogen observations to perform a moderate depth survey distributed around the sky are proposed. Field centers are chosen to be WISE brown dwarf candidates, which will typically be 160 µJy at 4.7 µm and randomly distributed around the sky. The Spitzer observations will give much higher sensitivity, higher angular resolution, and a time baseline to measure both proper motions and possibly parallaxes. The distance and velocity data obtained on the WISE brown dwarf candidates will greatly improve our knowledge of the mass and age distribution of brown dwarfs. The outer parts of the Spitzer fields surrounding the WISE positions will provide a deep survey in many narrow fields of view distributed around the sky, and the volume of this survey will contain many more distant brown dwarfs, and many extragalactic objects

    Structural and Compositional Changes in Aging Bone: Osteopenia in Lumbar Vertebrae of Wistar Female Rats

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    Changes in vertebral bone mineral content and density during aging were quantified in female Wistar rats. This study represents a longitudinal follow up utilizing single photon absorptiometry for the measurement of bone mineral content (BMC), quantitative computed tomography (OCT) for the measurement of bone mineral density (BMD), and image analysis histomorphometry for the measurement of trabecular bone volume (TBV) and bone cortical area (BCA). The above measurements were accompanied by biochemical assays of calcium concentrations in the respective bones. All aging animals experienced significant decreases in BMC, BMD, TBV, BCA and in the calcium content of their bones. The above features have been further emphasized through the use of scanning electron micrographs showing the age-related structural changes in a three-dimentional fashion. New, advanced technologies will enable the quantitation of 3-dimensional images that are currently obtained from the scanning electron micrograph; thus will provide new consideration as related to trabecular bone compactness (density). Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy indicated that the nature of crystals in aging bones does not differ markedly from that encountered in young specimens. Data are also provided with regard to the health of the animals, and it became apparent that aging rats undergo changes in their kidneys yet do not show any significant change in renal functional parameters as measured in both the serum and the urine. Hence, new noninvasive methodologies are currently available for longitudinal studies related to the skeleton in laboratory animals enabling reliable monitoring of age-related and hormonally induced changes in bones (spine and hip) of well defined experimental models

    Planetary Science Goals for the Spitzer Warm Era

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    The overarching goal of planetary astronomy is to deduce how the present collection of objects found in our Solar System were formed from the original material present in the proto-solar nebula. As over two hundred exo-planetary systems are now known, and multitudes more are expected, the Solar System represents the closest and best system which we can study, and the only one in which we can clearly resolve individual bodies other than planets. In this White Paper we demonstrate how to use Spitzer Space Telescope InfraRed Array Camera Channels 1 and 2 (3.6 and 4.5 µm) imaging photometry with large dedicated surveys to advance our knowledge of Solar System formation and evolution. There are a number of vital, key projects to be pursued using dedicated large programs that have not been pursued during the five years of Spitzer cold operations. We present a number of the largest and most important projects here; more will certainly be proposed once the warm era has begun, including important observations of newly discovered objects

    SPRITE: the Spitzer proposal review website

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    The Spitzer Science Center (SSC), located on the campus of the California Institute of Technology, supports the science operations of NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope. The SSC issues an annual Call for Proposals inviting investigators worldwide to submit Spitzer Space Telescope proposals. The Spitzer Proposal Review Website (SPRITE) is a MySQL/PHP web database application designed to support the SSC proposal review process. Review panel members use the software to view, grade, and write comments about the proposals, and SSC support team members monitor the grading and ranking process and ultimately generate a ranked list of all the proposals. The software is also used to generate, edit, and email award letters to the proposers. This work was performed at the California Institute of Technology under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    The Mid-Infrared Spectra of Normal Galaxies

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    The mid-infrared spectra (2.5 to 5 and 5.7 to 11.6 mu) obtained by ISO-PHOT reveal the interstellar medium emission from galaxies powered by star formation to be strongly dominated by the aromatic features at 6.2, 7.7, 8.6 and 11.3 mu. Additional emission appears in-between the features, and an underlying continuum is clearly evident at 3-5 mu. This continuum would contribute about a third of the luminosity in the 3 to 13 mu range. The features together carry 5 to 30% of the 40-to-120 mu `FIR' luminosity. The relative fluxes in individual features depend very weakly on galaxy parameters such as the far-infrared colors, direct evidence that the emitting particles are not in thermal equilibrium. The dip at 10 mu is unlikely to result from silicate absorption, since its shape is invariant among galaxies. The continuum component has a f_nu \~ nu^{0.65} shape between 3 and 5 mu and carries 1 to 4% of the FIR luminosity; its extrapolation to longer wavelengths falls well below the spectrum in the 6 to 12 mu range. This continuum component is almost certainly of non-stellar origin, and is probably due to fluctuating grains without aromatic features. The spectra reported here typify the integrated emission from the interstellar medium of the majority of star-forming galaxies, and could thus be used to obtain redshifts of highly extincted galaxies up to z=3 with SIRTF.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, uses AAS LaTeX; to appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    MySQL/PHP web database applications for IPAC proposal submission

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    The Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) is NASA's multi-mission center of expertise for long-wavelength astrophysics. Proposals for various IPAC missions and programs are ingested via MySQL/PHP web database applications. Proposers use web forms to enter coversheet information and upload PDF files related to the proposal. Upon proposal submission, a unique directory is created on the webserver into which all of the uploaded files are placed. The coversheet information is converted into a PDF file using a PHP extension called FPDF. The files are concatenated into one PDF file using the command-line tool pdftk and then forwarded to the review committee. This work was performed at the California Institute of Technology under contract to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    Role of aspartyl-(asparaginyl)-β-hydroxylase mediated notch signaling in cerebellar development and function

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aspartyl-(Asparaginyl)-β-Hydroxylase (AAH) is a hydroxylating enzyme that promotes cell motility by enhancing Notch-Jagged-HES-1 signaling. Ethanol impaired cerebellar neuron migration during development is associated with reduced expression of AAH.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To further characterize the role of AAH in relation to cerebellar development, structure, and function, we utilized an in vivo model of early postnatal (P2) intracerebro-ventricular gene delivery to silence AAH with small interfering RNA (siAAH), or over-express it with recombinant plasmid DNA (pAAH). On P20, we assessed cerebellar motor function by rotarod testing. Cerebella harvested on P21 were used to measure AAH, genes/proteins that mediate AAH's downstream signaling, i.e. Notch-1, Jagged-1, and HES-1, and immunoreactivity corresponding to neuronal and glial elements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The findings demonstrated that: 1) siAAH transfection impaired motor performance and blunted cerebellar foliation, and decreased expression of neuronal and glial specific genes; 2) pAAH transfection enhanced motor performance and increased expression of neuronal and glial cytoskeletal proteins; and 3) alterations in AAH expression produced similar shifts in Notch-1, Jagged-1, and HES-1 protein or gene expression.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results support our hypothesis that AAH is an important mediator of cerebellar development and function, and link AAH expression to Notch signaling pathways in the developing brain.</p

    Proposal review rankings: the influence of reviewer discussions on proposal selection

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    The telescope time allocation process for NASA's Great Observatories involves a substantial commitment of time and expertise by the astronomical community. The annual review meetings typically have 100 external participants. Each reviewer spends 3-6 days at the meeting in addition to one-two weeks of preparation time, reading and grading proposals. The reviewers grade the proposals based on their individual reading prior to the meeting and grade them again after discussion within the broad, subject-based review panels. We summarize here how the outcome of the review process for three Spitzer observing cycles would have changed if the selection had been done strictly based on the preliminary grades without having the panels meet and discuss the proposals. The changes in grading during the review meeting have a substantial impact on the final list of selected proposals. Approximately 30% of the selected proposals would not have been included if just the preliminary rankings had been used to make the selection

    The HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale XXV. A Recalibration of Cepheid Distances to Type Ia Supernovae and the Value of the Hubble Constant

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    Cepheid-based distances to seven Type Ia supernovae (SNe)-host galaxies have been derived using the standard HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale pipeline. For the first time, this allows for a transparent comparison of data accumulated as part of three different HST projects, the Key Project, the Sandage et al. Type Ia SNe program, and the Tanvir et al. Leo I Group study. Re-analyzing the Tanvir et al. galaxy and six Sandage et al. galaxies we find a mean (weighted) offset in true distance moduli of 0.12+/-0.07 mag -- i.e., 6% in linear distance -- in the sense of reducing the distance scale, or increasing H0. Adopting the reddening-corrected Hubble relations of Suntzeff et al. (1999), tied to a zero point based upon SNe~1990N, 1981B, 1998bu, 1989B, 1972E and 1960F and the photometric calibration of Hill et al. (1998), leads to a Hubble constant of H0=68+/-2(random)+/-5(systematic) km/s/Mpc. Adopting the Kennicutt et al. (1998) Cepheid period-luminosity-metallicity dependency decreases the inferred H0 by 4%. The H0 result from Type Ia SNe is now in good agreement, to within their respective uncertainties, with that from the Tully-Fisher and surface brightness fluctuation relations.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 62 pages, LaTeX, 9 Postscript figures. Also available at http://casa.colorado.edu/~bgibson/publications.htm

    The HST Key Project on the Extragalactic Distance Scale. XXVIII. Combining the Constraints on the Hubble Constant

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    Since the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope nine years ago, Cepheid distances to 25 galaxies have been determined for the purpose of calibrating secondary distance indicators. A variety of these can now be calibrated, and the accompanying papers by Sakai, Kelson, Ferrarese, and Gibson employ the full set of 25 galaxies to consider the Tully-Fisher relation, the fundamental plane of elliptical galaxies, Type Ia supernovae, and surface brightness fluctuations. When calibrated with Cepheid distances, each of these methods yields a measurement of the Hubble constant and a corresponding measurement uncertainty. We combine these measurements in this paper, together with a model of the velocity field, to yield the best available estimate of the value of H_0 within the range of these secondary distance indicators and its uncertainty. The result is H_0 = 71 +/- 6 km/sec/Mpc. The largest contributor to the uncertainty of this 67% confidence level result is the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud, which has been assumed to be 50 +/- 3 kpc