180 research outputs found

    The importance of socio-demographic indicators in regional disparities in turkey, 1990-1994

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    The aim of this study is to test the relative importance of the socio-demographic versus economic variables in discriminating the inter-regional differences in Turkey in 1990-94. Our findings show that the "socio-demographic" variables are much more significant than the "economic" variables. Among the socio-demographic variables, especially those variables related with the fertility and the size of household, and the female education such as the "female literacy ratio" and "female schooling ratio in high school", are the most effective variables rather than the economic variables, in the explanation of the differences between the regions in Turkey. Moreover, among the economic variables, the variables such as the "ratio of non-agricultural active population" are the more significant than the "GDP per capita" which is widely used as an ultimate indicator of socio-economic development. In this study, discriminant and factor analyses, and logistic regression are applied in total of five different methods. The tests are carried out for the seven regions of Turkey as defined by the State Institute of Statistics. Subsequently the analyses are repeated by combining these seven regions into three regions and two regions. Our above stated findings were always consistent in each of these tests. Our data sources are the various publications of State Institute of Statistics (SIS) and State Planning Organization (SPO). The regional data are the unweighted arithmetic mean of the respective provinces. Key words: Regional disparity, Socio-demographic variables, Economic variables, Discriminant anlysis, Logistic regression, and Factor analysis.

    Modelling nonlinear behavior of labor force participation rate by STAR: An application for Turkey

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the behavior of participation rates in terms of gender differences. We employed smooth autoregressive transition models for the\ud quarterly Turkish labor force participation rates (LFPR) data between 2000: Q1 - 2011: Q4 to present an asymmetric participation behavior. The smoothness parameter indicates a gradual transition from low to high regimes. It is higher for female workers compared to the male workers. Participation rates diminish during a recession but they increase smoothly during the\ud periods of expansion. The estimation results of Enders et al. (1998) also verified the asymmetry and nonlinearity in participation rates. During periods of economic expansion, they are higher than the threshold but the low regime indicator function takes the value zero. The results of the paper have economic implications for policy makers. Due to the discouraged worker and added worker effects, LFPR should be observed with the unemployment rates while evaluating the tightness of the labor market

    Monge-Ampere measures and Poletsky-Stessin Hardy spaces on bounded hyperconvex domains

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    In this thesis study, we consider Poletsky-Stessin Hardy (PS-Hardy) spaces that are generated by continuous, plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions on hyperconvex domains. In the first part of this study we examine these spaces on domains in the complex plane that are bounded by an analytic Jordan curve. In this setting we focus on PS-Hardy spaces generated by exhaustion functions that have finite Monge-Ampre mass but are not necessarily maximal outside of a compact set. This choice gives us new Banach spaces strictly contained in classical Hardy spaces. We characterize PS-Hardy spaces through their boundary values and we show factorization results analogous to unit disc case. Using functional analysis techniques we prove that the algebra of holomorphic functions which are continuous on the boundary are dense in PS-Hardy spaces. Moreover, we consider the composition operators with holomorphic symbols acting on PS-Hardy spaces and show that contrary to classical case, not all composition operators are bounded on PS-Hardy spaces. In the second part, we study PS-Hardy spaces on polydisc, complex ellipsoid and on strongly convex domains. On complex ellipsoid case, we prove the existence of radial boundary values and then by applying a classical method given by Stein we show the existence of boundary values along admissible approach regions. As an application of this method , we also obtain that polynomials are dense in PS-Hardy spaces on complex ellipsoids. Lastly, we examine the boundedness of composition operators on PS-Hardy spaces on hyperconvex domains in several variables