5 research outputs found

    In GFP with high risk HPV-18E6 fusion protein expressed 293T and MCF-7 cells, the endogenous wild-type p53 could be transiently phosphorylated at multiple sites

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Infected cells recognize viral replication as a DNA damage stress and elicit the host surveillance mechanism to anti-virus infection. Modulation of the activity of tumor suppressor p53 is a key event in the replication of many viruses. They could manipulate p53 function through phosphorylation modification for their own purpose. But there is rarely research about p53 phosphorylation status in the context of HPV-E6. Therefore, we investigated whether p53 could be phosphorylated by HPV-E6.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We used a mammalian green fluorescence protein (GFP) expression system to express HPV-18E6 with GFP fusion proteins (GFP-18E6) in wild-type (wt) p53 cell lines, such as 293T and MCF-7 cells to trace the traffic and subcellular location of E6 protein. By immunofluorescence technique and immunoblotting, we determined the positive phosphorylated sites of p53 and observed the distribution of phosphorylated p53 in the context of GFP-18E6.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>GFP-18E6 was predominantly located in nuclei of wt p53 cell lines, and it could induce transient phosphorylation of p53 at multiple sites, such as Ser<sup>15</sup>, Ser<sup>20</sup>, and Ser<sup>392</sup>. All the three sites of phosphorylated p53s were localized in nuclei together with GFP-18E6.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In GFP with high risk HPV-18E6 fusion protein expressed 293T and MCF-7 cells, the endogenous wt p53 could be transiently phosphorylated at multiple sites.</p

    T-lymphocyte subsets in liver tissues of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and normal controls

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    T lymphocytes infiltrating hepatic tissues were typed and enumerated in liver biopsies of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC), patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), and normal controls using monoclonal antibodies and the avidin-biotin-immunoperoxidase technique. The peripheral blood mononuclear cells were studied also by flow cytometry. In PBC, T lymphocytes were decreased (P<0.001) in the blood [absolute number was 426±200 (SE) vs 1351±416 in 15 controls], as was the helper/suppressor (T4/T8) ratio (1.0±0.1 vs normal 2.3±0.3). T lymphocytes were the most numerous mononuclear cells infiltrating portal areas of PBC livers: 749±93/5 high-power fields (HPF) in PBC vs 98±15/5 HPF (P<0.01) in controls. The T4/T8 ratios varied from 0.9 to 2.3 (mean, 1.8±0.1) in the portal triads (normal mean, 1.6±0.1), with the T4+ cells accounting for more than 75% of infiltrating T cells. In contrast, the mean T4/T8 ratio in portal triads of PSC was reduced (1.0±0.3) due to a significant increase (P<0.001) in the number of T8+ cells. The T cells around and in the walls of bile ducts in PBC were mostly T8+, and the T4/T8 ratio was 0.8±0.2. No T8+ cells were seen in this location in PSC and normal livers. Few mononuclear cells were present in hepatic lobules. Subtyping of T lymphocytes in liver tissues of patients with PBC and PSC may be helpful in the differential pathologic diagnosis. In patients with advanced PBC, a decrease in T4+ cells in the blood appeared to be accompanied by their accumulation in the portal triads. In contrast, T8+ cells accumulated preferentially around bile ducts. © 1984 Plenum Publishing Corporation