22 research outputs found

    Specific inhibition of complement activation significantly ameliorates autoimmune blistering disease in mice

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    Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA) is an antibody-mediated blistering skin disease associated with tissue-bound and circulating autoantibodies to type VII collagen (COL7). Transfer of antibodies against COL7 into mice results in a subepidermal blistering phenotype, strictly depending on the complement component C5. Further, activation predominantly by the alternative pathway is required to induce experimental EBA, as blistering was delayed and significantly ameliorated only in factor B−/− mice. However, C5 deficiency not only blocked the activation of terminal complement components and assembly of the membrane attack complex (MAC) but also eliminated the formation of C5a. Therefore, in the present study, we first aimed to elucidate which molecules downstream of C5 are relevant for blister formation in this EBA model and could be subsequently pharmaceutically targeted. For this purpose, we injected mice deficient in C5a receptor 1 (C5aR1) or C6 with antibodies to murine COL7. Importantly, C5ar1−/− mice were significantly protected from experimental EBA, demonstrating that C5a–C5aR1 interactions are critical intermediates linking pathogenic antibodies to tissue damage in this experimental model of EBA. By contrast, C6−/− mice developed widespread blistering disease, suggesting that MAC is dispensable for blister formation in this model. In further experiments, we tested the therapeutic potential of inhibitors of complement components which were identified to play a key role in this experimental model. Complement components C5, factor B (fB), and C5aR1 were specifically targeted using complement inhibitors both prophylactically and in mice that had already developed disease. All complement inhibitors led to a significant improvement of the blistering phenotype when injected shortly before anti-COL7 antibodies. To simulate a therapeutic intervention, anti-fB treatment was first administered in full-blown EBA (day 5) and induced significant amelioration only in the final phase of disease evolution, suggesting that early intervention in disease development may be necessary to achieve higher efficacy. Anti-C5 treatment in incipient EBA (day 2) significantly ameliorated disease during the whole experiment. This finding is therapeutically relevant, since the humanized anti-C5 antibody eculizumab is already successfully used in patients. In conclusion, in this study, we have identified promising candidate molecules for complement-directed therapeutic intervention in EBA and similar autoantibody-mediated diseases

    Testing the Altresyn Product for Oestrus Synchronization in Gilts

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Altresyn® product (progesterone-based product) as a method for synchronization of oestrus in gilts. The gilts were divided into three experimental groups. The synthetic progesterone Altrenogest was fed daily to 39 gilts at 20 mg/gilts for 18 days. In case of the first group (n = 11 gilts) the treatment was performed using only Altresyn product. In group II (n=13 gilts) was administered the prostaglandin hormone (Prosolvin), 0.75 mg at 24 hours after Altrenogest treatment suppression. Group III (n=15 gilts) received one injections of PMSG hormone (Folligon), 500 IU/animal. Gilts were checked for oestrus twice daily and were artificially inseminated. All gilts expressed signs of oestrus between 3 and 6 days after withdrawal of Altrenogest. At the groups that were administered prostaglandin and PMSG there was a shorter duration of oestrus (group III - 26.66 hours, group II - 27.07 hours) compared to group I (28.54 hours).  In this study, pregnancy rate ranged from 45.45% (group I) and 93.33%(group III), while in group II the value slightly exceeded 50% (53.84%). In group I, the mean litter size was 11.6 piglets, in group II the mean value of farrowed piglets was 13.28 and 15 piglets in group III. Regarding the average number of weaned piglets in group I was 8.8, 12 in group II, while for the third group was 13.14. Altrenogest, the active ingredient in Altresyn® is effective for regulating the oestrus of gilts in commercial pig farms

    The Diagnosis of Fetal Sexing in Cattle Using Ultrasound

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    The purpose of this research was to conduct an ultrasound exam in the interval between 49-120 days of gestation for the determination of fetus sex and to establish the interval when the fetal sexing is possible. The research was carried out in three farms from Transylvania. In farm A were examined 25 animals, in farm B 13 animals and in farm C 11 animals. The diagnosis of the fetal sexing was possible for 35 cases, 14 animals were diagnosed as female and 21 were male. In the interval between 56-65 days of gestation the diagnosis of fetal sexing was established by viewing the genital tubercle and in the interval between 65-90 days of gestation the diagnosis was established by viewing the secondary genital organs. In 14 cases the diagnosis was not set; in 4 cases the conception product has not been sufficiently developed, the genital tubercle was not visible, and in 10 cases the fetus was too big and was impossible to localize the genital organs

    Study on the economic implications of the retained placenta in cows in a farm from Brașov county

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    Retained fetal membranes is an issue that has been debated over the years, especially regarding the treatment, because it is wanted to implement a therapeutic option that affects, as little as possible the female reproductive life, thus reducing the associated economic implications of this pathology. In this study, we have analyzed the cases of retained placenta in a farm from Brasov county. The aim of this study was to verify the incidence, diagnosis, treatment of the retained placenta in cows and its economic implications. In this study were included 248 bovines that have calving in the interval January 2015-December 2017. Of these, a number of 29 animals have been found with retained placenta, which represents 11.69%. All 29 bovine animals were treated by manual detachment of the placenta. Economic losses stem mainly from the treatment of the retained placenta and the treatment of the uterine infections, as well as from the longer duration of the service period and calving interval

    Estrous synchronisation and artificial insemination in out of breeding season at lacaune sheep

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    The aim of this study was to increase fertility in sheep by applying modern biotechnology: induction and synchronization of estrous in out of breeding season. The study was conducted during May 2019- July 2019 on 132 ewes, aged between 1 and 6 years, in Covasna county, Romania. The ewes were syncronisated with Medroxyprogesterone (Ovigest, Hypra), Cloprostenol (PGF Veyx Forte, Esteve) and GnRH (Ovarelin, Ceva). After the synchronization, the artificial insemination was performed at 126 ewes by intracervical method. At 29 days after the artificial insemination was performed the diagnosis of gestation using an ultrasound. From 126 animals artificial inseminated, in 121 (91.67%) cases the diagnosis of gestation confirmed the gestation and in 22 cases was confirmed a twin gestation

    Management of breeding sows in a farm in Tulcea County

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    The study was carried out between June 2016 – May 2017 in a private unit in Tulcea County, and involved 60 sows and gilts of different ages. The animals were divided into two experimental groups: group I involved 30 F1 gilts (20 gilts LWxL and 10 gilts LWxD) aged between 7-8 months and group II had 30 F1 sows (20 sows LxLW and 10 sows LWxL) aged between 28-36 months. Gilts were checked for estrus twice daily and were artificially inseminated. For the first group the mean value of piglets born alive was beetwen 7.9±3.84 for LWxL gilts and 9.85±2.73 for LWxD gilts. In group II the data recorded were 9±3.98 piglets for LxLW and 9.6±3.20 piglets for LWxL sows. Good results in terms of weaned piglets were recorded for LWxL gilts (9.7±2.73) and LWxL sows (9.1±2.96). In group II there were 13 cases of piglet mortality. The results of our study indicate that gilts presented higher values of the fertility parameters such that age is an important index to take into consideration

    Incidence of clinical and subclinical mastitis in a dairy herd in Cluj County

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    The purpose of this work was to supervise the activity and health of the mammary gland in dairy cows in a dairy specialty unit in Cluj County. The objectives of this study can be summarized as follows: diagnosis of mastitis, carrying out a study on the incidence of mastitis according to some factors, performing the microbiological exam and treatment. Following the clinical examination, 6 cows (5.36%) were diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Depending on the type of lesion, it was found that acute mastitis had the highest rate (66.66%), and according to the symptomatology, there were found 2 cases (33.33%) with haemorrhagic mastitis, catarrhal mastitis and purulent mastitis. The highest incidence of clinical mastitis based on the number of lactations was in cows at 3th and 4th lactation (83.33%). Depending on age, all cases of clinical mastitis have been detected in cows aged 4-7 years. After the application of the Kerba Test method, a total of 10 cows (8.93%) were diagnosed with subclinical mastitis. The incidence of subclinical mastitis according to the age of the animals shows that 60% of the cases were recorded in cows aged 5-7 years. The incidence of subclinical mastitis regarding the number of lactations was 20% in cows at 5th lactation, 10% in those at 4th lactation, 30% in those at the 3th lactation, 30% in the 2nd lactation and 10% in the first lactation cows. Bacteriological exam revealed that the most commonly encountered pathogen was Staphylococcus spp. As regards the treatment of clinical mastitis, comparing the average of administrations, we observed a better efficacy of Masti Veyxym and Synulox LC therapy than in the treatment that used exclusively Synulox LC (2.5 vs. 4.5), although performed under the same conditions. In subclinical mastitis we achieved 100% healing after a single administration