70 research outputs found

    Role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of diffuse bacterial peritonitis

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    We analyzed present-day data in Russian and foreign literature on development of cytokine cascade in diffuse bacterial peritonitis having studied the role of cytokines in forming systemic inflammation response syndrome. It has been showed that cytokines primary regulate local protective response by forming typical inflammatory reaction with its classic local manifestations and natural anti-microbial resistance mechanisms. The main stage in the development of diffuse bacterial peritonitis is a disbalance in the system of proinflammatory cytokines and anti-inflammatory mediators; and this disbalance defines the severity of extraabdominal complications and multisystem organ failure. In the article, the markers of inflammation severity are described assisting in evaluation of the course of inflammation process and postoperative survival rate. Due to changes in immune system of the patients, it is necessary to assess complexly their immune status including cytokine profile, which in this group of patients is of diagnostic and prognostic value and needs to be further studie

    Inducement of experimental Abdominal Adhesions (literature review)

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    Adhesive disease of the abdominal cavity is a common medical problem that impairs the patients’ life quality. Adhesive intestinal obstruction ranks first in the structure of acute bowel obstruction. The levels of complications and postoperative mortality are not likely to decrease. Consequently, the studies on preventing adhesive disease are still in progress, which requires an animal model to induce abdominal adhesive process. Numerous factors of peritoneum injury result in adhesion formation. Experimental surgery offers various techniques of inducing the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity based on mechanical, chemical, biological, implantation injury factors. Recent trends in intra-abdominal adhesion stimulation are designed to approximate at maximum an animal model and present surgical and gynecologic procedures. In the review article, we survey and systematize different ways of inducing intra-abdominal adhesive process with various injury factors. The choice of study animal, the ways of peritoneum injury, followed by septic or aseptic inflammation are analyzed. The rating scales for the severity of adhesive process are also organized and compared. The number of existing models is large which is evident of the outstanding problem and promising outlook of scientific research

    Role of Growth Factors in the Adhesive Process in the Abdominal Cavity

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    Fibroproliferative diseases have been described in the lungs, kidneys, liver, eyes, heart, skin, and abdomen. Each fibrous pathology has causal factors and pathological manifestations characteristic of this organ and this condition. However, there are common mechanisms underlying many fibrous pathologies. This gives potential value to studies focused on specific processes, among which is the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity. The study of growth factors in the formation of connective tissue contributes to a better understanding of the pathogenetic picture in this pathology. It is shown that vascular endothelial growth factor, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor, platelet growth factor, insulin-like growth factor and keratinocyte growth factor participate in the development of abdominal adhesions. Each of these factors contributes significantly to the formation of peritoneal fibrosis.Thus, damage to any tissue initiates a complex multistage process, which is regulated by a large number of cytokines and growth factors. Growth factors control cell migration, proliferation, differentiation, and survival. In addition, they are able to influence the expression of other factors involved in the regenerative response. Understanding the process that develops during the formation of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and the growth factors affecting it is important for their further use in order to prevent the pathological process

    Hospital epidemiology of abdominal adhesions

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    The purpose of the research was to establish main causes of development and outcomes of adhesive obstruction. We analyzed the outcomes of treatment of 154 patients with acute intestinal obstruction. The following data were taken into consideration: age, gender, surgeries in past medical history, terms of adhesions manifestations, clinical symptoms, findings of additional examinations, methods of treatment, outcome. It has been established, that the most frequent causes of adhesions were appendectomy (23 %), stomach operations (21 %) and gynecological interventions (14 %). After surgeries performed in conditions of regional hospitals, adhesions developed after appendectomy, gynecological operations and interventions on the intestine. In patients operated in city hospitals intestinal obstruction more often occurred after extensive operations on the stomach, appendix, and after gynecological interventions. Urgent surgical interventions more often led to adhesive process in the abdominal cavity (63 %). Mortality made 5.8 %. Causes of death were intestinal fistulas and abdominal sepsis. Thus, acute adhesive intestinal obstruction as an extreme form of abdominal adhesions continues to be an urgent medical issue

    Study of the effect of a new antiadhesive agent on peripheral blood indices (experimental study)

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    Adhesive process in the abdominal cavity was simulated in Wistar rats, which were divided into two groups: the main one - simulation of adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and introduction of 3 ml of saline into the abdominal cavity; the controls - simulation of adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and introduction of 3 ml of new antiadhesive preparation. The mechanism of drug action bases on the ability to inhibit the growth of connective tissue in the adhesion area by effecting the activity of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Examination of peripheral blood indices was performed at eight time points during the period from 2 hours to 28 days. The concentration of red blood cells in the peripheral blood in both main and control groups decreased moderately in the early postoperative period (2 hours, 6 hours and 12 hours), and this rate was significantly lower in the control group as compared to the main one by 12 hours term. Later the index restored to normal. Hemoglobin concentration in the peripheral blood was higher in the main group than in the control one, the differences were significant in 2 hours, 3 days, 28 days. The level of hematocrit in the main group was higher than that in the controls during the entire follow-up period; the difference was maximal to the final term of experiment (28 days). The level of leukocytes in peripheral blood of the main group rats did not exceed the normal value for the given species of animals throughout the follow-up period. The number of eosinophils in the peripheral blood of the rodents of both groups did not differ at every period of survey. Thus, the introduction of the drug reduced the severity of leukocyte response to injury, improvement in postoperative hemoglobin and hematocrit levels

    Involvement of the ERK MAPK Cascade in the Formation of Adhesions in the Abdominal Cavity

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    Background. ERK1 and ERK2 (extracellular signal-regulated kinase) are related protein serine / threonine kinases that are involved in the regulation of the cell cycle, cell migration and survival, differentiation, metabolism, and proliferation. Evaluation of this cascade is promising to determine the possibility of influencing  pathological conditions through the regulation of ERK1/2.Aim of the study. To assess the involvement of the ERK MAPK cascade in the development of adhesions in the abdominal cavity.Methods. The experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats. The adhesion process in the abdominal cavity was simulated (n = 40). The research time is from 2 hours to 30 days. Tissue samples from 5 intact animals were examined as a control. Histological sections were prepared and stained histochemically for ERK1. The expression of ERK1 and ERK2 was assessed by PCR.Results. Using the PCR method, the involvement of both the ERK1 and ERK2 cascades in the process was established, and, judging by the change in gene expression, the latter is more actively involved in the process. Histochemical study confirmed the role of ERK cascades in the management of repair in serous membrane injury. Histochemically revealed an increase in ERK1 expression with two peaks of activity – at 1 and 30 days.Conclusion. Our data establish multichannel control of the reparative process in the area of damage to the serous membrane with the involvement of both the p38 and ERK MAPK cascades, which is important to consider when developing methods of influencing the wound healing process in the abdominal cavity


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    Background. Postoperative adhesions are a serious problem in surgery. However, at the present time molecular mechanisms of the adhesion process are insufficiently studied. Aim. To study the dynamics of expression of genes encoding the synthesis of collagen in case of damage to the serosa on the example of the peritoneum in conditions of aseptic inflammation. Materials and methods. Aseptic inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity was modeled (Wistar rats, n = 40). A micro- and macroscopic picture of the damage area was studied. Immunofluorescent staining for Type I collagen (Col 1A1) was performed. The expression of genes encoding collagen of different types was evaluated using the RT2-Profiler PCR kit Array Rat Wound Healing. Results. It has been established that the adhesion process with peritoneal damage in aseptic conditions reaches its maximum by the 30th day of observation. The same period coincides with the maximum of collagen synthesis in fibroblasts in the repair area, revealed by immunofluorescence study. The interrelation of synthesis of type I and III collagens went as expected - the onset of expression of type III collagen (from day 3) is ahead of the expression of collagen type I (from day 7). Peak gene expression of collagens type I, Alpha-1 and -2; type III Alpha-1, type IV Alpha-1 and -3, type V Alpha-1, -2 and -3; type XIV Alpha-1 (Col14a1) falls on the 14th day. For the first time, active involvement of type V alpha-3 collagen in the adhesion process was noted - we detected both early (from day 1) and maximum intensive (up to 166.96 times increase in comparison with intact animals). Conclusion. Perhaps, the hyperexpression of collagen V alpha-3 that we revealed is an important link in the pathogenesis of adhesion in the abdominal cavity

    An examination of hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity of a new antiadhesive preparation (experimental study)

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    Adhesive process in the abdominal cavity was simulated in Wistar rats. The animals were divided into two groups: the main one - simulation of adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and introduction of 3 ml of saline into the abdominal cavity; and the controls - simulation of adhesive process in the abdominal cavity and introduction of 3 ml of new antiadhesive preparation. We evaluated biochemical parameters at eight time points during the period from 2 hours to 28 days. The introduced drug for adhesion prevention did not affect the protein-synthetic function of the liver: the blood level of whole protein was the same in both groups and remained within the normal range throughout the follow-up period. The blood level of creatinine, which is the end product of protein metabolism reflecting the renal excretory function, was within normal values in both groups throughout the observation period. Significant differences between the groups were noted only on the 28th day of the experiment: in the main group creatinine level was higher as compared to the control group (p = 0.014), but remained within the normal range. The same pattern was observed when evaluating the blood urea level, which reflects the renal excretory function - the blood urea level remained normal in both groups throughout the experiment. Hence, the new antiadhesive drug does not produce toxic effect on liver and kidneys in a single intraperitoneal introduction in experiment. Biochemical indices are the same as in single intraperitoneal infusion of saline


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    Adhesive process in the abdominal cavity is one of the most frequent complications of intra-abdominal surgery.The aim of the study was to evaluate the activation of the JNK MAPK cascade during the experimental adhesion process.Materials and methods. Experimental studies were performed on 40 male Wistar rats (9 months old). We modeled the adhesive  process in the abdominal cavity. At the time from 2 hours (2, 6, 12  hours) to 30 days (1, 3, 7, 14, 30 days), a JNK MAPK cascade was  evaluated in the zone of damage to the serosa using  immunohistochemical methods (painting on JNK1 Phospho (pT183) /  JNK2 Phospho (pT183) / JNK3 Phospho (pT221)) and real-time  PCR (the MAP Kinase Signaling Pathway RT2 - Profiler ™ PCR Array  (Qiagen) kit). Results. We have found that the expression of the  phosphorylated part of the JNK MAPK cascades has an undulating dynamics with two  peaks on the 3rd and 14th day. It has been determined that all  three JNK cascades are involved in the process, and all JNK cascades are synchronously activated on the 3rd day (JNK1 increases 12-fold  in comparison with the group of intact animals, JNK2 is 8-fold, JNK3  is 10-fold). On the 14th day, the activity of the JNK3 cascade is the  most intensively increased – 30 times (for JNK1 – about 6 times,  JNK2 – 12 times).  Conclusion. Significant activation of MARK cascades has been established on the 14th day after traumatic injury, which indicates the need for long-term prevention of posttraumatic changes, in particular, the formation of adhesions


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    Background. Postoperative adhesions are a serious problem in surgery. However, at the present time molecular mechanisms of the adhesion process are insufficiently studied. Aim. To study the dynamics of expression of genes encoding the synthesis of collagen in case of damage to the serosa on the example of the peritoneum in conditions of aseptic inflammation. Materials and methods. Aseptic inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity was modeled (Wistar rats, n = 40). A micro- and macroscopic picture of the damage area was studied. Immunofluorescent staining for Type I collagen (Col 1A1) was performed. The expression of genes encoding collagen of different types was evaluated using the RT2-Profiler PCR kit Array Rat Wound Healing. Results. It has been established that the adhesion process with peritoneal damage in aseptic conditions reaches its maximum by the 30th day of observation. The same period coincides with the maximum of collagen synthesis in fibroblasts in the repair area, revealed by immunofluorescence study. The interrelation of synthesis of type I and III collagens went as expected - the onset of expression of type III collagen (from day 3) is ahead of the expression of collagen type I (from day 7). Peak gene expression of collagens type I, Alpha-1 and -2; type III Alpha-1, type IV Alpha-1 and -3, type V Alpha-1, -2 and -3; type XIV Alpha-1 (Col14a1) falls on the 14th day. For the first time, active involvement of type V alpha-3 collagen in the adhesion process was noted - we detected both early (from day 1) and maximum intensive (up to 166.96 times increase in comparison with intact animals). Conclusion. Perhaps, the hyperexpression of collagen V alpha-3 that we revealed is an important link in the pathogenesis of adhesion in the abdominal cavity