2 research outputs found
Are female bipolar patients of reproductive age aware of the teratogenic risk of sodium valproate: A qualitative study.
Are female bipolar patients of reproductive age aware of the teratogenic risk of sodium valproate? A qualitative study
BACKGROUND : Sodium valproate is considered the most teratogenic of all anticonvulsant drugs.
Internationally, new regulations require women to sign risk assessment forms if initiated on it.
AIM : This study aimed to explore patients’ awareness of the teratogenic risk of sodium valproate.
SETTING : Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital, Tshwane, Gauteng.
METHODS : We conducted a qualitative study comprising 23 semi-structured interviews with
female bipolar patients of reproductive age at a tertiary psychiatric hospital in South Africa.
RESULTS : Patient psychoeducation and self-education is improving as many patients were
aware of the risk of teratogenicity of sodium valproate either by being educated or by searching
online after developing an interest. Our study identified the need for female patients to be
educated about contraceptive use when starting on sodium valproate to avoid pregnancy.
CONCLUSION : Our study shows that patients are becoming more aware of the teratogenic risk of
sodium valproate. This suggests that consultations focusing on the issues of conception and
the use of sodium valproate in women of childbearing potential has improved.A.U.S. was the principal investigator of the project in the
context of her master’s in psychiatry. She wrote the research
protocol, gathered and analysed the data, interpreted the
findings and wrote the final manuscript. M.J. was the
supervisor and K.N. the co-supervisor of the master’s study
and they assisted with the formulation of the research
question, the analysis and interpretation of the data and
contributed to the writing of the manuscript.http://www.sajpsychiatry.orgam2023Psychiatr