89 research outputs found

    Holocene Deglaciation of Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica

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    Surface exposure ages of glacial deposits in the Ford Ranges of western Marie Byrd Land indicate continuous thinning of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet by more than 700 meters near the coast throughout the past 10,000 years. Deglaciation lagged the disappearance of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere by thousands of years and may still be under way. These results provide further evidence that parts of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet are on a long-term trajectory of decline. West Antarctic melting contributed water to the oceans in the late Holocene and may continue to do so in the future

    Organizing melt flow through the crust

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    Melt that crystallizes as granite at shallow crustal levels in orogenic belts originates from migmatite and residual granulite in the deep crust; this is the most important mass-transfer process affecting the continents. Initially melt collects in grain boundaries before migrating along structural fabrics and through discordant fractures initiated during synanatectic deformation. As this permeable porosity develops, melt flows down gradients in pressure generated by the imposed tectonic stress, moving from grain boundaries through outcrop-scale vein networks to ascent conduits. Gravity then drives melt ascent through the crust, either in dikes that fill ductile-to-brittle-elastic fractures or by pervasive flow in planar and linear channels in belts of steep structural fabrics. Melt may be arrested in its ascent at the ductile-to-brittle transition zone or it may be trapped en route by a developing tectonic structure

    Modeling multiple melt loss events in the evolution of an active continental margin

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    The Fosdick migmatite–granite complex in West Antarctica records evidence for crustal melting during two periods of tectonism along the East Gondwana margin. Initial high-temperature metamorphism in the Devonian–Carboniferous (M1) was broadly contemporaneous with emplacement of calc-alkaline arc magmas during Pacific-style accretionary margin convergence. This event involved metamorphism of arc plutonic rocks soon after their emplacement and partial melting and migmatization of host metasedimentary rocks. Preservation of M1 garnet-bearing assemblages and mineral equilibria modeling of the metasedimentary rock and calc-alkaline plutonic rock protolith compositions regionally exposed constrain conditions of M1 metamorphism to 820–870 °C and 7.5–11.5 kbar. A second anatectic event during the Cretaceous (M2) resulted in metamorphism of plutonic rocks and partial melting of fertile metasedimentary rocks that had remained at a high enough structural level to have been subsolidus during the first anatectic event, and a metamorphic overprint on now residual paragneisses characterized by the growth of M2 cordierite after garnet, and after biotite + sillimanite. Mineral equilibria modeling of para- and orthogneiss compositions in the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex constrain conditions of M2 metamorphism to 830–870 °C and 6–7.5 kbar.We use the results of mineral equilibria modeling to assess the constituents of the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex as melt sources and as domains of melt transfer and melt accumulation during the two anatectic events. Modeling the range of metasedimentary rock protolith compositions shows that ~ 4–25 vol.% melt was produced at the conditions of M1 metamorphism, although most compositions would have been fertile enough to reach the melt connectivity transition (~ 7 vol.%) leading to the development of a melt extraction pathway and subsequent melt loss. The preservation of peak-M1 assemblages in the paragneiss is consistent with melt loss, and modeling based on a representative protolith composition indicates that a minimum of 70% of the total melt produced must have been extracted from the metasedimentary rock source. The intrusive plutonic rocks produce ~ 2–3 vol.% melt during the M1 event. Although the plutonic rocks were not a significant melt source at the level exposed, granites derived from these rocks but sourced at a deeper crustal level accumulated within the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex during the M1 event.The elevated geotherms in a magmatic arc environment allow the possibility that higher crustal levels in the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex remained subsolidus during the M1 event, and could be fertile sources during the M2 event. At peak M2 conditions, these fertile metasedimentary rocks would produce ~ 5–30 vol.% melt, whereas the plutonic rocks were not likely a significant source of melt at this crustal depth. The residual paragneisses that underwent melting and melt loss during the M1 event are estimated to produce ~ 12 vol.% additional melt during M2. The mechanical anisotropy created by the residual gneisses likely produced a gradient in melt pressure. This gradient, together with shallow fabrics in the hosting gneisses, could have acted to focus M2 melts derived from the fertile metasedimentary rocks into a horizontally-sheeted leucogranite complex. The accumulation of these melts would have lead to pronounced weakening of the crust, facilitating the exhumation of the Fosdick migmatite–granite complex during the transition from regional shortening during M2 to regional extension at ca. 100 Ma

    Great Problems of Mathematics: A Summer Workshop for High School Students

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    Stimulating problems are at the heart of many great advances in mathematics. In fact, whole subjects owe their existence to a single problem that resisted solution. Nevertheless, throughout the curriculum we tend to present only polished theories and finished techniques, devoid of both the motivating problems and the long road to their solution. Why deprive our students of examples of the process by which mathematics is created? Why shield them from the central problems that have fired its development? With these questions in mind, we designed a 3-week summer workshop for high school students, funded by the National Science Foundation under its Young Scholars program and held at Colorado College in 1992 and 1993. The 22 students who participated each summer were from across the country, were primarily beginning seniors, and had completed at least 2 years of algebra and 1 year of geometry. For an introduction to sophisticated mathematics that minimizes the prerequisites, we are convinced that our approach is effective, gets students excited

    Cretaceous oblique extensional deformation and magma accumulation in the Fosdick Mountains migmatite-cored gneiss dome, West Antarctica

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    The Fosdick Mountains, West Antarctica, expose a 15 x 80 km migmatite-cored gneiss dome consisting of migmatitic gneisses, diatexite migmatite, and subhorizontal leucogranite sheets. The Fosdick dome was emplaced and exhumed in the mid-Cretaceous due to oblique extension associated with the West Antarctic Rift system along the West Antarctic-New Zealand segment of East Gondwana. The dome is bounded to the south by a dextral oblique detachment structure and to the north by an inferred dextral strike-slip fault. Within the Fosdick dome and in the detachment zone, granite occupies leucosomes, dikes, sills, and dilatant and shear structures. The pattern of kilometer-scale domains of migmatite and granite suggest that lithologic variations and heterogeneous deformation (boudinage) resulted in pressure gradients that enhanced melt flow and magma accumulation in the Fosdick dome. Steep foliations are overprinted, folded, and transposed by subhorizontal fabrics. The crosscutting relationship is interpreted as a transition from wrench deformation to oblique divergence. Steep structures in the dome host concordant, subvertical leucosome and granite sheets yielding SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages between ca. 117 and 114 Ma. Prevalent subhorizontal domains host large volumes of subhorizontal diatexite migmatite and granite sheets that yield U-Pb zircon ages between ca. 109 and 102 Ma. These ages indicate a timescale for melt influx of approximately 15 Ma and that the transition from wrench to oblique divergence may have occurred in as little as 5 Ma. Granites with crystallization ages between ca. 109 and 102 Ma were also emplaced in the South Fosdick Detachment zone, indicating that the detachment was active during oblique divergence. SHRIMP U-Pb titanite ages between ca. 102 and 97 Ma for late- to post-tectonic diorite dikes are interpreted as emplacement ages and give a minimum age for gneissic foliation development during detachment faulting. The Fosdick Mountains preserve a record of the middle to lower crustal response to a transition from wrench to oblique extensional deformation. Overprinting structural relationships show that a change in the angle of oblique extension can induce accumulation of subhorizontal magma sheets and lead to initiation of a detachment zone