8 research outputs found


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    The wide introduction of prostatic specific antigen (PSA) determination into clinical practice has resulted in a larger number of prostate biopsies, while the lower age threshold for PSA has led to a larger number of unnecessary prostate biopsies. Hence, there is a need for new biomarkers that can detect prostate cancer. РCА3 is a noncoding messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) that is expressed exclusively in prostate cells.  The aim of the study  has been to develop a diagnostic test system for early non-invasive detection of prostate cancer based on PCA3 mRNA levels in urine sediment using quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). As part of the study, a laboratory diagnostic test system prototype has been designed, an application methodology has been developed and specificity and sensitivity data of the method has been assessed. The diagnostic system has demonstrated its ability to detect significantly elevated levels of PCA 3/ KLK 3 in samples from prostate cancer (PCa) patients compared with those from healthy men. The findings have shown relatively high diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and negative-predictive values for an early non-invasive screening of prostate cancerШирокое внедрение в клиническую практику определения содержания простатического специфического антигена (ПСА) привело к увеличению числа выполняемых биопсий простаты, а снижение порога возрастных норм ПСА — к увеличению числа неоправданных биопсий. В связи с этим возникла необходимость в новых биомаркерах рака предстательной железы. РСА3 — некодирующая мРНК, которая экспрессируется исключительно клетками предстательной железы. Целью данной работы было разработать диагностическую тест-систему для ранней неинвазивной диагностики рака простаты, основанной на количественной детекции мРНК гена РСА3 в осадке мочи методом полимеразной цепной реакции (ПЦР) в режиме реального времени сопряженной с обратной транскрипцией (ОТ). В результате был создан лабораторный образец диагностической ПЦР-тест-системы и отработана методика его применения. Получены данные о специфичности и чувствительности разработанного метода. Показана способность диагностической системы выявлять значительное превышение параметра PCA3/KLK3 в образцах биоматериала, полученного от больных раком простаты, по сравнению с образцами от здоровых индивидуумов. В ходе проведенных исследований установлены достаточно высокие показатели диагностической чувствительности, специфичности и негативной предсказательной ценности для раннего неинвазивного скринингово обнаружения рака предстательной железы. 

    Intragroup conflicts and efficiency of production group

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    Analysis results of relationships of three levels of the conflict (interpersonal, microgroup and group) on two types (the job and subject ) with indicators of subjectively perceived performance and social effectiveness of small groups and informal subgroups are provided. On selection of 42 work groups (N=334 employees) it is established that performance efficiency of group according to the experts has inverse relation from all levels and types of the conflict, and by estimates of members of group — from two types of the microgroup conflict. The same type of effectiveness of informal subgroups on one indicator has inverse relation from the group conflict, and on another — from the interpersonal and microgroup conflict. Social effectiveness of group is connected with the interpersonal and group conflict, and informal subgroups are connected with the interpersonal and microgroup conflict. Levels and types of the conflict cause efficiency of group and subgroup not only separately, but also in a combination with each other. Six regression models, four of which display relationships at the same time of several levels and types of the conflict with performance effectiveness of group, and two — with social effectiveness of subgroup are revealed. Mediated and direct relationships of levels and types of the conflict with efficiency of group and subgroup are established

    Research instrumentation for studying levels and components of intra-group attraction in work groups attraction in work groups

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    The existing approaches to understanding the attraction and methods of its study are indicated. There are three levels of attraction in a small group — interpersonal, microgroup and group attraction, each of which includes three components — subjective, communicative and activity-oriented. In accordance with this idea a questionnaire of interpersonal attraction and a questionnaire of group and micro-group attraction were developed. Each of the questionnaires includes three subscales for measuring the relevant components of the attraction. To assess the validity and reliability of the questionnaires, a survey was conducted in 18 small production groups — primary structural divisions in organizations and in small companies. The total number of respondents was 200 employees. For each questionnaire factor analysis was performed and the internal consistency of the subscales was assessed. It is shown that the questionnaires have validity and reliability. It is proved expedient to separate three subscales in each questionnaire. The main conclusions are drawn and the possibilities of using the developed tools for research and practical purposes are highlighted

    Interrelation of group, micro-group and interpersonal identities of employees in production groups

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    The article represents the results of mathematical and statistical analysis of the links between the levels of the identity of employees (group, micro-group and interpersonal) by three components (cognitive, affective and behavioral) in 37 industrial groups with expertise in different fields. The significant linear relationship between micro-group and interpersonal identity (for all components), high linear relationship between group identity and micro-group identity (only for affective component) and the lack of linear relationship between the components of inter- personal and group identity are revealed. Higher influence of group identity on micro-group (for all components) and interpersonal identity (for cognitive and behavioral components) is found out in the totality of intercorrelation between group, micro-group and interpersonal identities. Non-linear relationship between group and micro-group identity for all components is revealed. This non-linear relation indicates that increase in expressiveness of one of the components of group iden- tity leads to decrease in expressiveness of the respective component of micro-group identity. This effect occurs until definite moment, after which, on the contrary, further reinforcement of the components of group identity leads to the increase in expressiveness of micro-group identity. These established consistent patterns are interpreted in the article

    Heliogeophysical and other natural processes, periods of their oscillations, and forecasts

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