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    The Ursinus Weekly, June 8, 1936

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    Dr. N. E. McClure named president by board • Music dept. gives fine performance • 89 are graduated at commencement • Degrees awarded to Klonower, Kerschner • Dr. Leinbach delivers baccalaureate sermon • Prof. Sheeder reviews 1936 Ruby; dedicated to Barnard • Prizes and trophies given in commencement program • Board of directors meets; old officers re-elected • Dr. McClure to be honored with Litt.D. at PMC Tuesday • Lantern dedicates June issue to Dr. Omwake • Alumni vote $100 to field fund; Dietz is assoc. pres. • Bears win season\u27s finale from Owls, 12-4, pounding four Temple hurlers for 17 hits • Ursinus, Juniata tied for third in baseball league • Advance enrollment large; girl\u27s dorms nearly full • E. Shelley elected TKA head; annual banquet follows meet • Professors put a bar in old Bomberger; dice are spun, war is won; tutorial tipplers rise from floor, ask for more, as students roar; (it\u27s only class day) • Fenton gets blazer award • Longstreth field bought • Men\u27s council meets • 1936 track scoring • Four sports teams elect • Open scholarship awards announced by committee • Glenwood association has thirtieth meeting, May 28 • Three concerns reveal jobs for college students, graduates • Faculty members plan wide range of summer vacations • Lehigh Valley alumni meethttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1964/thumbnail.jp