51 research outputs found

    Cohort-based kernel principal component analysis with Multi-path Service Routing in Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning (ML) strategy that is performed in a decentralized environment. The training is performed locally by the client on the global model shared by the server. Federated learning has recently been used as a service (FLaaS) to provide a collaborative training environment to independent third-party applications. However, the widespread adoption in distributed settings of FL has opened venues for a number of security attacks. A number of studies have been performed to prevent multiple FL attacks. However, sophisticated attacks, such as label-flipping attacks, have received little or no attention. From the said perspective, this research is focused on providing a defense mechanism for the aforesaid attack. The proposed approach is based on Type-based Cohorts (TC) with Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA) to detect and defend against label-flipping attacks. Moreover, to improve the performance of the network, we will deploy Multi-path Service Routing (MSR) for edge nodes to work effectively. The KPCA will be used to secure the network from attacks. The proposed mechanism will provide an effective and secure FL system. The proposed approach is evaluated with respect to the following measures: execution time, memory consumption, information loss, accuracy, service request violations, and the request’s waiting time

    A Stop Codon in Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group C Families in Turkey and Italy: Molecular Genetic Evidence for a Common Ancestor

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    Xeroderma pigmentosum family G from Van, Turkey had two severely affected children: a son with multiple skin cancers who died at age 10 (XP67TMA), and an 8 y old daughter who began developing skin cancer before 3 y of age (XP68TMA). XP67TMA and XP68TMA cells were hypersensitive to killing by ultraviolet and the post-ultraviolet DNA repair level was 12–16% of normal. Host cell reactivation of an ultraviolet-treated reporter plasmid cotransfected with a vector expressing wild-type XPC cDNA assigned XP67TMA to xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C. The XPC mRNA level was markedly reduced. Sequencing of the 3.5 kb XPC cDNA from XP67TMA showed a C–T mutation in XPC exon 8 at base pair 1840. This mutation converts the CGA codon of arginine at amino acid 579 to a UGA stop codon resulting in marked truncation of the 940 amino acid xeroderma pigmentosum C protein. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of XPC exon 8 DNA in XP67TMA and XP68TMA showed that both affected children had a homozygous mutation and that both parents had heterozygous normal and mutated sequences at the same position consistent with a history of consanguinity in the family. The mutated allele also contained two XPC single nucleotide polymorphisms. The same mutated XPC allele was reported in an Italian family. Studies of 19 microsatellite markers flanking the XPC gene on chromosome 3 suggest that the XPC allele passed between Italy and Turkey approximately 300–500 y ago. This XPC allele containing a nonsense mutation is associated with severe clinical disease with multiple skin cancers and early death

    Xeroderma Pigmentosum Group C Splice Mutation Associated with Autism and Hypoglycinemia

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    A 4 y old boy of Korean ancestry had xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) with sun sensitivity, multiple cutaneous neoplasms, and inability to speak. Neurologic examination revealed hyperactivity and autistic features without typical XP neurologic abnormalities. Cultured skin fibroblasts (XP22BE) showed decreased post-UV survival, reduced post-UV plasmid host cell reactivation and defective DNA repair (16% of normal unscheduled DNA synthesis in intact cells and undetectable excision repair in a cell free extract). In vitro and in vivo complementation assigned XP22BE to XP group C (XPC) and a markedly reduced level of XPC mRNA was found. Two XPC cDNA bands were identified. One band had a deletion of 161 bases comprising the entire exon 9, which resulted in premature termination of the mutant XPC mRNA. The larger band also had the same deletion of exon 9 but, in addition, had an insertion of 155 bases in its place (exon 9a), resulting in an in-frame XPC mRNA. Genomic DNA analysis revealed a T-->G mutation at the splice donor site of XPC exon 9, which markedly reduced its information content. The 155 base pair XPC exon 9a insertion was located in intron 9 and was flanked by strong splice donor and acceptor sequences. Analysis of the patient's blood showed persistently low levels of glycine (68 microM; NL, 125-318 microM). Normal glycine levels were maintained with oral glycine supplements and his hyperactivity diminished. These data provide evidence of an association of an XPC splice site mutation with autistic neurologic features and hypoglycinemia

    The influence of DNA repair on neurological degeneration, cachexia, skin cancer and internal neoplasms: autopsy report of four xeroderma pigmentosum patients (XP-A, XP-C and XP-D)

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate the association of DNA nucleotide excision repair (NER) defects with neurological degeneration, cachexia and cancer, we performed autopsies on 4 adult xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients with different clinical features and defects in NER complementation groups XP-A, XP-C or XP-D. RESULTS: The XP-A (XP12BE) and XP-D (XP18BE) patients exhibited progressive neurological deterioration with sensorineural hearing loss. The clinical spectrum encompassed severe cachexia in the XP-A (XP12BE) patient, numerous skin cancers in the XP-A and two XP-C (XP24BE and XP1BE) patients and only few skin cancers in the XP-D patient. Two XP-C patients developed internal neoplasms including glioblastoma in XP24BE and uterine adenocarcinoma in XP1BE. At autopsy, the brains of the 44 yr XP-A and the 45 yr XP-D patients were profoundly atrophic and characterized microscopically by diffuse neuronal loss, myelin pallor and gliosis. Unlike the XP-A patient, the XP-D patient had a thickened calvarium, and the brain showed vacuolization of the neuropil in the cerebrum, cerebellum and brainstem, and patchy Purkinje cell loss. Axonal neuropathy and chronic denervation atrophy of the skeletal muscles were observed in the XP-A patient, but not in the XP-D patient. CONCLUSIONS: These clinical manifestations and autopsy findings indicate advanced involvement of the central and peripheral nervous system. Despite similar defects in DNA repair, different clinicopathological phenotypes are seen in the four cases, and therefore distinct patterns of neurodegeneration characterize XP-D, XP-A and XP-C patients

    Effect of Kerosene and Its Soot on the Chrysotile-Mediated Toxicity to the Rat Alveolar Macrophages

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    In order to examine the pulmonary toxicity of kerosene oil and its combustion product (soot) in asbestos-exposed rats, various biochemical and chemical parameters were assayed. Treatment of rats with a single intratracheal dose of chrysotile asbestos (5 mg) and kerosene (50 l) or its soot (5 mg) in combination led to an increased number of pulmonary alveolar macrophages (PAM), elevated levels of hydrogen peroxide, and thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances, alterations in the activities of primary (glutathione peroxidase and catalase) and secondary (glutathione reductase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) endogenous antioxidant enzymes, and depletion in the levels of glutathione in PAM compared to the chrysotile, kerosene, or soot alone. These changes may indicate the generation of oxidative stress in the macrophages. The resulting oxidative stress may be subsequently critical in collapsing the cellular membrane, which may change the cell membrane permeability and may also damage the phagolysosomal membrane, thereby releasing the membrane bound enzymes as indicated by an increased leakage of intracellular acid phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase. The injury to macrophages may trigger events that lead to lung fibrosis and/or malignancies in the exposed animals. This study may be helpful in understanding the etiology of certain clinical and pathological disorders in the population exposed simultaneously to both asbestos and kerosene or its combustion products
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