25 research outputs found

    Reflection confocal nanoscopy using a super-oscillatory lens

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    A Superoscillatory lens (SOL) is known to produce a sub-diffraction hotspot which is useful for high-resolution imaging. However, high-energy rings called sidelobes coexist with the central hotspot. Additionally, SOLs have not yet been directly used to image reflective objects due to low efficiency and poor imaging properties. We propose a novel reflection confocal nanoscope which mitigates these issues by relaying the SOL intensity pattern onto the object and use conventional optics for detection. We experimentally demonstrate super-resolution by imaging double bars with 330 nm separation using a 632.8 nm excitation and a 0.95 NA objective. We also discuss the enhanced contrast properties of the SOL nanoscope against a laser confocal microscope, and the degradation of performance while imaging large objects.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, supplementary include

    Axial accuracy in localization microscopy with 3D point spread function engineering

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy has developed into a widely used technique to overcome the diffraction limit and enables 3D localization of single-emitters with nanometer precision. A widely used method to enable 3D encoding is to use a cylindrical lens or a phase mask to engineer the point spread function (PSF). The performance of these PSFs is often assessed by comparing the precision they achieve, ignoring accuracy. Nonetheless, accurate localization is required in many applications, such as multi-plane imaging, measuring and modelling of physical processes based on volumetric data, and 3D particle averaging. However, there are PSF model mismatches in the localization schemes due to how reference PSFs are obtained, look-up-tables are created, or spots are fitted. Currently there is little insight in how these model mismatches give rise to systematic axial localization errors, how large these errors are, and how to mitigate them. In this theoretical and simulation work we use a vector PSF model, which incorporates super-critical angle fluorescence (SAF) and the appropriate aplanatic correction factor, to analyze the errors in z-localization. We introduce theory for defining the focal plane in SAF conditions and analyze the predicted axial errors for an astigmatic PSF, double-helix PSF, and saddle-point PSF. These simulations indicate that the absolute axial biases can be as large as 140 nm, 250 nm, and 120 nm for the astigmatic, saddle-point, and double-helix PSF respectively, with relative errors of more than 50%. Finally, we discuss potential experimental methods to verify these findings and propose a workflow to mitigate these effects

    Reflection confocal nanoscopy using a super-oscillatory lens

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    A superoscillatory lens (SOL) is known to produce a sub-diffraction hotspot that is useful for high-resolution imaging. SOLs have not yet been directly used in a confocal reflection setup, as the SOL suffers from poor imaging properties. Additionally, the illuminating intensity distribution of the SOL still has high-intensity rings called sidelobes coexisting with the central hotspot. By means of a reflection setup, which does not have the SOL in the detection chain, thereby mitigating the poor imaging properties, we assessed the resolution capabilities of a SOL. This was done for different objects, whose dimensions were both above and below the SOL field-of-view (FOV). We found that the sidelobe illumination degrades the imaging properties in the case of extended objects, limiting the applicability of a SOL system

    Soleil: single-objective lens inclined light sheet localization microscopy

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    High-NA light sheet illumination can improve the resolution of single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) by reducing the background fluorescence. These approaches currently require custom-made sample holders or additional specialized objectives, which makes the sample mounting or the optical system complex and therefore reduces the usability of these approaches. Here, we developed a single-objective lens-inclined light sheet microscope (SOLEIL) that is capable of 2D and 3D SMLM in thick samples. SOLEIL combines oblique illumination with point spread function PSF engineering to enable dSTORM imaging in a wide variety of samples. SOLEIL is compatible with standard sample holders and off-the-shelve optics and standard high NA objectives. To accomplish optimal optical sectioning we show that there is an ideal oblique angle and sheet thickness. Furthermore, to show what optical sectioning delivers for SMLM we benchmark SOLEIL against widefield and HILO microscopy with several biological samples. SOLEIL delivers in 15 μm thick Caco2-BBE cells a 374% higher intensity to background ratio and a 54% improvement in the estimated CRLB compared to widefield illumination, and a 184% higher intensity to background ratio and a 20% improvement in the estimated CRLB compared to HILO illumination

    Adaptive optics in single objective inclined light sheet microscopy enables three-dimensional localization microscopy in adult Drosophila brains

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) enables the high-resolution visualization of organelle structures and the precise localization of individual proteins. However, the expected resolution is not achieved in tissue as the imaging conditions deteriorate. Sample-induced aberrations distort the point spread function (PSF), and high background fluorescence decreases the localization precision. Here, we synergistically combine sensorless adaptive optics (AO), in-situ 3D-PSF calibration, and a single-objective lens inclined light sheet microscope (SOLEIL), termed (AO-SOLEIL), to mitigate deep tissue-induced deteriorations. We apply AO-SOLEIL on several dSTORM samples including brains of adult Drosophila. We observed a 2x improvement in the estimated axial localization precision with respect to widefield without aberration correction while we used synergistic solution. AO-SOLEIL enhances the overall imaging resolution and further facilitates the visualization of sub-cellular structures in tissue

    Colourful Depth : Adaptive Optics and Spectral Unmixing for Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy

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    Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy is a powerful imaging technique which enables the localization of individual molecules with a precision of a few nanometres. This technique relies on the blinking of individual fluorescent molecules. By recording these blinking events it is possible to reconstruct a single image with more detail compared to standard fluorescence microscopy. This recently developed imaging modality has let to numerous biological discoveries using thin cellular samples, but cannot be easily applied to tissue samples. When imaging inside these samples, the emitted light is disturbed by the sample, which hampers detection and localization. This optical aberration can be corrected by placing a deformable mirror in the collection path of the microscope, a technique called adaptive optics. It is possible to partially correct the aberration by adjusting the deformable mirror. In this thesis I compare different correction methods and quantify the improvement which can be achieved with adaptive optics for localization microscopy. Another challenge for localization microscopy is the use of differently coloured fluorescent molecules, which are used to stain different structures inside samples. However, the types of fluorescent molecules with suitable blinking properties are similar in colour and are therefore difficult to distinguish. We demonstrate a novel un-mixing method, based on a recent proposed method, which uses photon statistics and is easier to implement on conventional microscopes. The research presented in this thesis enhances the usability of localization microscopy in tissue and improves multi-colour imaging to visualize different structures inside samples

    Axial accuracy in localization microscopy with 3D point spread function engineering

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy has developed into a widely used technique to overcome the diffraction limit and enables 3D localization of single-emitters with nanometer precision. A widely used method to enable 3D encoding is to use a cylindrical lens or a phase mask to engineer the point spread function (PSF). The performance of these PSFs is often assessed by comparing the precision they achieve, ignoring accuracy. Nonetheless, accurate localization is required in many applications, such as multi-plane imaging, measuring and modelling of physical processes based on volumetric data, and 3D particle averaging. However, there are PSF model mismatches in the localization schemes due to how reference PSFs are obtained, look-up-tables are created, or spots are fitted. Currently there is little insight in how these model mismatches give rise to systematic axial localization errors, how large these errors are, and how to mitigate them. In this theoretical and simulation work we use a vector PSF model, which incorporates super-critical angle fluorescence (SAF) and the appropriate aplanatic correction factor, to analyze the errors in z-localization. We introduce theory for defining the focal plane in SAF conditions and analyze the predicted axial errors for an astigmatic PSF, double-helix PSF, and saddle-point PSF. These simulations indicate that the absolute axial biases can be as large as 140 nm, 250 nm, and 120 nm for the astigmatic, saddle-point, and double-helix PSF respectively, with relative errors of more than 50%. Finally, we discuss potential experimental methods to verify these findings and propose a workflow to mitigate these effects.ImPhys/Imaging Physic

    Axial accuracy in localization microscopy with 3D point spread function engineering

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    Single-molecule localization microscopy has developed into a widely used technique to overcome the diffraction limit and enables 3D localization of single-emitters with nanometer precision. A widely used method to enable 3D encoding is to use a cylindrical lens or a phase mask to engineer the point spread function (PSF). The performance of these PSFs is often assessed by comparing the precision they achieve, ignoring accuracy. Nonetheless, accurate localization is required in many applications, such as multi-plane imaging, measuring and modelling of physical processes based on volumetric data, and 3D particle averaging. However, there are PSF model mismatches in the localization schemes due to how reference PSFs are obtained, look-up-tables are created, or spots are fitted. Currently there is little insight in how these model mismatches give rise to systematic axial localization errors, how large these errors are, and how to mitigate them. In this theoretical and simulation work we use a vector PSF model, which incorporates super-critical angle fluorescence (SAF) and the appropriate aplanatic correction factor, to analyze the errors in z-localization. We introduce theory for defining the focal plane in SAF conditions and analyze the predicted axial errors for an astigmatic PSF, double-helix PSF, and saddle-point PSF. These simulations indicate that the absolute axial biases can be as large as 140 nm, 250 nm, and 120 nm for the astigmatic, saddle-point, and double-helix PSF respectively, with relative errors of more than 50%. Finally, we discuss potential experimental methods to verify these findings and propose a workflow to mitigate these effects

    Robust adaptive optics for localization microscopy deep in complex tissue

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    Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) provides the ability to determine molecular organizations in cells at nanoscale resolution, but in complex biological tissues, where sample-induced aberrations hamper detection and localization, its application remains a challenge. Various adaptive optics approaches have been proposed to overcome these issues, but the exact performance of these methods has not been consistently established. Here we systematically compare the performance of existing methods using both simulations and experiments with standardized samples and find that they often provide limited correction or even introduce additional errors. Careful analysis of the reasons that underlie this limited success enabled us to develop an improved method, termed REALM (Robust and Effective Adaptive Optics in Localization Microscopy), which corrects aberrations of up to 1 rad RMS using 297 frames of blinking molecules to improve single-molecule localization. After its quantitative validation, we demonstrate that REALM enables to resolve the periodic organization of cytoskeletal spectrin of the axon initial segment even at 50 μm depth in brain tissue

    Robust adaptive optics for localization microscopy deep in complex tissue

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    Single-Molecule Localization Microscopy (SMLM) provides the ability to determine molecular organizations in cells at nanoscale resolution, but in complex biological tissues, where sample-induced aberrations hamper detection and localization, its application remains a challenge. Various adaptive optics approaches have been proposed to overcome these issues, but the exact performance of these methods has not been consistently established. Here we systematically compare the performance of existing methods using both simulations and experiments with standardized samples and find that they often provide limited correction or even introduce additional errors. Careful analysis of the reasons that underlie this limited success enabled us to develop an improved method, termed REALM (Robust and Effective Adaptive Optics in Localization Microscopy), which corrects aberrations of up to 1 rad RMS using 297 frames of blinking molecules to improve single-molecule localization. After its quantitative validation, we demonstrate that REALM enables to resolve the periodic organization of cytoskeletal spectrin of the axon initial segment even at 50 μm depth in brain tissue