25 research outputs found
Alarming development of dual snus and cigarette usage among young Finnish males
The consumption of tobacco products has evolved to include more complex combinations of different products. We investigated the tobacco habits of a representative population of young Finnish male conscripts in order to evaluate the prevalence of dual use of cigarettes and snus as well as the transition from one tobacco product to another. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between the level of education and the use of cigarettes and snus.
A questionnaire-based survey was carried out in three out of 17 garrisons among conscripts during their first week of service in 2014. A total of 1971 male conscripts were selected by simple random sampling of the 9013 males in the selected garrisons. Of them 1916 participated and filled in the questionnaire. The response rate was 97.2%. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions including age, gender, basic education, use of tobacco products as well as questions assessing nicotine dependency.
The amount of dual users of cigarettes and snus was 21%. There was a higher probability of dual use of cigarettes and snus among smokers compared to snus users (p < 0.001). One third (35%) of former smokers reported daily snus use and over 40% of the former snus users smoked daily. One third (34%) of the participants reported snus usage and 14% of the study subjects used snus daily. 40% of the study population were smokers and over 25% smoked daily. Of the participants with basic educational background 57% smoked daily (p < 0.001), however, no association between snus and level of education was found (p = 0.69).
This study provides better understanding of the complex tobacco habits of young adult males. The simultaneous usage of multiple tobacco products as well as the high tendency to transition from one tobacco product to another should be taken into consideration when planning cessation interventions in health care settings and tobacco control policies at societal levels
Long-term trends of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema in young Finnish men : a retrospective analysis, 1926-2017
The aim of this study was to assess the long-term time trends of the prevalence of asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema in young Finnish men. A retrospective analysis was carried out on cross-sectional data from the Finnish Defence Forces taken from call-up examinations of candidates for military conscription and examinations of conscripts discharged from service because of poor health. Roughly 1.7 million men aged 18.19 years (98% of men of conscription age) were examined from 1966 to 2017. A proportional but unknown number of young men were examined from 1926 to 1961. The main outcome measures were asthma recorded at call-up examination as the main diagnosis in 1926-2017 and any diagnosis in 1997-2017, exemption or discharge from military service due to asthma, and allergic rhinitis and atopic eczema recorded as the main diagnosis in 1966-2017 and any diagnosis in 1997-2017. During 1926-1961 the prevalence of asthma remained low at between 0.02% and 0.08%. A linear rise began between 1961 and 1966, with a 12-fold increase in the prevalence from 0.29% in 1966 to 3.44% in 2001. Thereafter, the prevalence of asthma as the main diagnosis stabilised but continued to increase to 5.19% in 2017 if secondary diagnoses of asthma were included. Exemption rates from military service due to asthma have similarly increased but fluctuated more. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis increased from 0.06% to 10.70% and atopic eczema from 0.15% to 2.90% during the period 1966-2017. In Finland, an increase in asthma and allergic conditions among young men became evident in the mid-1960s. The increase slowed in the 2000s and may be levelling off in the 2020s.Peer reviewe
Alarming development of dual snus and cigarette usage among young Finnish males
Background The consumption of tobacco products has evolved to include more complex combinations of different products. We investigated the tobacco habits of a representative population of young Finnish male conscripts in order to evaluate the prevalence of dual use of cigarettes and snus as well as the transition from one tobacco product to another. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between the level of education and the use of cigarettes and snus. Methods A questionnaire-based survey was carried out in three out of 17 garrisons among conscripts during their first week of service in 2014. A total of 1971 male conscripts were selected by simple random sampling of the 9013 males in the selected garrisons. Of them 1916 participated and filled in the questionnaire. The response rate was 97.2%. The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions including age, gender, basic education, use of tobacco products as well as questions assessing nicotine dependency. Results The amount of dual users of cigarettes and snus was 21%. There was a higher probability of dual use of cigarettes and snus among smokers compared to snus users (p <0.001). One third (35%) of former smokers reported daily snus use and over 40% of the former snus users smoked daily. One third (34%) of the participants reported snus usage and 14% of the study subjects used snus daily. 40% of the study population were smokers and over 25% smoked daily. Of the participants with basic educational background 57% smoked daily (p <0.001), however, no association between snus and level of education was found (p = 0.69). Conclusions This study provides better understanding of the complex tobacco habits of young adult males. The simultaneous usage of multiple tobacco products as well as the high tendency to transition from one tobacco product to another should be taken into consideration when planning cessation interventions in health care settings and tobacco control policies at societal levels.Peer reviewe
Prevalence, duration of exposure and predicting factors for snus use among young Finnish men: a cross-sectional study
ObjectiveThe health hazards of tobacco products depend on the level of exposure, but little is known about the characteristics of snus use. The aim of this study was to investigate the duration of daily exposure to snus among occasional and daily users and its associated predictive factors among young Finnish men.DesignCross-sectional questionnaire study.SettingThree out of 16 Finnish Defence Forces units.Participants1280 young Finnish male conscripts starting their military service in 2016 chosen by simple random sampling.Primary and secondary measuresThe prevalence, duration of use and the amount of daily usage of snus and cigarettes were investigated. The attitudes towards perceived harmfulness of snus and the predictive factors affecting the total time of snus consumption were examined.ResultsAlmost a fifth (19.5%) of the conscripts reported daily snus use, and a further 16% reported occasional use. Daily snus use was associated with an earlier starting age, longer duration of use and higher daily exposure time compared with occasional use. On average, daily snus users consumed 10 portions and occasional users three portions per day (pConclusionSnus use was very common among young Finnish men. High snus exposure duration was associated with an earlier starting age, a longer history of use and a careless attitude to its health hazards. A higher education level was a protective factor for total exposure time. Studies of the long-term health effects and dependency profile of snus use are needed.Data availability statementData are available on reasonable request. The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due to unpublished material that will be used in the future publications but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.</p
Sulaneet unelmat, taideperustainen tutkimus yhteiskunnallisuuden ja esteettisyyden suhteesta
Tämä on taiteellisesti suuntautunut taiteen maisterin opinnäyte. Taiteellisen osuuden muodosti Sulaneet unelmat -näyttely, joka koostui yhdeksästä maalauksesta. Näyttely oli esillä mediakeskus Lumeen galleriassa lokakuussa 2012. Taiteellisen osuuden teemana oli ihmisen suhde ympäristöongelmiin.
Opinnäytteen kirjallisessa osassa tutkin Sulaneet unelmat -näyttelyn teosten tekemisen prosessia. Käytin tutkimusmenetelmänä tässä taideperustaisessa tutkimuksessa hermeneuttista menetelmää. Aineistona oli taiteellisen prosessin aikana kirjoittamani päiväkirja sekä teokset. Tutkimuksen päätavoite oli tutkia yhteiskunnallisuuden ja esteettisyyden suhdetta omassa taiteellisessa työskentelyssäni sekä saada tietoa omasta taiteellisesta prosessista.
Tutkimuksen kautta saaman tiedon perusteella voin tarkastella ja kehittää omaa taiteellista työskentelyä. Oman taiteellisen työn tutkiminen oli merkityksellistä, ja tutkimuksen aikana saamani tieto myös siirtyi taiteelliseen prosessiin. Tutkimuksen kehämäinen luonne konkretisoitui taiteellisessa prosessissa sekä kirjallisessa tutkimuksessa
Teollisuuspolttoaineiden korvaamismahdollisuudet kaasutuksen tuotekaasulla
The thesis studies the opportunities of using gasification technology to replace non-renewable fuels in industry.
The availability of these non-renewable fuels will get more difficult as the fuel reserves dry out.
When shifting towards the use of renewable and local fuels the availability is more secure and the price fluctuations are more predictable.
Since the emissions trading is still expanding and the price of the emissions allowance is increasing, it also has an impact on the cost of energy production.
Gasification technology allows the use of solid fuels like biomass.
The thesis introduces the most common gasifier types.
The purpose of this is to clarify which type should be used for different situations.
In addition, the thesis discusses the cleaning methods for the product gas regarding commercial fuels as well as industrial by-products.
The gasification product gas can be used for energy production and to produce chemicals and biofuels.
The gas can be burnt to produce thermal energy or as fuel in different industrial processes.
It can be burnt at integrated gasification combined cycle power plants or used for gas engines' fuel for electricity generation.
It is also possible to produce biofuels such as diesel oil by using the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
By using gasification technology it is also possible to produce different chemicals such as synthetic natural gas (SNG) or hydrogen (H2), which has been considered the fuel of the future.
The thesis examines in more detail industrial processes where gasification product gas could be used to replace non-renewable fuels.
Devices that are retrofitted with gasifiers can be, for example, used for industrial furnaces for melting non-ferrous metals, talc dryers or cement kilns.
With the clarified processes it is possible to evaluate the potential of using gasification in the Finnish industry.
With an example case study the possibility to use gasification product gas to replace heavy oil in a tale factory's spin-flash dryer is studied.
With a case study it is possible to achieve realistic cost estimations when determining the profitability of the fuel switch.
In the study the mass and energy flow changes when using gasification was calculated and their effect on the total investment were examined.
The cost estimations used for the profitability calculations were requested from equipment and fuel suppliers as budget offers.
Moreover, the effect of changes in the fuel price was studied.
The projects payback period, internal rate of interest and the net present value were used as indicators of profitability.Työ käsittelee kaasutuksen tuomia mahdollisuuksia korvata teollisuudessa käytettäviä uusiutumattomia polttoaineita.
Kyseisten uusiutumattomien polttoaineiden saatavuus vaikeutuu varantojen ehtyessä.
Uusiutuviin ja paikallisiin polttoaineisiin siirryttäessä on polttoaineen saatavuus varmempaa ja hintavaihtelu ennustettavampaa.
Päästökauppa on edelleen laajentumassa ja päästöoikeuden hinnan noustessa on sillä vaikutusta energian tuotantokustannuksiin.
Kaasutusteknologia mahdollistaa kiinteiden polttoaineiden käytön teollisuudessa käytettyjen polttoaineiden tavoin.
Työssä tarkastellaan kaasutuksen teoriaa sekä esitellään yleisimmät kaasutuslaitteistot.
Kaasutustekniikoiden ominaisuuksista on tehty yhteenveto, jonka tarkoituksena on selventää eri kaasutinreaktorityyppien eroja.
Kaasun puhdistuksen tarve ja puhdistuskeinot on selvitetty eri käyttötarkoituksien mukaan.
Kaasutukseen käytettäviä polttoaineita käsitellään ostopolttoaineiden ja teollisuuden sivutuotteiden osalta.
Tuotekaasua voidaan käyttää energiantuotantoon sekä kemikaalien, että biopolttoaineiden valmistukseen.
Kaasua voidaan käyttää lämpöenergian tuottamiseen tai prosessien suorapolttoaineena.
Sitä voidaan polttaa kaasutuskombilaitoksissa tai käyttää kaasumoottoreiden polttoaineena sähköntuotantoon.
Kaasusta voidaan tehdä Fischer-Tropsch -synteesin avulla biopolttoaineita, kuten dieselöljyä.
Kaasutuksen avulla voidaan myös valmistaa erilaisia kemikaaleja, kuten synteettistä maakaasua tai tulevaisuuden polttoaineeksi visioitua vetyä.
Työssä tarkastellaan mahdollisia teollisuusprosesseja, joissa fossiilisten polttoaineiden korvaaminen tuotekaasulla on mahdollista.
Kaasua voidaan käyttää polttoaineena esimerkiksi värimetallien sulatuksessa, talkin kuivauksessa sekä sementtiuuneissa.
Selvitettyjen prosessien avulla on tehty yhteenveto Suomen teollisuuden mahdollisuuksista hyödyntää tuotekaasua.
Esimerkkikohteessa tarkastellaan raskaan polttoöljyn korvaamista talkkitehtaan kuivausprosessissa.
Esimerkkikohteen avulla selvitettiin mahdollisimman realistiset kustannus- ja kannattavuusarviot.
Kohteessa laskettiin, kuinka energia- ja massavirrat muuttuvat prosessissa ja miten ne vaikuttavat hankkeen kokonaisinvestointiin.
Kannattavuuslaskelmissa käytetyt kustannusarviot pyydettiin laite- ja polttoainetoimittajilta budjettitarjouksina.
Saatujen tarjousten perusteella kohteeseen valittiin sopiva kaasutin ja polttoaine.
Lisäksi tarkasteltiin polttoaineiden ja hiilidioksiditonnin hintojen muutosten vaikutuksia investoinnin kannattavuuteen.
Kannattavuuden mittareina käytettiin hankkeen takaisinmaksuaikaa, sisäistä korkokantaa sekä nettonykyarvoa
Mittauslaitteisto kartonkipakkausten eristyskyvyn määrittämiseksi
Tämän diplomityön tavoite oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa mittauslaitteisto, jolla voidaan tutkia kartonkipakkausten eristyskykyä sekä pakkauksen rakenteen että materiaalin lämmönjohtavuuden osalta.
Työssä on esitetty lämmönsiirtymisen periaatteet ja tutkittu lämmönjohtumista sylinterigeometriassa sekä muodostettu malli, jonka perusteella pystytään ratkaisemaan kartonkimateriaalin efektiivinen lämmönjohtavuus laitteistolla toteutettavista mittauksista.
Laitteiston toiminta perustuu teoreettisen mallin sisältämien lämpötilojen mittaamiseen, joka on toteutettu käyttämällä infrapuna-antureihin perustuvaa kosketuksetonta lämpötilan mittausta.
Mittaustulokset siirretään tiedonkeruulaitteistolla tietokoneelle, jossa mittaustuloksia käsitellään työssä toteutetulla mittausohjelmalla.
Ohjelmassa mittaustuloksista määritetään teoreettisessa mallissa käytettävät parametrit sekä suoritetaan efektiivisen lämmönjohtavuuden laskenta.
Laitteiston toiminnan varmistamiseksi tehdyt mittaukset osoittavat, että mittausten toistettavuus on hyvä ja että laitteistolla voidaan hyvin tutkia eri materiaalien lämmönjohtavuuksia ja vaikutusta eristyskykyyn.
Mittaukset osoittavat, että lämpötilalla on selkeä vaikutus määritettävään lämmönjohtavuuteen, joten eri lämpöisillä nesteillä ja erikokoisilla kupeilla suoritetut mittaukset eivät ole suoraan vertailukelpoisia
Ensihoidossa, päivystyksessä ja kirurgisilla osastoilla käytettävien haavanhoitomateriaalien kehittämistarpeita
Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin ensihoidossa, päivystyksessä ja kirurgisilla osastoilla käytössä olevien haavanhoitotuotteiden käyttökokemuksia. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa haavahoitotuotteiden ominaisuuksista ja sen perusteella havaita mahdollisia kehittämistarpeita. Tarkastelun alla olivat muun muassa tuotteiden kustannuserot, materiaalit, käytettävyys ja pakkauskoot. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyöprojektina LAB-ammattikorkeakoulun ja Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillisen yliopisto LUT:n (LUT) kanssa.
Opinnäytetyöraportin kirjoittaminen koostui kolmesta osasta. Ensimmäisessä osassa haastattelimme haavahoitajia. Haastattelujen pohjalta laadimme luettelon Etelä-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiiri Eksoten alueella yleisimmin käytössä olevista haavahoitotuotteista. Toisessa osassa osallistuimme ideatyöpajoihin, joissa ideoitiin ja jaettiin kokemuksia yhdessä muiden projektiin osallistuneiden kanssa. Kolmannessa vaiheessa lähetimme laatimamme kyselylomakkeen päivystyksessä, kirurgisilla osastolla ja ensihoidossa työskenteleville hoitajille ja analysoimme saamamme tiedot.
Kyselytutkimuksen tulosten perusteella saatiin kuva siitä, millä tavalla tuotteita voitaisiin kehittää parempaan suuntaan. Suurin osa kyselyyn vastanneista oli ensihoidossa työskenteleviä, joten työssämme analysoidut käyttäjäkokemukset painottuivat suurimmaksi osaksi ensihoidon kentälle. Työstämme saadun tiedon perusteella voidaan päätellä, mihin suuntaan haavanhoitotuotteiden kehitystä tulevaisuudessa tulisi viedä.The aim of the thesis was to provide information on the user experience of wound care products and to identify possible development needs. In this thesis different wound care products and their characteristics were studied. Wound care product characteristics considered were for instance product cost differences, materials, usability and packaging sizes. The thesis was conducted in cooperation with LAB University of Applied Sciences and Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT (LUT).
The thesis was conducted in three parts. In the first part, nurses specialized in wound care were interviewed, and a list of the most used wound care products in the South Karelia Social and Health Care District (Eksote) area was compiled based on the interviews. In the second part, we participated in idea workshops where ideas and experiences were shared with other project participants. A questionnaire was sent to nurses working in emergency departments, surgical departments and emergency medical services in the third phase. The surgical departments perform a lot of wound care and they have a much more diverse wound care product selection than other departments. Therefore, it was assumed that the greatest number of respondents would be in the surgical departments. However, the most respondents were in emergency medical services. Responses were also received from hospitals, particularly for products not used in prehospital care.
The results of the survey gave an idea of how wound care products could be improved. Development needs were found in the absorbency of the products, the properties of the product packaging materials and their cost. Most of the respondents were in emergency medical services, so most of the user experiences analyzed are from the paramedic nursing field. Based on the data gathered, it is possible to get an idea of how the wound care products should be developed in the future
Smoking and snus use among Finnish young males
The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence
of cigarette, snus (Swedish type of smokeless tobacco) and dual use as well as transition from one tobacco product to another among a representative population of young
Finnish males. In addition, we evaluated the correlation between educational level and the use of tobacco.
A questionnaire-based survey was carried out among military conscripts
during their first week of service (n=1916, mean age 19.4; response rate
95%).The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions including age, gender, basic
education, use of tobacco products and questions assessing nicotine dependency.
The usage of electric cigarettes was asked but excluded from the analysis due
to very low usage (1.4%).
In our survey, 34% (n=635) reported snus usage of which 42 % used snus daily (n=237, 14% of the whole study population). A quarter, 26% (n=486), of the study population smoked daily. A total of 40% (n=741) reported sporadic or regular cigarette usage. Every fifth, 21 % (n=402), of all conscripts reported simultaneous usage of cigarette and snus. The probability of dual usage was higher among smokers. 35% of former smokers reported daily snus use and 43 % of reported quitters in the snus-group were smoking daily. Smoking was common among study subjects with basic educational background of whom 57 % smoked daily. A similar association between snus users and the level of education could not be demonstrated. Signs of electric cigarettes as a replacement for tobacco or snus could not be demonstrated.
Exclusive snus use as well as dual use of cigarette and snus were significantly
higher than expected. Educational level did not correlate with exclusive snus
use.The notably high prevalence of snus usage seems to reflect the aspiring
change of trend among tobacco consumers
Factors predicting willingness to quit snus and cigarette use among young males
Abstract The health hazards of smoking are well recognised and recently knowledge about the harmful effects of nicotine and snus is accumulating. We investigated the factors increasing the willingness of young Finnish males to quit snus and cigarette smoking. We conducted a questionnaire study conducted in 3 out of 16 Finnish Defence Forces units which included 6508 male conscripts, of whom 4706 responded (response rate 72%, mean age 19.4 years). Factors related to the willingness to quit use were analysed by ordinal regression models. Backward selection following the Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used for the model. The prevalence figures of daily snus use and smoking were 17% and 25%, respectively. 16% of the daily snus users were also daily smokers and 29% were occasional smokers. Multivariate analysis showed that the willingness to quit snus use was associated with the perception of health hazards (OR 3.09, 95% CI 1.94–4.93) and with ≥ 2 quit attempts (OR 3.63, 95% CI 2.44–5.40). The willingness to quit smoking was associated with ≥ 2 quit attempts (OR 3.22, 95% CI 2.32–4.49), and with advice to quit smoking (OR 1.65, 95% CI 1.17–2.32). We created a brief two-question assessment model for snus dependence. With this model, nicotine dependence of daily snus users was congruent with that of nicotine dependence of smokers. A direct comparison with serum cotinine levels is necessary before our assessment model can be used as a proxy for dependence. Regular snus use predisposes to nicotine addiction and accumulated health hazards. Our findings underscore the importance of health promotion efforts in early adolescence and of active support for quitting snus use. Easily applicable tools to estimate nicotine addiction are needed for everyday clinical use