141 research outputs found

    Lot 30: Rerouting Suburbia

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    In architectural practice professionals deal with a number of fascinating issues daily. From clients to contractors, politics to energy concerns, material usage to money management, architects of the world have the amazing task of delivering a product that influences the physical and mental environments of its users. Evolving from a conversation regarding urban sprawl and suburban housing, this project is aimed at finding a way to inform as well as plant a seed of impact in our rapidly expanding cities. Whereas in local contemporary developments like Fallbrook, (a residential development on the northwest side of Lincoln) the single family house is a projection of a sentimental urban dream predicted to fail because the conditions it is based upon no longer exist. Even in more progressive communities houses are reminiscent of the owner’s imagery of a house. The investigation here is to explore the house as the nucleus for change, where the perception of a house can be challenged. If we as architects accept peoples need to live their suburban dream, then the investigation will be to combine tools of ecological efficiency and space, rather than form-making to produce a kind of “contagiousness”, which could effect not the growth but the impact of our growing cities

    Zur Bedeutung von Außenwanderungen fĂŒr die demographische Entwicklung Deutschlands: Modellrechnungen bis zum Jahr 2040

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, welche Bedeutung Außenwanderungen fĂŒr die Entwicklung von Zahl und Zusammensetzung (insbesondere nach Alter) und deren rĂ€umliche und siedlungsstrukturspezifische Differenzierung der Bevölkerung und der Erwerbspersonen in Deutschland haben (können). Hintergrund der Auseinandersetzung mit dieser Frage ist die These, dem demographischen Wandel bzw. dessen Folgen ließe sich durch verstĂ€rkte Zuwanderungen wirkungsvoll begegnen. Mittels Modellrechnungen auf der Basis eines Kohorten-Komponenten-Modells wurden vier unterschiedliche Szenarien der rĂ€umlich differenzierten Bevölkerungs- und Erwerbspersonenentwicklung bis zum Jahr 2040 erstellt, die sich durch Höhe und zeitliche Verteilung der Außenwanderungssalden unterscheiden. In zwei der Szenarien wurden die jĂ€hrlichen Außenwanderungssalden modellextern vorgegeben – in Szenario 1 in Höhe von (fast) Null, in Szenario 2 annĂ€hernd in Höhe des Durchschnittswertes der Außenwanderungssalden der letzten Jahrzehnte. In den anderen beiden Szenarien wurden die jĂ€hrlichen Außenwanderungssalden anhand vorgegebener demographischer ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen modellintern errechnet: In Szenario 3 sind sie so hoch, dass die Bevölkerungszahl Deutschlands dauerhaft konstant bleibt, in Szenario 4 wird auf ein zeitliches Konstanthalten des Altenquotienten abgezielt. FĂŒr die anderen demographischen GrĂ¶ĂŸen, die fĂŒr die Modellrechnungen relevant sind (betreffend FertilitĂ€t, MortalitĂ€t, Binnenwanderungen und Erwerbsbeteiligung), wurden Annahmen zu ihrer weiteren Entwicklung gesetzt, die – mit Blick auf ihre vergangene Entwicklung – fĂŒr plausibel gehalten werden. BezĂŒglich FertilitĂ€t und Erwerbsbeteiligung wurden allerdings jeweils alternative Entwicklungsvarianten formuliert. Als rĂ€umliches Analyseraster dienen 242 PrognoserĂ€ume, die Cluster von Kreisen jeweils gleichen siedlungsstrukturellen Kreistyps darstellen. Als zentrales Ergebnis der Modellrechnungen ist herauszustellen, dass (zumindest bei anhaltend niedriger FertilitĂ€t deutlich unterhalb des Bestandserhaltungsniveaus) Zuwanderungen in einer GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung, die als gesellschaftlich vertretbar vermutet werden kann, den demographischen Wandel auch nicht annĂ€hernd stoppen, sondern bestenfalls partiell dĂ€mpfen können. Das gilt zum einen mit Blick auf die hohen Zuwanderungszahlen, die zur Vermeidung der weiteren demographischen Alterung und des langfristigen RĂŒckgangs der Gesamtbevölkerung nötig wĂ€ren. Das gilt aber zum anderen und vor allem auch hinsichtlich der regionalen Differenzierung der kĂŒnftigen Bevölkerungsentwicklung: Die demographischen Folgen der Zuwanderungen schlagen sich nicht annĂ€hernd flĂ€chendeckend in gleicher Weise nieder. Selbst bei ausgesprochen hohen Zuwanderungszahlen, die eine Konstanz oder gar einen deutlichen Anstieg der Gesamtbevölkerungszahl nach sich ziehen wĂŒrden, wĂ€ren zahlreiche Regionen Deutschlands von weiterhin relativ starken Bevölkerungsabnahmen (und damit auch Minderungen des Erwerbspersonenpotenzials) sowie deutlich ĂŒberdurchschnittlicher demographischer Alterung gekennzeichnet. In erster Linie betrifft dies große Teile der neuen BundeslĂ€nder, insbesondere ihrer lĂ€ndlichen RĂ€ume. Regionen, die in demographischer Hinsicht von Außenzuwanderungen „profitieren“ wĂŒrden (im Sinne von deutlicher AbschwĂ€chung von Bevölkerungsabnahme und demographischer Alterung oder gar von Bevölkerungswachstum), sind in diesem Landesteil nur inselhaft vertreten; es sind vornehmlich grĂ¶ĂŸere KernstĂ€dte und deren (hoch)verdichtetes Umland. Die demographischen BrĂŒche nach der Wende, namentlich der starke GeburtenrĂŒckgang und die umfangreichen Abwanderungen nach Westdeutschland, zeigen hier langfristig eine hohe demographische WirkmĂ€chtigkeit. Auch in Westdeutschland sind es in erster Linie AgglomerationsrĂ€ume und Stadtregionen, deren demographische Entwicklung von Zuwanderungen relativ gĂŒnstiger beeinflusst wird

    A parameter-optimizing model-based approach to the analysis of low-SNR image sequences for biological virus detection

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    This thesis presents the multi-objective parameter optimization of a novel image analysis process. The focus of application is automatic detection of nano-objects, for example biological viruses, in real-time. Nano-objects are detected by analyzing time series of images recorded with the PAMONO biosensor, after parameters have been optimized on synthetic data created by a signal model for PAMONO. PAMONO, which is short for Plasmon-Assisted Microscopy of Nano-Sized Objects, is a biosensor yielding indirect proofs for objects on the nanometer-scale by measuring the Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) effects they cause on the micrometer scale. It is an optical microscopy technique enabling the detection of biological viruses and other nano-objects within a portable device. The PAMONO biosensor produces time series of 2-D images on the order of 4000 half-megapixel images per experiment. A particular challenge for automatic analysis of this data emerges from its low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Manual analysis takes approximately two days per experiment and analyzing person. With the automatic analysis process developed in this thesis, occurrences of nano-objects in PAMONO data can be counted and displayed in real-time while measurements are being taken. Analysis is divided into a GPU-based detector aiming at high sensitivity, complemented with a machine learning-based classifier aiming at high precision. The analysis process is embedded into a multi-objective optimization approach that automatically adapts algorithm choice and parameters to changes in physical sensor parameters. Such changes occur, for example, during sensor prototype development. In order to automatically evaluate the objectives undergoing optimization, a signal model for the PAMONO sensor is proposed, which serves to synthesize ground truth-annotated data. The parameters of the analysis process are optimized on this synthetic data, and the classifier is learned from it. Hence, the signal model must accurately mimic the data recorded by the sensor, which is achieved by incorporating real sensor data into synthesis. Both, optimized parameters and the learned classifier, achieve high quality results on the real sensor data to be analyzed: Nano-objects with diameters down to 100nm are detected reliably in PAMONO data. Note that the median SNR over all nano-objects to be detected was below two in the examined experiments with 100nm objects. While the presented analysis process can be used for real-time virus detection in PAMONO data, the optimization approach can serve in accelerating the advancement of the sensor prototype towards a final setup of its physical parameters: In this scenario, frequent changes in physical sensor parameters make the automatic adaptation of algorithmic process parameters a desirable goal. No expertise concerning the underlying algorithms is required in these use cases, enabling ready applicability in a lab scenario

    Laparoscopic hysterectomy with morcellation vs abdominal hysterectomy for presumed fibroids: an updated decision analysis following the 2014 Food and Drug Administration safety communications

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    Previous decision analyses demonstrate the safety of minimally invasive hysterectomy for presumed benign fibroids, accounting for the risk of occult leiomyosarcoma and the differential mortality risk associated with laparotomy. Studies published since the 2014 Food and Drug Administration safety communications offer updated leiomyosarcoma incidence estimates. Incorporating these studies suggests that mortality rates are low following hysterectomy for presumed benign fibroids overall, and a minimally invasive approach remains a safe option. Risk associated with morcellation, however, increases in women age >50 years due to increased leiomyosarcoma rates, an important finding for patient-centered discussions of treatment options for fibroids

    Shifting values at the cemetery – the artistic interventions of DeathLab

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    Cemeteries are a reflection of the values, history, and composition of their respective communities. Current social developments are therefore also visible through them. The contribution describes the work of DeathLab, a public event series that uses contemporary artist-designed urns as a means of exploring shifting values in funeral culture through physical manifestations. The events involve visits to places associated with farewells and allow for discussions about the cultural significance of death and mourning practices. The practices surrounding death and the artifacts associated with them, such as urns and cemeteries, are intertwined with population geography considerations, and incorporating these elements into scientific analysis such as through artistic interventions holds great promise.</p

    Biopsychosocial correlates of persistent postsurgical pain in women with endometriosis

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    ObjectiveTo examine pain and biopsychosocial correlates over time for women with persistent postsurgical pain after surgery for endometriosis.MethodsCrossĂą sectional study of women who underwent any endometriosis surgery between 2003 and 2006. Following surgery, patients completed validated questionnaires (ShortĂą Form McGill Pain Questionnaire, 12Ăą item ShortĂą Form Health Survey, Beck Depression Inventory, Coping Strategies Questionnaire catastrophizing subscale). The primary outcome was pelvic pain intensity, measured by the McGill total pain score. Bivariate comparisons between each potential predictor and pain intensity were performed using the Ï 2 and t tests, 1Ăą way analysis of variance, and simple linear regression.ResultsIn total, 79 completed the questionnaires and were included in the present analysis. The McGill affective pain score was negatively correlated with age (ÎÂČĂą coefficient Ăą 0.12, P = 0.002) and positively correlated with catastrophization (ÎÂČĂą coefficient 0.66, P = 0.01). Women with a history of dyspareunia scored significantly higher on the McGill total pain score (P < 0.001); there was no association between pain intensity and endometriosis severity.ConclusionYounger age and catastrophization are correlated with persistent pain following surgery for endometriosis. The severity of endometriosis does not predict persistent pain. Further evaluation of psychosocial factors may identify patients who are least likely to benefit from surgeries for endometriosisĂą associated pelvic pain.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/135478/1/ijgo169.pd

    Perspectives on Primary Blast Injury of the Brain: Translational Insights Into Non-inertial Low-Intensity Blast Injury

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    Most traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) during military deployment or training are clinically “mild” and frequently caused by non-impact blast exposures. Experimental models were developed to reproduce the biological consequences of high-intensity blasts causing moderate to severe brain injuries. However, the pathophysiological mechanisms of low-intensity blast (LIB)-induced neurological deficits have been understudied. This review provides perspectives on primary blast-induced mild TBI models and discusses translational aspects of LIB exposures as defined by standardized physical parameters including overpressure, impulse, and shock wave velocity. Our mouse LIB-exposure model, which reproduces deployment-related scenarios of open-field blast (OFB), caused neurobehavioral changes, including reduced exploratory activities, elevated anxiety-like levels, impaired nesting behavior, and compromised spatial reference learning and memory. These functional impairments associate with subcellular and ultrastructural neuropathological changes, such as myelinated axonal damage, synaptic alterations, and mitochondrial abnormalities occurring in the absence of gross- or cellular damage. Biochemically, we observed dysfunctional mitochondrial pathways that led to elevated oxidative stress, impaired fission-fusion dynamics, diminished mitophagy, decreased oxidative phosphorylation, and compensated cell respiration-relevant enzyme activity. LIB also induced increased levels of total tau, phosphorylated tau, and amyloid ÎČ peptide, suggesting initiation of signaling cascades leading to neurodegeneration. We also compare translational aspects of OFB findings to alternative blast injury models. By scoping relevant recent research findings, we provide recommendations for future preclinical studies to better reflect military-operational and clinical realities. Overall, better alignment of preclinical models with clinical observations and experience related to military injuries will facilitate development of more precise diagnosis, clinical evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation

    Cost-Effectiveness of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy With Morcellation Compared With Abdominal Hysterectomy for Presumed Myomas

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    Hysterectomy for presumed leiomyomata is one of the most common surgical procedures performed in non-pregnant women in the United States. Laparoscopic hysterectomy (LH) with morcellation is an appealing alternative to abdominal hysterectomy (AH), but may result in dissemination of malignant cells and worse outcomes in the setting of an occult leiomyosarcoma. We sought to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of LH versus AH
