126 research outputs found
Efficacy, tolerability and safety of fosmidomycin and piperaquine as a non-artemisinin combination therapy in children with uncomplicated malaria
Hintergrund: Malaria ist mit geschĂ€tzten 228 Millionen Erkrankungen und 405,000 TodesfĂ€llen pro Jahr die medizinisch bedeutsamste parasitĂ€re Erkrankung des Menschen. Die Wirksamkeit der Artemisinin-basierten Erstlinientherapeutika ist insb. in SĂŒdostasien aufgrund zunehmender parasitĂ€rer Resistenzentwicklung zunehmend gefĂ€hrdet. Im Falle einer weltweiten Ausbreitung dieser multiresistenten Erreger droht eine humanitĂ€re Gesundheitskrise. Die Entwicklung neuer nicht-Artemisinin-basierter, effektiver Chemotherapeutika ist daher eines der Hauptziele im weltweiten Kampf gegen Malaria. Einer der vielversprechendsten Kandidaten ist das Antibiotikum Fosmidomycin. In den bisherigen prĂ€-klinischen und klinischen Studien zur Malariatherapie zeigte es eine gute Wirksamkeit und VertrĂ€glichkeit. Da Fosmidomycin in Kombination mit Clindamycin vor allem bei sehr jungen Kindern nicht ĂŒberzeugen konnte, befasst sich die vorliegende Dissertation mit der ersten klinischen Studie zur Kombination von Fosmidomycin mit Piperaquine zur Behandlung von Malaria bei jungen Kindern. Die Hypothese wurde wie folgt definiert: Die Kombination aus Fosmidomycin und Piperaquine als Therapie der unkomplizierten Plasmodium falciparum Malaria hat eine Heilungsrate â„95% bei Kindern im Alter von â€5 Jahren.
Methoden: Die Studie war als einarmige, unkontrollierte, unverblindete, Phase 2a, Proof of Concept Untersuchung konzipiert, um erste Aussagen ĂŒber die Wirksamkeit und VertrĂ€glichkeit einer Fosmidomycin-Piperaquine Kombinationstherapie in der Therapie von Kindern zwischen 1 bis 5 Jahren mit akuter, unkomplizierter Plasmodium falciparum Monoinfektion treffen zu können. Die Kinder mit Parasitenzahlen von 1.000 bis 150.000 p.f./”l erhielten eine orale Medikation bestehend aus 30mg/kg Fosmidomycin-Natriumsalz 12-stĂŒndig und 16mg/kg Piperaquine-Tetraphosphat 24-stĂŒndig fĂŒr insgesamt 3 Tage und wurden insgesamt 63 Tage nachverfolgt. Der primĂ€re Wirksamkeitsendpunkt war definiert als die mittels Polymerase-Ketten-Reaktion ĂŒberprĂŒfte Heilungsrate an Tag 28 nach Therapiebeginn. Die VertrĂ€glichkeit wurde anhand regelmĂ€Ăiger klinischer, parasitologischer und elektrokardiographischer Untersuchungen ĂŒberwacht.
Resultate: Von 247 gescreenten Patienten wurden insgesamt 50 Patienten in die Studie eingeschlossen. 16 Probanden (32%) waren weiblich. Das mediane Alter des Patientenkollektivs war 4,2 Jahre (IQR: 3,3 - 5,2). 11 Patienten waren <3 Jahre alt. Die mittels Polymerase-Ketten-Reaktion ĂŒberprĂŒfte Heilungsrate an Tag 28 war 100% (95%CI: 91.4-100) in der Per-Protocol-Population. Ohne ĂberprĂŒfung durch Polymerase-Ketten-Reaktion lag die Heilungsrate in der Per-Protocol-Population bei 95.1% (95%CI: 84.9-98.7) an Tag 28 und 63.2% (95%CI: 47.3-76.6) an Tag 63. Insgesamt wurden zwischen Tag 28 und Tag 63 14 FĂ€lle mit rekurrierender ParasitĂ€mie beobachtet. In einem Fall kam es zur Rekrudeszenz an Tag 42. Alle anderen FĂ€lle konnten mittels Genotypisierung als Reinfektionen identifiziert werden. Es dauerte im Median 48 Stunden (range: 24-72) bis keine Parasiten mehr im Blut nachgewiesen konnten und 12 Stunden (range: 6-36) bis die Patienten fieberfrei waren. Die kumulative Gametozyten-TrĂ€ger-Rate (Anzahl der Patienten mit GametozytĂ€mie wĂ€hrend mind. einer Follow-up-Visite) betrug 32%. Die Gametozyten-TrĂ€ger-Rate an Tag 7 betrug 4%.
Die meisten beobachteten unerwĂŒnschten Ereignisse waren vorĂŒbergehend und leicht bis mittelschwer. Abgesehen eines signifikanten HĂ€moglobinabfalls bei 2 Patienten wurden keine schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen beobachtet. Die wichtigste Nebenwirkung war eine signifikante QT-VerlĂ€ngerung am letzten Behandlungstag bei insgesamt 7 (14%) Patienten. Dabei kam es in 2 FĂ€llen zu einer QT-Zeit >500ms, wenn diese nach Bazett frequenzkorrigiert wurde. An Tag 7 hatten sich alle QT-VerĂ€nderungen wieder normalisiert.
Diskussion: Die neue Kombination aus Fosmidomycin und Piperaquine erwies sich als hochwirksam, sicher und gut vertrÀglich bei jungen und sehr jungen Kindern. Die Kombination zeigte allerdings geringe gametozide AktivitÀt und eine relativ hohe Rate an QT-VerlÀngerungen. Die Kombination aus Fosmidomycin und Piperaquine sowie Fosmidomycin in Kombination mit einem anderen Medikamentenpartner bzw. anderen Medikamentenpartnern könnte eine gute Alternative zu den Artemisinin-basierten Kombinationstherapien darstellen
Substitution lability of the perfluorinated Cp* ligand in Rh(i) complexes
Several cationic rhodium(I) complexes [Rh(COD)L2][C5(CF3)5] have been synthesized through substitution of the weakly bound [C5(CF3)5]â ligand from [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)5)], further emphasizing its unique reactivity. Besides acetonitrile, pyridine derivatives with varying degrees of fluorination have been employed as ligands in order to investigate the influence of fluorination upon the binding affinity towards the resulting [Rh(COD)]+ fragment and the limit as to which the [C5(CF3)5]â ligand can be displaced. Furthermore, the newly synthesized compounds represent rare examples of rhodium complexes containing fluorinated pyridines as ligands
Substitution Lability of the Perfluorinated Cp* Ligand in [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)5)] towards Triphenylpnictogens EPh3 (E = N, P, As, Sb, Bi)
Triphenylpnictogens EPh3 (E = N, P, As, Sb, Bi) are able to displace the perfluorinated Cp* ligand in [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)5)] (COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene) in up to quantitative yield. The resulting ionic products contain [C5(CF3)5]â as uncoordinated counter anion. The cations feature [Rh(COD)]+ fragments, coordinated by one (N, Bi), two (P, As) or three (Sb) triphenylpnictogen moieties. Whereas coordination via the pnictogen is observed for P, As and Sb, Ï-coordination of the aryl rings is observed for N and Bi
Tenfold Metalation of Ferrocene: Synthesis, Structures and Metallophilic Interactions in FeC10(HgX)10
The permercuration of ferrocene was achieved by reacting ferrocene with 10â
equivalents of mercury(II) butyrate Hg(O2CC3H7)2 in a facile oneâpot reaction in multiâgram scale and high yields. The butyrate groups in FeC10(HgX)10 (X=O2CC3H7) can be exchanged by treatment with trifluoroâ or trichloroacetic acid (X=O2CCF3, O2CCCl3). Substitution of the trifluoroacetate groups by halides (X=Cl, F) proceeds easily in aqueous THF. The completeness of metalation was confirmed by NMR and vibrational spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, as well as elemental analysis. Additionally, the first crystal structures of permetallated metallocenes are presented: FeC10(HgX)10 (X=Cl, O2CCF3, O2CCCl3)
Introducing the Perfluorinated Cp* Ligand into Coordination Chemistry
The reaction of AgBF4 and [Rh(COD)Cl]2 (COD=1,5-cyclooctadiene) in presence of [NEt4][C5(CF3)5] afforded the fluorocarbon soluble complex [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)5)] by salt metathesis. This complex represents the first example for a successful coordination of the weakly basic [C5(CF3)5]â ligand, since its first synthesis in 1980. In addition to [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)5)] also the byproduct [Rh(COD)(C5(CF3)4H)] was isolated and fully characterized. Accompanying DFT studies showed that the interaction energy of the [C5(CF3)5]â ligand towards the 12-electron fragment [Rh(COD)]+ is â70â
kcalâmolâ1 lower in comparison to [C5(CH3)5]â due to reduced electrostatic interactions and weaker Ï-donor properties of the ligand. The quantitative but reversible substitution of the [C5(CF3)5]â ligand by toluene, converting it into a weakly coordinating anion, experimentally proved the extraordinary weak bonding interaction
CF3-substituted sulfonium cations as efficient chalcogen bond donors towards cyanometalates
Sâ(CF3)Thianthrenium and Sâ(CF3)dibenzothiophenium cations form potent chalcogen bonds (ChBs) with [Mo(CO)5CN]â, yielding S2N2 supramolecular motifs. Crystal structures reveal shorter SâŻN contacts opposite the CF3 group compared to the aryl substituents. The energetic features of the ChBs have been studied using DFT calculations demonstrating the structure guiding role of ChBs
Persilylation of ferrocene: the ultimate discipline in sterically overcrowded metal complexes
We report the preparation and structural characterization of the first persilylated metallocene via the metalation of decabromoferrocene. Although Grignard conditions turned out to be insufficient due to the steric and electronic effects of silyl groups causing a decreased nucleophilicity of the metalated intermediates, stepwise lithiumâhalogen exchange yields complex mixtures of polysilylated compounds FeC10DMSnH10ân (n = 10, 9, 8) including the targeted decasilylated ferrocene. These mixtures were successfully separated allowing a systematic study of silylation effects on ferrocene by XRD, CV, NMR and UV/vis spectroscopy supported by DFT calculations. The findings were used to develop a high-yielding and simple preparation method to generate a tenfold substituted overcrowded ferrocene, FeC10DMS8Me2
Angular and Current-Target Correlations in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
Correlations between charged particles in deep inelastic ep scattering have
been studied in the Breit frame with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an
integrated luminosity of 6.4 pb-1. Short-range correlations are analysed in
terms of the angular separation between current-region particles within a cone
centred around the virtual photon axis. Long-range correlations between the
current and target regions have also been measured. The data support
predictions for the scaling behaviour of the angular correlations at high Q2
and for anti-correlations between the current and target regions over a large
range in Q2 and in the Bjorken scaling variable x. Analytic QCD calculations
and Monte Carlo models correctly describe the trends of the data at high Q2,
but show quantitative discrepancies. The data show differences between the
correlations in deep inelastic scattering and e+e- annihilation.Comment: 26 pages including 10 figures (submitted to Eur. J. Phys. C
Significant loss of mitochondrial diversity within the last century due to extinction of peripheral populations in eastern gorillas
Species and populations are disappearing at an alarming rate as a direct result of human activities. Loss of genetic diversity associated with population decline directly impacts species' long-term survival. Therefore, preserving genetic diversity is of considerable conservation importance. However, to assist in conservation efforts, it is important to understand how genetic diversity is spatially distributed and how it changes due to anthropogenic pressures. In this study, we use historical museum and modern faecal samples of two critically endangered eastern gorilla taxa, Grauer's (Gorilla beringei graueri) and mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei), to directly infer temporal changes in genetic diversity within the last century. Using over 100 complete mitochondrial genomes, we observe a significant decline in haplotype and nucleotide diversity in Grauer's gorillas. By including historical samples from now extinct populations we show that this decline can be attributed to the loss of peripheral populations rather than a decrease in genetic diversity within the core range of the species. By directly quantifying genetic changes in the recent past, our study shows that human activities have severely impacted eastern gorilla genetic diversity within only four to five generations. This rapid loss calls for dedicated conservation actions, which should include preservation of the remaining peripheral populations.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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