10 research outputs found

    Algorithms for the Global Domination Problem

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    A dominating set D in a graph G is a subset of its vertices such that every vertex of the graph which does not belong to set D is adjacent to at least one vertex from set D. A set of vertices of graph G is a global dominating set if it is a dominating set for both, graph G and its complement. The objective is to find a global dominating set with the minimum cardinality. The problem is known to be NP-hard. Neither exact nor approximation algorithm existed . We propose two exact solution methods, one of them being based on an integer linear program (ILP) formulation, three heuristic algorithms and a special purification procedure that further reduces the size of a global dominated set delivered by any of our heuristic algorithms. We show that the problem remains NP-hard for restricted types of graphs and specify some families of graphs for which the heuristics guarantee the optimality. The second exact algorithm turned out to be about twice faster than ILP for graphs with more than 230 vertices and up to 1080 vertices, which were the largest benchmark instances that were solved optimally. The heuristics were tested for the existing 2284 benchmark problem instances with up to 14000 vertices and delivered solutions for the largest instances in less than one minute. Remarkably, for about 52% of the 1000 instances with the obtained optimal solutions, at least one of the heuristics generated an optimal solution, where the average approximation error for the remaining instances was 1.07%

    Revan-degree indices on random graphs

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    Given a simple connected non-directed graph G=(V(G),E(G))G=(V(G),E(G)), we consider two families of graph invariants: RXΣ(G)=uvE(G)F(ru,rv)RX_\Sigma(G) = \sum_{uv \in E(G)} F(r_u,r_v) (which has gained interest recently) and RXΠ(G)=uvE(G)F(ru,rv)RX_\Pi(G) = \prod_{uv \in E(G)} F(r_u,r_v) (that we introduce in this work); where uvuv denotes the edge of GG connecting the vertices uu and vv, rur_u is the Revan degree of the vertex uu, and FF is a function of the Revan vertex degrees. Here, ru=Δ+δdur_u = \Delta + \delta - d_u with Δ\Delta and δ\delta the maximum and minimum degrees among the vertices of GG and dud_u is the degree of the vertex uu. Particularly, we apply both RXΣ(G)RX_\Sigma(G) and RXΠ(G)X_\Pi(G) on two models of random graphs: Erd\"os-R\'enyi graphs and random geometric graphs. By a thorough computational study we show that \left and \left, normalized to the order of the graph, scale with the average Revan degree \left; here \left denotes the average over an ensemble of random graphs. Moreover, we provide analytical expressions for several graph invariants of both families in the dense graph limit.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Spectral and localization properties of random bipartite graphs

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    Bipartite graphs are often found to represent the connectivity between the components of many systems such as ecosystems. A bipartite graph is a set of nn nodes that is decomposed into two disjoint subsets, having mm and nmn-m vertices each, such that there are no adjacent vertices within the same set. The connectivity between both sets, which is the relevant quantity in terms of connections, can be quantified by a parameter α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1] that equals the ratio of existent adjacent pairs over the total number of possible adjacent pairs. Here, we study the spectral and localization properties of such random bipartite graphs. Specifically, within a Random Matrix Theory (RMT) approach, we identify a scaling parameter ξξ(n,m,α)\xi\equiv\xi(n,m,\alpha) that fixes the localization properties of the eigenvectors of the adjacency matrices of random bipartite graphs. We also show that, when ξ10\xi10) the eigenvectors are localized (extended), whereas the localization--to--delocalization transition occurs in the interval 1/10<ξ<101/10<\xi<10. Finally, given the potential applications of our findings, we round off the study by demonstrating that for fixed ξ\xi, the spectral properties of our graph model are also universal.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure