11 research outputs found

    Shaping Laguerre-Gaussian laser modes with binary gratings using a Digital Micromirror Device

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    Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) beams are used in many research fields, such as microscopy, laser cavity modes and optical tweezing. We develop a holographic method of generating pure LG modes (amplitude and phase) with a binary amplitude-only Digital Micromirror Device (DMD), as an alternative to the commonly used phase-only Spatial Light Modulator. The advantages of such a DMD include very high frame rates, low cost and high damage thresholds. We show that the propagating shaped beams are self-similar and their phase fronts are of helical shape as demanded. We estimate the purity of the resultant beams to be above 94%

    Rapidly reconfigurable optically induced photonic crystals in hot rubidium vapor

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    Through periodic index modulation, we create two different types of photonic structures in a heated rubidium vapor for controlled reflection, transmission and diffraction of light. The modulation is achieved through the use of the AC Stark effect resulting from a standing-wave control field. The periodic intensity structures create translationally invariant index profiles analogous to photonic crystals in spectral regions of steep dispersion. Experimental results are consistent with modeling.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Lifetime and Coherence of Two-Level Defects in a Josephson Junction

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    We measure the lifetime (T1T_{1}) and coherence (T2T_{2}) of two-level defect states (TLSs) in the insulating barrier of a Josephson phase qubit and compare to the interaction strength between the two systems. We find for the average decay times a power law dependence on the corresponding interaction strengths, whereas for the average coherence times we find an optimum at intermediate coupling strengths. We explain both the lifetime and the coherence results using the standard TLS model, including dipole radiation by phonons and anti-correlated dependence of the energy parameters on environmental fluctuations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures and supplementary material (3 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

    Direct Wigner tomography of a superconducting anharmonic oscillator

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    The analysis of wave-packet dynamics may be greatly simplified when viewed in phase-space. While harmonic oscillators are often used as a convenient platform to study wave-packets, arbitrary state preparation in these systems is more challenging. Here, we demonstrate a direct measurement of the Wigner distribution of complex photon states in an anharmonic oscillator - a superconducting phase circuit, biased in the small anharmonicity regime. We test our method on both non-classical states composed of two energy eigenstates and on the dynamics of a phase-locked wavepacket. This method requires a simple calibration, and is easily applicable in our system out to the fifth level.Comment: 5 figures, 1 table and supplementary materia

    Rapidly Reconfigurable Optically Induced Photonic Crystals in Hot Rubidium Vapor

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    Through periodic index modulation, we create two different types of photonic structures in a heated rubidium vapor for controlled reflection, transmission, and diffraction of light. The modulation is achieved through the use of the ac Stark effect resulting from a standing-wave control field. The periodic intensity structures create translationally invariant index profiles analogous to photonic crystals in spectral regions of steep dispersion. Experimental results are consistent with modeling