10 research outputs found

    Features of construction of the training process skiers aged 17-18 years to compete in different styles of skiing

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    The work is devoted to the improvement of precompetitive preparation of skiers, taking into account the need to participate in competitions of different styles of skiing. The experiment included 20 athletes aged 17-18 years. Isolated model characteristics of athletes who successfully perform classic and skating style of movement. The range of indicators of physical fitness of athletes, which is the norm for this level of qualification. The technique of constructing precompetitive preparation of athletes on the basis of a combination of style of movement. It was established experimentally that the combination of training sessions during the day improves athletic performance in racing classic and skating style. In this case, primary and secondary occupation to carry out a different style of skiing with a change of their rotation on the next day

    Forming technique of ski sport of students of the first course of sporting institute of higher education

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    Is certain the most rational method of the speed-up teaching of students of the first course of discipline «Ski sport». Positions are taken into account to credit-module departmental teaching. The individual differentiated technology of the accelerated training to ways of movement on a ski is proved. Technology includes three methods of teaching. Application of methods is varied depending on sporting specialization of students and development of their physical qualities. The rational parity of employment on training to technics of classical and skating styles of movement on a ski is determined

    Morpho-functional peculiarities and motive qualities of students of different sports specializations.

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    In the article, the features of morpho-functional and motive qualities of students of different sporting specializations of higher educational establishments are expounded. The got results of estimation of the state of functional preparedness were instrumental in forming of experimental groups high-performance speed-power qualities, endurance and complex coordinating capabilities, that enabled to individualize an educational process on discipline «Ski sport»

    The method of speed-up teaching the technique of ski sport of students of the second course of higher sport institute

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    The rational method of the speed-up teaching of students of flat rate of discipline is certain «Ski sport» to on to credit-module to the system. 60 students took part in an experiment. In basis of the speed-up teaching fixed integrally-separate going near mastering and perfection of technique of methods of movement on pattens. Optimum correlation of employments is set at teaching the technique of classic and skating styles of movement on pattens taking into account морфо-функциональных and physical qualities of students

    Management and control after the special preparation of skiers-racing drivers on the stages of annual macrocycle

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    In theory and the estimation of the special preparation of skiers-racing drivers is experimentally grounded on the stages of annual cycle of training. The norms of the special preparedness of sportsmen are certain depending on style of movement. The levels of the special preparedness of sportsmen are certain in the whole-year training. It is well-proven that an orientation on evaluation scales allows objectively to characterize the state of separate components of motive function of every sportsman. Also to range and group sportsmen on typological the features of preparedness. Technology of correction of orientation of the trainings loadings is recommended

    Features of construction of the training process skiers aged 17-18 years to compete in different styles of skiing

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    The work is devoted to the improvement of precompetitive preparation of skiers, taking into account the need to participate in competitions of different styles of skiing. The experiment included 20 athletes aged 17-18 years. Isolated model characteristics of athletes who successfully perform classic and skating style of movement. The range of indicators of physical fitness of athletes, which is the norm for this level of qualification. The technique of constructing precompetitive preparation of athletes on the basis of a combination of style of movement. It was established experimentally that the combination of training sessions during the day improves athletic performance in racing classic and skating style. In this case, primary and secondary occupation to carry out a different style of skiing with a change of their rotation on the next day

    Молодежь в политической и социокультурной жизни Африки

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    Представляемая работа является первым за последние 25 лет монографическим изданием, посвященным проблемам африканской молодежи и ее роли в становлении и развитии молодых государств. Особое внимание уделяется вопросам социализации и формирования идентичности как в традиционном, так и в современном обществах, спецификt молодежных политических движений и молодежной политике государственных структур. Затрагиваются вопросы демографического фактора и влияния средств массовой информации на решении проблемы занятости