4 research outputs found

    Postweaning substitution of grazed forage with a high-energy concentrate has variable long-term effects on subcutaneous fat and marbling in genotypes

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    The objective of this study was to quantify the effects and interactions of stage of growth and genotype on commercial carcass traits and intramuscular fat (IMF) content in 5 muscles of Bos taurus steers (n = 165) and to test the hypothesis that substituting pasture with a high-energy concentrate during the immediate postweaning period increases IMF. Cattle of 3 genotypes (Angus, Hereford, and Wagyu × Angus; n = 55/genotype) were selected at weaning from commercial herds, targeting genotypic differences in marbling and subcutaneous fatness. Following weaning, steers were fed for 168 d within 2 different improved, temperate pasture-based nutritional systems: a forage-only system (FS) and forage with high-energy supplemented system (SS), with 2 replicates per system. The supplement was fed at a level of 1% of average BW adjusted every 2 wk to provide an estimated 50% of energy requirements for 168 d from weaning. Pasture on offer in both systems was managed to match the BW of the FS and SS steers during the postweaning treatment period to avoid confounding due to differences in growth rate during this period. Steers were then regrouped into 2 replicates and backgrounded on improved, temperate pasture for 158 d and then grain fed within 1 group for 105 d (short fed) or 259 d (long fed). Groups were slaughtered at commencement (d 0) and end of postweaning nutritional treatments (d 168), end of backgrounding (d 326), and after short (d 431) or long feedlotting (d 585). Serial slaughter stage had an effect on all traits assessed (P < 0.01). The FS steers had more rib fat (P < 0.01) and higher Meat Standards Australia marbling score (P < 0.05) and a tendency (P < 0.10) to have greater eye muscle area than the SS steers throughout the study. Genotypic differences were evident (P < 0.05) for all traits assessed except HCW, dressing percentage, rib fat depth, ossification score, ultimate pH, and IMF in the semitendinosus muscle. The results for marbling and IMF do not support the use of a high-energy feed as a substitute for an equivalent amount of energy from pasture during the immediate postweaning period to enhance development of marbling

    High energy supplement post-weaning does not enhance marbling in beef cattle

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    Objectives of this study were to l) determine whether high energy supplement during the immediate post-weaning period enhances marbling; 2) determine whether nutrition and genotype interact to affect intramuscular (IM) and subcutaneous (SC) fat; 3) obtain data and samples for detailed study of fat depot development. Weaner steers (n=l65) within three genotypes were studied. Targeted genotypes were high IM and high SC fat (Angus, A), low IM and high SC fat (Hereford, H) and high IM and lower SC fat (Wagyu x Angus, WA). From weaning, steers were fed pasture, or pasture plus high energy pellets (12.3 MJME/kgDM, 110 g CP/kgDM) at 1% liveweight (LW) for 168 d. Pasture-fed (P) and supplemented (S) steers were then backgrounded until feedlot entry at 18 month of age. Steers were then short (100 d) or long (250 d) feedlot fed. LW did not differ due to nutritional treatment at any stage. Base-line steers (n=15) were slaughtered at weaning, and groups slaughtered at end of nutritional treatments (n=30), prior to feedlot entry (n=30), and after short (n=30) and long (n=60) feedlotting. Genotype, Kill (1 to 5) and Post-weaning nutritional effects and interactions on carcass traits were assessed (at P<0.05) by analyses of variance, with initial LW as a covariate due to Angus being heavier. Hereford steers had more SC fat at the P8 site and less marbling than the other genotypes. Carcass weight, SC fat depths and marbling increased with kill number. Post-weaning supplement depressed Rib fat depth compared with forage only feeding. No interactions were evident. We conclude that post-weaning supplement did not enhance marbling and had a somewhat suppressive effect on SC fat. The genotypes had predicted marbling characteristics, although SC fat did not differ overall between A and WA. The phenotypic data will be used in detailed studies of fat depot development

    Development of intramuscular fat adipocytes in Bos taurus genotypes

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    This preliminary study quantified the size and number of adipocytes within Longissimus lumborum intramuscular fat across 5 postnatal stages of growth and 2 post-weaning forage-based feeding systems in Bos taurus genotypes selected to differ in their fat distribution. No differences (P>0.05) in size or number of adipocytes due to feeding system were evident. Adipocyte size was lower (P0.05) within each stage of growth. Stage of growth affected size and number of adipocytes (P<0.05)

    The role of viruses in the etiology and pathogenesis of common cold

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