5,148 research outputs found

    Quantum phase transition and entanglement in Li atom system

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    In this paper we study the quantum phase transition and entanglement in s1=1/2 and s2=1 spin pair system by the exact diagonalization method. We show that, for this exactly solvable quantum bi-spin system, entanglement appears before quantum phase transition and disappears after it. Moreover, we show that the von Neumann entropy, as a measure of entanglement, can reveal quantum phase transition in this system.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Ensemble Methods for Personalized E-Commerce Search Challenge at CIKM Cup 2016

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    Personalized search has been a hot research topic for many years and has been widely used in e-commerce. This paper describes our solution to tackle the challenge of personalized e-commerce search at CIKM Cup 2016. The goal of this competition is to predict search relevance and re-rank the result items in SERP according to the personalized search, browsing and purchasing preferences. Based on a detailed analysis of the provided data, we extract three different types of features, i.e., statistic features, query-item features and session features. Different models are used on these features, including logistic regression, gradient boosted decision trees, rank svm and a novel deep match model. With the blending of multiple models, a stacking ensemble model is built to integrate the output of individual models and produce a more accurate prediction result. Based on these efforts, our solution won the champion of the competition on all the evaluation metrics.Comment: First Place Solution at CIKM Cup 2016 Track

    Solar Flares with an Exponential Growth of the Emission Measure in the Impulsive Phase Derived from X-ray Observations

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    The light curves of solar flares in the impulsive phase are complex in general, indicating that multiple physical processes are involved in. With the GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) observations, we find that there are a subset of flares, whose impulsive phases are dominated by a period of exponential growth of the emission measure. The flares occurred from January 1999 to December 2002 are analyzed, and the results from the observations made with both GOES 8 and GEOS 10 satellites are compared to estimate the instrumental uncertainties. Their mean temperatures during this exponential growth phase have a normal distribution. Most flares within the 1\sigma\ range of this temperature distribution belong to the GOES class B or C, with the peak fluxes at the GOES low-energy channel following a log-normal distribution. The growth rate and duration of the exponential growth phase also follow a lognormal distribution, in which the duration is distributed in the range from half a minute to about half an hour. As expected, the growth time is correlated with the decay time of the soft X-ray flux. We also find that the growth rate of the emission measure is strongly anti-correlated with the duration of the exponential growth phase, and the mean temperature increases slightly with the increase of the growth rate. The implications of these results on the study of energy release in solar flares are discussed in the end.Comment: 10 figure

    Session-aware Information Embedding for E-commerce Product Recommendation

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    Most of the existing recommender systems assume that user's visiting history can be constantly recorded. However, in recent online services, the user identification may be usually unknown and only limited online user behaviors can be used. It is of great importance to model the temporal online user behaviors and conduct recommendation for the anonymous users. In this paper, we propose a list-wise deep neural network based architecture to model the limited user behaviors within each session. To train the model efficiently, we first design a session embedding method to pre-train a session representation, which incorporates different kinds of user search behaviors such as clicks and views. Based on the learnt session representation, we further propose a list-wise ranking model to generate the recommendation result for each anonymous user session. We conduct quantitative experiments on a recently published dataset from an e-commerce company. The evaluation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which can outperform the state-of-the-art significantly

    Non-symmetry constraints of the AKNS system yielding integrable Hamiltonian systems

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    This paper aims to show that there exist non-symmetry constraints which yield integrable Hamiltonian systems through nonlinearization of spectral problems of soliton systems, like symmetry constraints. Taking the AKNS spectral problem as an illustrative example, a class of such non-symmetry constraints is introduced for the AKNS system, along with two-dimensional integrable Hamiltonian systems generated from the AKNS spectral problem.Comment: latex, 8 pages, to appear in Chaos, Solitons and Fractal

    Hamiltonian Structures and Reciprocal Transformations for the rr-KdV-CH Hierarchy

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    The rr-KdV-CH hierarchy is a generalization of the Korteweg-de Vries and Camassa-Holm hierarchies parametrized by r+1r+1 constants. In this paper we clarify some properties of its multi-Hamiltonian structures, prove the semisimplicity of the associated bihamiltonian structures and the formula for their central invariants. By introducing a class of generalized Hamiltonian structures, we give in a natural way the transformation formulae of the Hamiltonian structures of the hierarchy under certain reciprocal transformation, and prove the formulae at the level of its dispersionless limit. We also consider relations of the associated bihamiltonian structures to Frobenius manifolds.Comment: 37 page

    A finite element method of the self-consistent field theory on general curved surfaces

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    Block copolymers provide a wonderful platform in studying the soft condensed matter systems. Many fascinating ordered structures have been discovered in bulk and confined systems. Among various theories, the self-consistent field theory (SCFT) has been proven to be a powerful tool for studying the equilibrium ordered structures. Many numerical methods have been developed to solve the SCFT model. However, most of these focus on the bulk systems, and little work on the confined systems, especially on general curved surfaces. In this work, we developed a linear surface finite element method, which has a rigorous mathematical theory to guarantee numerical precsion, to study the self-assembled phases of block copolymers on general curved surfaces based on the SCFT. Furthermore, to capture the consistent surface for a given self-assembled pattern, an adaptive approach to optimize the size of the general curved surface has been proposed. To demonstrate the power of this approach, we investigate the self-assembled patterns of diblock copolymers on several distinct curved surfaces, including five closed surfaces and an unclosed surface. Numerical results illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. The obtained ordered structures are consistent with the previous results on standard surfaces, such as sphere and torus. Certainly, the proposed numerical framework has the capability of studying the phase behaviors on general surfaces precisely

    The DDΛ‰βˆ—D\bar{D}^* interaction with isospin zero in an extended hidden gauge symmetry approach

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    The DDΛ‰βˆ—D \bar{D}^* interaction via a ρ\rho or Ο‰\omega exchange is constructed within an extended hidden gauge symmetry approach, where the strange quark is replaced by the charm quark in the SU(3)SU(3) flavor space. With this DDΛ‰βˆ—D \bar{D}^* interaction, a bound state slightly lower than the DDΛ‰βˆ—D \bar{D}^* threshold is generated dynamically in the isospin zero sector by solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation in the coupled-channel approximation, which might correspond to the X(3872)X(3872) particle announced by many collaborations. This formulism is also used to study the BBΛ‰βˆ—B \bar{B}^* interaction, and a BBΛ‰βˆ—B \bar{B}^* bound state with isospin zero is generated dynamically, which has no counterpart listed in the review of the Particle Data Group. Furthermore, the one-pion exchange between the DD meson and the DΛ‰βˆ—\bar{D}^* is analyzed precisely, and we do not think the one-pion exchange potential need be considered when the Bethe-Salpeter equation is solved.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure, 2 table

    Improved Time Domain Method to Measure Near-Field Distribution of Buried-Object

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    The paper analyses the ground antenna echo using microwave frequency detector and high speed sampling technology and a new method detecting buried object in time domain near-field is presented. The method detecting particular reflection echo frequency of microwave pulse via digital signal processing is to reduce the false alarm rate. Simulation results show that this method has advantages of easy identification and high precision.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    A GeV source in the direction of Supernova Remnant CTB 37B

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    Supernova remnants (SNRs) are the most attractive candidates for the acceleration sites of Galactic cosmic rays. We report the detection of GeV Ξ³\gamma-ray emission with the Pass 8 events recorded by Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) in the vicinity of the shell type SNR CTB 37B that is likely associated with the TeV Ξ³βˆ’\gamma-ray source HESS J1713-381. The photon spectrum of CTB 37B is consistent with a power-law with an index of 1.89Β±0.081.89\pm0.08 in the energy range of 0.5βˆ’5000.5-500 GeV, and the measured flux connects smoothly with that of HESS J1713-381 at a few hundred GeV. No significant spatial extension and time variation are detected. The multi-wavelength data can be well fitted with either a leptonic model or a hadronic one. However, parameters of both models suggest more efficient particle acceleration than typical SNRs. Meanwhile, the X-ray and Ξ³\gamma-ray spectral properties of CTB 37B show that it is an interesting source bridging young SNRs dominated by non-thermal emission and old SNRs interacting with molecular clouds.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, published in ApJ, 817, 6
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