13 research outputs found

    Nursing scientifi c production on health promotion, chronic condition, and aging Produção científi ca da Enfermagem sobre promoção de saúde, condição crônica e envelhecimento Producción científi ca de Enfermería de promoción de la salud, condición crónica

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to characterize the scientifi c production of Postgraduate Programs Nursing in Brazil on health promotion with a focus on elderly people with chronic conditions in the period from 2006 to 2010. Method: integrative research developed by searching for dissertations and theses in the database of the Center for Nursing Studies and Research of the Brazilian Nursing Association published in the period from 2006 to 2010 and which focused on health promotion for elderly people with chronic conditions. Results: fi ve themes emerged: "Living with the disease"; "Technologies of care", "Potential for self-care" "Psycho-spiritual dimension", and "Family caregiver". Conclusion: it was possible to identify nursing care as a key element to promote the health of elderly people and make them more independent in their care so as to live with their limitations or disabilities, even when affected by chronic diseases. Key words: Health Promotion; Chronic Disease; Aging; Nursing Research. RESUMO Objetivo: caracterizar a produção científi ca dos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem do Brasil, sobre promoção da saúde com enfoque nas pessoas idosas em condição crônica, no período de 2006 a 2010. Método: pesquisa integrativa, realizada através da busca de dissertações e teses da base de dados do Centro de Estudos e Pesquisas em Enfermagem da Associação Brasileira de Enfermagem, publicados no período de 2006 a 2010, que focassem a promoção de saúde de idosos em condição crônica. Resultados: emergiram cinco categorias temáticas: "Convívio com a doença"; "Tecnologias de cuidado"; "Potencialidades para o autocuidado" "Dimensão psicoespiritual" e "Família cuidadora". Conclusão: pôde-se identifi car a assistência de enfermagem como elemento fundamental para promover a saúde do indivíduo idoso e torná-lo mais independente de cuidados para conviver com suas limitações ou incapacidades, mesmo acometido por doenças crônicas. Descritores: Promoção da Saúde; Doença Crônica; Envelhecimento; Pesquisa em Enfermagem. RESUMEN Objetivo: caracterizar la producción científi ca de la Postgraduate Nursing Brasil, en la promoción de la salud con especial atención a las personas mayores con enfermedades crónicas en el período 2006-2010. Método: la investigación integral realizada mediante la búsqueda de disertaciones y tesis en la base de datos del Centro de Estudios e Investigación en Enfermería Asociación Brasileña de Enfermería, publicada en el período 2006-2010, que se centrará en la promoción de la salud para las personas mayores con enfermedades crónicas. Resultados: cinco temas emergieron: "La convivencia con la enfermedad", "cuidado Technologies", "potencial para el propio cuidado" "dimensión psico-espiritual" y "cuidador familiar". Conclusión: se pudo identifi car el cuidado de enfermería como un elemento clave para promover la salud de las personas mayores y que sea una atención más independiente que vivir con limitaciones o incapacidades, aún afectados por enfermedades crónicas. Palabras clave: Promoción de la Salud; Enfermedad Crónica; Envejecimiento; Investigación em Enfermería. Nursing scientifi c production on health promotion, chronic condition, and agin

    To respond or not to respond - a personal perspective of intestinal tolerance

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    For many years, the intestine was one of the poor relations of the immunology world, being a realm inhabited mostly by specialists and those interested in unusual phenomena. However, this has changed dramatically in recent years with the realization of how important the microbiota is in shaping immune function throughout the body, and almost every major immunology institution now includes the intestine as an area of interest. One of the most important aspects of the intestinal immune system is how it discriminates carefully between harmless and harmful antigens, in particular, its ability to generate active tolerance to materials such as commensal bacteria and food proteins. This phenomenon has been recognized for more than 100 years, and it is essential for preventing inflammatory disease in the intestine, but its basis remains enigmatic. Here, I discuss the progress that has been made in understanding oral tolerance during my 40 years in the field and highlight the topics that will be the focus of future research

    Book Reviews

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    Book Reviews Human Rights: International Petition System Binders 1 and 2 Maxine E. Tardu Dobbs Ferry: Oceania Publications, Inc.,1979 and 1980. 75.00perBinder.ReviewedbyHowardD.Coleman−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−TheInternationalLawandPolicyofHumanWelfareEditedbyR.St.JohnMacdonald,D.M.JohnstonandL.MorrisTheNetherlands:SijthoffandNoordhoff,1978.Pp.xviii,690.75.00 per Binder. Reviewed by Howard D.Coleman -------------------------------------------- The International Law and Policy of Human Welfare Edited by R. St. John Macdonald, D.M. Johnston and L. Morris The Netherlands: Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978. Pp. xviii, 690. 95. Reviewed by Clark C. Siewert ----------------------------------------------- Deep Sea Mining Judith T. Kildow, Editor Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: MIT Press. 1980. Pp. 251. Reviewed by John T. Smith I

    Annals of the 'Constantin Brrncuui' University of Targu Jiu: Letters and Social Sciences Series No. 3/2014 (Analele Universitatii 'Constantin Brancusi' Din Targu-Jiu: Seria Litere Si Stiinte Sociale, Nr. 3/2014)

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