123 research outputs found

    Learning activity progression in LSTMs for activity detection and early detection

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    In this work we improve training of temporal deep models to better learn activity progression for activity detection and early detection tasks. Conventionally, when training a Recurrent Neural Network, specifically a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) model, the training loss only considers classification error. However, we argue that the detection score of the correct activity category, or the detection score margin between the correct and incorrect categories, should be monotonically non-decreasing as the model observes more of the activity. We design novel ranking losses that directly penalize the model on violation of such monotonicities, which are used together with classification loss in training of LSTM models. Evaluation on ActivityNet shows significant benefits of the proposed ranking losses in both activity detection and early detection tasks.https://www.cv-foundation.org/openaccess/content_cvpr_2016/html/Ma_Learning_Activity_Progression_CVPR_2016_paper.htmlPublished versio

    Weakly-supervised Visual Grounding of Phrases with Linguistic Structures

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    We propose a weakly-supervised approach that takes image-sentence pairs as input and learns to visually ground (i.e., localize) arbitrary linguistic phrases, in the form of spatial attention masks. Specifically, the model is trained with images and their associated image-level captions, without any explicit region-to-phrase correspondence annotations. To this end, we introduce an end-to-end model which learns visual groundings of phrases with two types of carefully designed loss functions. In addition to the standard discriminative loss, which enforces that attended image regions and phrases are consistently encoded, we propose a novel structural loss which makes use of the parse tree structures induced by the sentences. In particular, we ensure complementarity among the attention masks that correspond to sibling noun phrases, and compositionality of attention masks among the children and parent phrases, as defined by the sentence parse tree. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on the Microsoft COCO and Visual Genome datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    A Neural Multi-sequence Alignment TeCHnique (NeuMATCH)

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    The alignment of heterogeneous sequential data (video to text) is an important and challenging problem. Standard techniques for this task, including Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Conditional Random Fields (CRFs), suffer from inherent drawbacks. Mainly, the Markov assumption implies that, given the immediate past, future alignment decisions are independent of further history. The separation between similarity computation and alignment decision also prevents end-to-end training. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end neural architecture where alignment actions are implemented as moving data between stacks of Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) blocks. This flexible architecture supports a large variety of alignment tasks, including one-to-one, one-to-many, skipping unmatched elements, and (with extensions) non-monotonic alignment. Extensive experiments on semi-synthetic and real datasets show that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art baselines.Comment: Accepted at CVPR 2018 (Spotlight). arXiv file includes the paper and the supplemental materia
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