151 research outputs found
Most people don’t actually think about the supply of water. Water is easy to ignore, you can just turn on a tap and water comes out!
We still have the same amount of water in our ecosystem but the supply of freshwater faces a three-pronged attack from population growth, climate change and industrialisation. As it currently stands, there’s not enough water to go around. Of the World’s total water supply 97% is seawater and of the remaining only 0.3% is usable unpolluted clean waterthat is readily available to us for our daily water supply
Аналіз впливу приватних і державних R&D витрат на рівень економічного зростання розвинутих країн Європейського Союзу
This article analyzes the impact of public and private R&D expenditures on the level of economic growth of the EU countries with different levels of innovation development, such as innovation leaders (Germany, Finland), innovation followers (France, Estonia) and moderate innovators (Spain, Portugal and Poland), which were determined according Innovation Union Scoreboard. A special attention is paid to the aspects of financial resources in the context of their different sources (private and public). The article offers a regression analysis to determine how the change of funding influences the level of economic development. The analysis has allowed to find the dependence of economic growth (GDP) from many factors which impact on this change and estimate their impact quantitatively.Article received 30.03.2016Для обґрунтування необхідності збільшення державного фінансування сфери досліджень і розробок в Україні проаналізовано вплив державних та приватних R&D витрат на економічне зростання країн – членів Європейського Союзу з різним рівнем інноваційного розвитку, а саме інноваційних лідерів (Німеччини, Фінляндії), інноваційних послідовників (Франції, Естонії) та помірних новаторів (Іспанії, Португалії та Польщі), визначених за даними Innovation Union Scoreboard. Особливу увагу в роботі було приділено аспектам формування фінансових ресурсів у розрізі окремих їхніх джерел (приватного та державного секторів). У роботі було проведено багатофакторний регресійний аналіз для з’ясування, яким чином зміна обсягів фінансування впливає на рівень економічного розвитку країни. Аналіз дав змогу знайти залежність рівня економічного розвитку (ВВП) від численних факторів, які впливають на його зміну, а також кількісно оцінити їхній вплив.Матеріал надійшов 30.03.201
Most people don’t actually think about the supply of water. Water is easy to ignore, you can just turn on a tap and water comes out!
We still have the same amount of water in our ecosystem but the supply of freshwater faces a three-pronged attack from population growth, climate change and industrialisation. As it currently stands, there’s not enough water to go around. Of the World’s total water supply 97% is seawater and of the remaining only 0.3% is usable unpolluted clean waterthat is readily available to us for our daily water supply
IT specialist
An IT specialist, or information technology specialist, is a person who works with computers and other technologies such as telephones and fax machines. Many companies have an IT specialist on staff who helps with the maintenance of computers and computer networks within the organization. An IT specialist may also work for an independent consulting company, a customer-support division of a computer or technology company, a private computer repair shop, or in any number of other settings where a person can come to him to pay him for help with a computer.
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Characterization of Coupled Ground State and Excited State Equilibria by Fluorescence Spectral Deconvolution
Fluorescence probes with multiparametric response based on the relative variation in the intensities of several emission bands are of great general utility. An accurate interpretation of the system requires the determination of the number, positions and intensities of the spectral components. We have developed a new algorithm for spectral deconvolution that is applicable to fluorescence probes exhibiting a two-state ground-state equilibrium and a two-state excited-state reaction. Three distinct fluorescence emission bands are resolved, with a distribution of intensities that is excitation-wavelength-dependent. The deconvolution of the spectrum into individual components is based on their representation as asymmetric Siano-Metzler log-normal functions. The application of the algorithm to the solvation response of a 3-hydroxychromone (3HC) derivative that exhibits an H-bonding-dependent excited-state intramolecular proton transfer (ESIPT) reaction allowed the separation of the spectral signatures characteristic of polarity and hydrogen bonding. This example demonstrates the ability of the method to characterize two potentially uncorrelated parameters characterizing dye environment and interactions
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