19 research outputs found

    PepSeeker: a database of proteome peptide identifications for investigating fragmentation patterns

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    Proteome science relies on bioinformatics tools to characterize proteins via their proteolytic peptides which are identified via characteristic mass spectra generated after their ions undergo fragmentation in the gas phase within the mass spectrometer. The resulting secondary ion mass spectra are compared with protein sequence databases in order to identify the amino acid sequence. Although these search tools (e.g. SEQUEST, Mascot, X!Tandem, Phenyx) are frequently successful, much is still not understood about the amino acid sequence patterns which promote/protect particular fragmentation pathways, and hence lead to the presence/absence of particular ions from different ion series. In order to advance this area, we have developed a database, PepSeeker (), which captures this peptide identification and ion information from proteome experiments. The database currently contains >185 000 peptides and associated database search information. Users may query this resource to retrieve peptide, protein and spectral information based on protein or peptide information, including the amino acid sequence itself represented by regular expressions coupled with ion series information. We believe this database will be useful to proteome researchers wishing to understand gas phase peptide ion chemistry in order to improve peptide identification strategies. Questions can be addressed to [email protected]

    An informatic pipeline for the data capture and submission of quantitative proteomic data using iTRAQ(TM)

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    BACKGROUND: Proteomics continues to play a critical role in post-genomic science as continued advances in mass spectrometry and analytical chemistry support the separation and identification of increasing numbers of peptides and proteins from their characteristic mass spectra. In order to facilitate the sharing of this data, various standard formats have been, and continue to be, developed. Still not fully mature however, these are not yet able to cope with the increasing number of quantitative proteomic technologies that are being developed. RESULTS: We propose an extension to the PRIDE and mzData XML schema to accommodate the concept of multiple samples per experiment, and in addition, capture the intensities of the iTRAQ(TM )reporter ions in the entry. A simple Java-client has been developed to capture and convert the raw data from common spectral file formats, which also uses a third-party open source tool for the generation of iTRAQ(TM) reported intensities from Mascot output, into a valid PRIDE XML entry. CONCLUSION: We describe an extension to the PRIDE and mzData schemas to enable the capture of quantitative data. Currently this is limited to iTRAQ(TM) data but is readily extensible for other quantitative proteomic technologies. Furthermore, a software tool has been developed which enables conversion from various mass spectrum file formats and corresponding Mascot peptide identifications to PRIDE formatted XML. The tool represents a simple approach to preparing quantitative and qualitative data for submission to repositories such as PRIDE, which is necessary to facilitate data deposition and sharing in public domain database. The software is freely available from

    Investigating protein isoforms via proteomics: A feasibility study

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    Alternative splicing (AS) and processing of pre-messenger RNAs explains the discrepancy between the number of genes and proteome complexity in multicellular eukaryotic organisms. However, relatively few alternative protein isoforms have been experimentally identified, particularly at the protein level. In this study, we assess the ability of proteomics to inform on differently spliced protein isoforms in human and four other model eukaryotes. The number of Ensembl-annotated genes for which proteomic data exists that informs on alternative splicing exceeds 33% of the alternately spliced genes in the human and worm genomes. Examining AS in chicken for the first time, we find proteomic support for over 600 genes. However, although peptide identifications support only a small fraction of alternative protein isoforms that are annotated in Ensembl, many more variants are amenable to proteomic identification. There remains a sizeable gap between these existing identifications (10-51% of AS genes) and those that are theoretically feasible (90-99%). We also compare annotations between Swiss-Prot and Ensembl, recommending use of both to maximise coverage of AS. We propose that targeted proteomic experiments using selected reactions and standards are essential to uncover further alternative isoforms and discuss the issues surrounding these strategies

    Prediction of missed cleavage sites in tryptic peptides aids protein identification in proteomics

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    Protein identification via peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) remains a key component of high-throughput proteomics experiments in post-genomic science. Candidate protein identifications are made using bioinformatic tools from peptide peak lists obtained via mass spectrometry (MS). These algorithms rely on several search parameters, including the number of potential uncut peptide bonds matching the primary specificity of the hydrolytic enzyme used in the experiment. Typically, up to 1 of these “missed cleavages” are considered by the bioinformatics search tools, usually after digestion of the in silico proteome by trypsin. Using two distinct, non-redundant datasets of peptides identified via PMF and tandem MS, a simple predictive method based on information theory is presented which is able to identify experimentally defined missed cleavages with up to 90% accuracy from amino acid sequence alone. Using this simple protocol, we are able to “mask” candidate protein databases so that confident missed cleavage sites need not be considered for in silico digestion. We show that that this leads to an improvement in database searching, with two different search engines, using the PMF dataset as a test set. In addition, the improved approach is also demonstrated on an independent PMF data set of known proteins which also has corresponding high quality tandem MS data, validating the protein identifications. This approach has wider applicability for proteomics database searching and the program for predicting missed cleavages and masking Fasta-formatted protein sequence databases has been made available via http://ispider.smith.man.acuk/MissedCleav