6 research outputs found

    Repair of anomalous mitral arcade in a child

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    A 13-year-old girl presented with exertional dyspnea and congestive heart failure. Echocardiography revealed severe congenital mitral stenosis due to anomalous mitral arcade with severe pulmonary hypertension. She underwent successful mitral valve repair. The case is reported for its rarity

    Domestic violence in pregnancy in North Indian women

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    Background: Domestic violence against pregnant women in the Indian context, violence against women is frequently by family members other than the spouse/intimate partner/husband.Aims : To study the incidence of domestic violence in pregnant North Indian women and the demographic features which put women at high risk for domestic violence. Study design : A prospective study at the Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh from January 2004 to December 2004. Participants: Nine hundred and ninety-one pregnant women admitted to the pregnant women admitted to the antenatal ward were interviewed. Statistical Analysis: Test of significance used was Chi-square test. Odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) was calculated. Results: The incidence of domestic violence in this study was 28.4%. The violence was more when the husband was educated up to Class 10 level or lower (OR 2.07 (95%) CI 1.54 to 2.79), was habituated to alcohol (OR 2.31 (95%) CI 1 - 71 to 3.11) or to chewing tobacco (OR 2.77 (95%) CI 1.46 to 3.27) or to smoking cigarettes (OR 2.23 (95%) CI 1.59 to 3.11). The incidence of domestic violence was drastically high in women who were socially unsupported (OR 98.9 (95%) CI 43.65 to 235.68). The level of education and employment of the woman had no effect on the incidence of the abuse. The perpetrator of the abuse was the intimate partner (husband) in 48.2%, the husband′s mother in 61.3%, and the husband′s sister in 22.6%. Most often the abuse was by more than one person. Conclusions: The incidence of abuse was more when the male partner was less educated or in the habit of taking alcohol, opium or tobacco and in socially unsupported women. The level of education and employment of the woman had no effect on the incidence of abus

    A study regarding awareness among mothers of children from 12 months to 23 months about growth charting and its determinants in rural area of Amritsar district

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    Abstract Despite of various nutritional health programmes, malnutrition among children remains the big health problem in India. Even after the universalization of ICDS, India has biggest burden of malnourished children in the world. Suboptimal utilization of services by mothers is a big challenge before all programmes. Utilization of services also depends upon the awareness regarding the service and its perceived usefulness among beneficiaries. Therefore, the present study was conducted to know the awareness about the growth chart and its determinants among rural mothers. Study was conducted on 186 mothers selected from three villages. Chi square test and F test were applied wherever necessary. Results showed low level of awareness (38.17%) among the mothers regarding growth charting. Majority of mothers reported peripheral health functionaries i.e. ASHA Introduction

    Constrictive pericarditis following open-heart surgery in a child

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    A 6-year- old child developed constrictive pericarditis 2 years after undergoing an open-heart surgery for a congenital cardiac disorder. No other cause of pericarditis was identified. The clinical condition improved after pericardiectomy. The case is reported for its rarity


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    Research question: What is the effectiveness of health education among female teachers of senior secondary schools regarding problems in adolescence? Objective: To document the effectiveness of health education among female teachers of senior secondary schools regarding problems in adolescence before and after intervention. Study Design: An interventional study. Settings: Fifty senior secondary schools both private and government of Amritsar district. Participants: Teachers of senior secondary schools. Study variables: Knowledge, attitude and practices regarding problems among adolescents and regarding help they extend Statistical analysis: Chi- square test Results: Result shows majority 145(63%) teachers said they were consulted by the adolescents for their problems and 127(55.2%) teachers had partial knowledge about adolescent problems. Maximum 87(37.8%) teachers said that they counselled the girls. Conclusion: It can be concluded from the present study that the overall knowledge of teachers regarding adolescent health problems is less