15,657 research outputs found
G-algebras, twistings, and equivalences of graded categories
Given Z-graded rings A and B, we study when the categories gr-A and gr-B are
equivalent. We relate the Morita-type results of Ahn-Marki and del Rio to the
twisting systems introduced by Zhang. Using Z-algebras, we obtain a simple
proof of Zhang's main result. This makes the definition of a Zhang twist
extremely natural and extends Zhang's results.Comment: 13 pages; typos corrected and revised slightly; to appear in Algebras
and Representation Theor
Geometric idealizers
Let X be a projective variety, an automorphism of X, L a
-ample invertible sheaf on X, and Z a closed subscheme of X. Inside the
twisted homogeneous coordinate ring , let I be the right
ideal of sections vanishing at Z. We study the subring R = k + I of B. Under
mild conditions on Z and , R is the idealizer of I in B: the maximal
subring of B in which I is a two-sided ideal.
We give geometric conditions on Z and that determine the algebraic
properties of R, and show that if Z and are sufficiently general, in a
sense we make precise, then R is left and right noetherian, has finite left and
right cohomological dimension, is strongly right noetherian but not strongly
left noetherian, and satisfies right (where d = \codim Z) but fails
left . We also give an example of a right noetherian ring with infinite
right cohomological dimension, partially answering a question of Stafford and
Van den Bergh. This generalizes results of Rogalski in the case that Z is a
point in .Comment: 43 pages; comments welcom
Classifying birationally commutative projective surfaces
Let R be a noetherian connected graded domain of Gelfand-Kirillov dimension 3
over an uncountable algebraically closed field. Suppose that the graded
quotient ring of R is a skew-Laurent ring over a field; we say that R is a
birationally commutative projective surface. We classify birationally
commutative projective surfaces and show that they fall into four families,
parameterized by geometric data. This generalizes work of Rogalski and Stafford
on birationally commutative projective surfaces generated in degree 1; our
proof techniques are quite different.Comment: 60 pages; Proceedings of the LMS, 201
Noncommutative Blowups of Elliptic Algebras
We develop a ring-theoretic approach for blowing up many noncommutative
projective surfaces. Let T be an elliptic algebra (meaning that, for some
central element g of degree 1, T/gT is a twisted homogeneous coordinate ring of
an elliptic curve E at an infinite order automorphism). Given an effective
divisor d on E whose degree is not too big, we construct a blowup T(d) of T at
d and show that it is also an elliptic algebra. Consequently it has many good
properties: for example, it is strongly noetherian, Auslander-Gorenstein, and
has a balanced dualizing complex. We also show that the ideal structure of T(d)
is quite rigid. Our results generalise those of the first author. In the
companion paper "Classifying Orders in the Sklyanin Algebra", we apply our
results to classify orders in (a Veronese subalgebra of) a generic cubic or
quadratic Sklyanin algebra.Comment: 39 pages. Minor changes from previous version. The final publication
is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10468-014-9506-
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