7 research outputs found

    Трансформация разнообразия орнитофауны под действием рекреационной нагрузки

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    This article examines the bird community of a large reservoir and its surrounding area , located in the central part of a large city in the northern part of the steppe zone of Ukraine. The city, Krivoy Rog, has a population of over 700,000 people. Large areas of the city have undergone dramatic transformation. Industrial and and residential areas of the city are located around the reservoir. The shores of the reservoirs are subject to recreational loading. The natural landscape here is a combination of steppe habitats and scubland.. The material for this study was collected in the breeding seasons of 1996, 1999, 2012, 2015. The number and distribution of birds were determined by registrations of birds along transects. The diversity index, dominance and evenness of species distribution in the breeding bird communities were compared for different habitats and different years. In breeding season 73 bird species belonging to 15 orders were found on the territory of the reservoir. Of these, 62 species bred, and 11 more used the area for foraging but bred in adjacent habitats. 24 species were present in winter. The average density of the breeding birds per species increased from 1.8 ± 0.4 pairs/km of survey route in 1996 to 3.2 ± 0.8 pairs/km in 2015. The dominant species in the breeding bird communities were Passer montanus L., Sturnus vulgaris L., Parus major L., Fulica atra L., Podiceps cristatus L. In the period 1996–1999 the habitat conditions in the territory of the water reservoir changed. These changes were associated with mass recreation of city residents here. The changes resulted in a stressful situation for the habitats and the bird communities. The changes resulted in an imbalance in the development of the bird communities. Since 2012 the birds adapted to the new environmental conditions and formed a new community. By 2015, the species diversity of birds had increased, the degree of pressure on the dominant species and the species distribution of the species had leveled off. The number of bird species nesting in the habitats of the water reservoir had increased. Within the bird communities ground and cavity nesting birds were replaced by woodland-nesting species. Transformation of bird habitat had a decisive impact on the development of the community of nesting birds. The differences in ecological characteristics of the community of birds were expressed along the gradient of transformation of habitats: the proportion of ground-nesting species in the community fell, species diversity was reduced, the dominant species increased their pressure on the bird community and and the distribution of of species abundance became more uniform. Against the background of these changes, the diversity of breeding species increased in the tree plantations, as compared to transformed natural habitats. This is evidence, that the development of the bird communities in artificially created habitats and development of bird communities in transformed habitats takes place in different ways and in different directions. В биотопах исследуемого водохранилища обитает 62 вида птиц. Еще 11 видов, кормятся здесь, но гнездятся в соседних биотопах. Орнитофауна водохранилища в зимний период составила 24 вида. Средняя плотность гнездования птиц выросла с 1,8 ± 0,4 в 1996 г. до 3,2 ± 0,8 пар/км маршрута в 2015 г. Доминируют в сообществах гнездящихся птиц полевой воробей (Passer montanus L.), обыкновенный скворец (Sturnus vulgaris L.), большая синица (Parus major L.), лысуха (Fulica atra L.), чемга (Podiceps cristatus L.). Смена условий обитания в биотопах водохранилища в период 1996–1999 гг., связанная с массовым отдыхом жителей города здесь, привела к стрессовой ситуации в сообществах птиц биотопов прибрежной зоны и нарушению баланса в развитии сообществ гнездящихся птиц. С 2012 г. птицы адаптируются к новым условиям обитания и формируют новое сообщество. К 2015 году видовое разнообразие птиц повышается, степень давления доминантных видов, и распределение видов по численности выравнивается. Увеличение количества видов птиц, обитающих на водохранилище, сопровождается заменой кампофилов и склерофилов дендрофилами. Определяющее воздействие на развитие сообществ гнездящихся птиц оказывает трансформация среды их обитания. Чем сильнее проявляются отличия биотопа от свойственного региону степного балочного ланд­шафта, тем существеннее отличаются экологические характеристики населяющего его сообщества птиц от титульного типа. Уменьшается доля кампофилов в сообществе, снижается видовая насыщенность, нарушается равномерность распределения видов по обилию. Тем не менее, на фоне указанных отклонений, в древесных культурфитоценозах повышается видовое разнообразие гнездящихся птиц, в сравнении с трансформированными природными биотопами. Это свидетельство того, что развитие сообщества птиц искусственно созданного биотопа, и сообщества расположенного рядом трансформированного биотопа, происходят совершенно разными путями и в различных направлениях. В биотопах исследуемого водохранилища обитает 62 вида птиц. Еще 11 видов, кормятся здесь, но гнездятся в соседних биотопах. Орнитофауна водохранилища в зимний период составила 24 вида. Средняя плотность гнездования птиц выросла с 1,8 ± 0,4 в 1996 г. до 3,2 ± 0,8 пар/км маршрута в 2015 г. Доминируют в сообществах гнездящихся птиц полевой воробей (Passer montanus L.), обыкновенный скворец (Sturnus vulgaris L.), большая синица (Parus major L.), лысуха (Fulica atra L.), чемга (Podiceps cristatus L.). Смена условий обитания в биотопах водохранилища в период 1996–1999 гг., связанная с массовым отдыхом жителей города здесь, привела к стрессовой ситуации в сообществах птиц биотопов прибрежной зоны и нарушению баланса в развитии сообществ гнездящихся птиц. С 2012 г. птицы адаптируются к новым условиям обитания и формируют новое сообщество. К 2015 году видовое разнообразие птиц повышается, степень давления доминантных видов, и распределение видов по численности выравнивается. Увеличение количества видов птиц, обитающих на водохранилище, сопровождается заменой кампофилов и склерофилов дендрофилами. Определяющее воздействие на развитие сообществ гнездящихся птиц оказывает трансформация среды их обитания. Чем сильнее проявляются отличия биотопа от свойственного региону степного балочного ланд­шафта, тем существеннее отличаются экологические характеристики населяющего его сообщества птиц от титульного типа. Уменьшается доля кампофилов в сообществе, снижается видовая насыщенность, нарушается равномерность распределения видов по обилию. Тем не менее, на фоне указанных отклонений, в древесных культурфитоценозах повышается видовое разнообразие гнездящихся птиц, в сравнении с трансформированными природными биотопами. Это свидетельство того, что развитие сообщества птиц искусственно созданного биотопа, и сообщества расположенного рядом трансформированного биотопа, происходят совершенно разными путями и в различных направлениях.

    Fruit and berry plants of forest belts as a factor of species diversity of ornithofauna during the breeding season and autumn migration period

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    During migration, the availability of food that affects the success of bird movements, the nature and timing of their movements, is critical for many bird species. The relationship between migration routes and the ripening of fruit and berry plants along the route is important. Four types of forest belts were studied: wind-blown maple-ash, latticed maple-linden, dense oak-maple-linden, wind-blown oak-maple-poplar. During the study 43 bird species were identified consuming 9 major fruit and berry plant species: Sambucus nigra, Prunus spinosa, Crataegus laevigata, Rosa canina, Prunus padus, Sorbus aucuparia, Rhamnus cathartica, Morus nigra, Prunus cerasus. The highest average number of birds feeding in forest belts (4.14 ind./km) was registered in oak-maple-linden dense forest belts, while the lowest number (1.48 ind./km) was recorded in wind-blown maple-ash ones. Maple-linden latticed forest belts characterize the best index data of α-diversity of birds. In the summer-autumn diet, succulent fruit are the most important: Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) – 11.8% of the total number of birds observed to feed on this food resource, Greenfinch (Chloris chloris) – 11.3%, Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) – 9.3%, Song thrush (Turdus philomelos) – 7.3%, Hawfinch (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) – 7.1%, Blackbird (Turdus merula) – 5.4%. 42 species of birds were observed to feed on black elderberry. More than half (51.2%) of the species composition of birds feeding on fruit and berry plants were migratory birds. Consequently, juicy berries are an important food during bird migrations

    Орнитофауна национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса»

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    In the recreational zone of "Homilshanski Lisy" National Park 137 species of birds were identified during the period 1980–2015, of which 127 species nest, 8 winter, and 2 observed during the spring migration. The nesting species are distributed in 4 ecological groups dominated by dendrophylls (67 species), with fewer limnophylls-fresh water species (29), campophylls-open country species (16) and sclerophylls (11). Among the nesting birds 11 landscape-genetic faunal assemblages were distinguished, dominated by typical nemoral-woodland (19%), tropical (14%) and forest-steppe (13%) species. The average density of the birds nesting in the park amounts to 1.2 ± 0.2 with n overall density of 148.3 pairs/km route line. The habitat distribution of the bird population was relatively even. The most intensively populated habitat was upland oak forest, the least were pine and mixed forests. It was found that the communities of breeding birds in tree plantations changed due to the natural aging process of forests, which has led to an increase in the number of birds of prey (Falconiiformes), woodpeckers (Piciformes), secondary hollow-nesting birds. The bird communities of floodplain and steppe meadows, as well as habitats in residential areas subject to constant recreational pressure, changed under the pressure of anthropogenic loading. The favorable natural and geographical location of the park and the diversity of its habitats contributed to the emergence in the list of fauna of which are expanding their range. Analysis of the dominant species in the community points to a significant negative impact of recreational pressure on all habitats of the park. The dominant birds in the pinewood community list included only one campophyll, tree pipit (Anthus trivialis L.). For the steppe meadows, in addition to the dominant colonial birds that nest in holes , the yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava L.) was marked as subdominant. In general, in the recreational area of NPP "Homilshanski Lisy" 30 common species (24.2%, total abundance 0.198) nest on the ground. The variety and balance of breeding bird communities in most habitats is stable, but in the meadow ecosystem communities the uniformity of the distribution of species abundance is being significantly disrupted. The Jacquard and Sorenson performance indices for floodplain and steppe meadows are 0.4 and 0.5, and for grove and pine woods, respectively, 0.7 and 0.8. Taking into account the data of the cluster analysis, the distribution curves of shared abundance and participation indicatee sinanthropic breeding bird communities. It follows that anthropogenic pressure exerts the most significant effect on the birds’ occupation of breeding habitats in the recreational zone NPP "Homilshanski Lisy". The highest performance is characterized by the condition of the avifauna of forest habitats, such as oak forest and pine woods, the most threatened breeding bird communities being those of floodplain meadows.В рекреационной зоне национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса» выявлено 137 видов птиц, из которых 127 гнездится, 8 прилетают зимовать, а 2 вида встречены в период весенних миграций. Гнездящиеся виды распределены по четырем экологическим группам (дендрофилы (67), лимнофилы (29), кампофилы (16), склерофилы (11 видов)) и 11 ландшафтно-генетическим фаунистическим комплексам (преобладают типичные неморальные (19%), тропические (14%) и лесостепные (13%) виды). Средняя плотность гнездования птиц в парке составляет 1,2±0,2, общая – 148,3 пар/км маршрутной линии. По биотопам население птиц распределено относительно равномерно. Наиболее заселена нагорная дубрава, наименее – бор и суборь. Изменения сообществ гнездящихся птиц древесных насаждений связано с процессом старения лесов, которое привело к увеличению числа соколообразных (Falconiiformes), дятлообразных (Piciformes), вторичных дуплогнездников. Сообщества птиц пойменных и степных лугов и селитебных биотопов зоны постоянной рекреации преобразовывались под давлением антропогенной нагрузки. Природно-географическое расположение парка и разнообразие его биотопов способствовало появлению в списке фауны видов, расширяющих ареал. Разнообразие и сбалансированность сообществ гнездящихся птиц в большинстве биотопов благополучно, но в сообществах луговых экосистем существенно нарушена равномерность распределения видов по численности. Наилучшими показателями видового богатства характеризуется орнитофауна лесных биотопов (дубравы, бора): показатели индексов Жаккара и Серенсена для пойменного и степного лугов составляют 0,4 и 0,5, а для дубравы и бора, соответственно, 0,7 и 0,8. В рекреационной зоне национального природного парка «Гомольшанские леса» выявлено 137 видов птиц, из которых 127 гнездится, 8 прилетают зимовать, а 2 вида встречены в период весенних миграций. Гнездящиеся виды распределены по четырем экологическим группам (дендрофилы (67), лимнофилы (29), кампофилы (16), склерофилы (11 видов)) и 11 ландшафтно-генетическим фаунистическим комплексам (преобладают типичные неморальные (19%), тропические (14%) и лесостепные (13%) виды). Средняя плотность гнездования птиц в парке составляет 1,2±0,2, общая – 148,3 пар/км маршрутной линии. По биотопам население птиц распределено относительно равномерно. Наиболее заселена нагорная дубрава, наименее – бор и суборь. Изменения сообществ гнездящихся птиц древесных насаждений связано с процессом старения лесов, которое привело к увеличению числа соколообразных (Falconiiformes), дятлообразных (Piciformes), вторичных дуплогнездников. Сообщества птиц пойменных и степных лугов и селитебных биотопов зоны постоянной рекреации преобразовывались под давлением антропогенной нагрузки. Природно-географическое расположение парка и разнообразие его биотопов способствовало появлению в списке фауны видов, расширяющих ареал. Разнообразие и сбалансированность сообществ гнездящихся птиц в большинстве биотопов благополучно, но в сообществах луговых экосистем существенно нарушена равномерность распределения видов по численности. Наилучшими показателями видового богатства характеризуется орнитофауна лесных биотопов (дубравы, бора): показатели индексов Жаккара и Серенсена для пойменного и степного лугов составляют 0,4 и 0,5, а для дубравы и бора, соответственно, 0,7 и 0,8.

    Adaptations of Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros S. G. Gmelin) to inhabit in Kyiv city metropolis

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    We present analysis of the invasion of Black Redstart in the territory of Kyiv City. It was shown that Black Redstart is a nesting species in fauna of Ukraine and winter species in its southern regions. Suitability of biotopes in Kyiv with varying degrees of they transformations for nesting Black Redstart were defined. Parks and riparian biotopes are comfortable habitat for these birds in Kyiv. The Black Redstart has the highest density of nesting in the residential areas of the city. In Kyiv, as well as on all flat areas where there are no rocks as natural habitats for Black Redstart, the constructions are a resource, for its nesting habitats. In modern habitat conditions Kyiv City population of Black Redstart has not yet reached a state of total synanthropization. Birds prefer the territory inhabited by human being. Density of nesting of Black Redstart in Kyiv is 1.3 pairs/km2. The part of Black Redstart a in avifauna of Kyiv 0.5 %. The main factor determining the number of nesting of Black Redstart is the correlation between the presence of nesting habitats and negative effects that violate a success of the reproductive process

    Connections of alien birds species with alien plants of parks and botanical gardens

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    Introduction. In urban conditions, alien species of biota have become an integral part of the cultural landscape. Today, an overall assessment of the influence of alien species on the functioning of ecosystems of their secondary range as is relevant. Such an assessment requires knowledge of the connections formed by alien species in the secondary habitat. The purpose of the study was to find the connections of alien bird species with alien plant species in the parks and botanical gardens of Kyiv. Methods. Assessment was carried out in 10 forest parks, 3 botanical gardens, and 14 urban parks. In parks and botanical gardens, there is a wide range of plants alien to Kyiv Region, in contrast to forest parks. The number and distribution of birds were determined using the method of transect counts. The total area under study was about 370 hectares. Principal Component Analysis of the characteristics of habitats on which the number of alien birds may depend has been carried out. In the research, α-diversity indices of bird communities; number of people (individuals/km); number of pets (individuals/km); park’s area (ha); part of the territory; under the trees (%); part of alien species on plants communities (%) were analyzed. Results. Parus major, Turdus merula, Erithacus rubecula, Fringilla сoelebs dominate in all communities. Columba palumbus, Ficedula albicollis, Turdus pilaris, Columba livia, Apus apus, Sturnus vulgaris, Passer domesticus sometimes dominate in bird communities in parks and botanical gardens. There are no alien species in forest parks. 4 alien species nest in parks and botanical gardens: Streptopelia decaocto, Dendrocopos syriacus, Phoenicurus ochruros, Serinus serinus (from the last century). Phylloscopus trochiloides was observed for the first time. Nesting of Ph. trochiloides was not confirmed. Alien birds are not evenly distributed (0–3 species). Nest density is low: S. decaocto 0.013±0.01–0.021±0.01, D. syriacus 0.031±0.01–0.043±0.04, Ph. ochruros 0–0.034±0.02, S. serinus 0.013±0.01–0.017±0.01. We assume that alien bird species is an element that replaces the species that were eliminated from the community. Their nesting in forest parks is an indicator of a disruption of the functioning of the forest ecosystem as a result of anthropogenic transformation of the forest. The presence of alien species of birds in modern parks and botanical gardens is normal. Their biotopes were created on the sites of destroyed landscapes and with using alien plant species. Conclusion. In parks and botanical gardens, a specific structure of the plant community has developed due to the introduction of alien plant species, with a tree height of 3–5 m. As a consequence, alien birds find nesting stations in communities of nesting birds, which were not occupied by native species due to the absence of many species of tree canopy nesters and ground nesters birds. Alien species of birds also get access to vacant food resources. Alien birds use vacant resources. It was found that the area of parks has the most profound positive impact on the number of species of alien birds (+0.517), as well as the ratio of alien birds (+0.227). Other important correlations observed were the following: the number of species of alien birds in the bird communities – a part of alien species in plant communities (+0.084), the ratio of alien birds – part of alien species in plant communities (+0.041). The strongest negative connection is as follows: the number of species of alien birds in the bird communities – the number of pets (-0.213), the ratio of alien birds – the number of pets (-0.384)

    Różnorodność zgrupowań ptaków w Wyhrajiwśkich Daczach w gradiencie transformacji rekreacyjnej lasu

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    The material was collected in June 2020 in the forest-steppe zone. A total of 42 species of nesting birds have been identifi ed. Their relative abundance averaged 2.1±0.42 pairs/km. 34 species (2.8±0.53) nest in the reserve, 19 (3.4±0.70) in the forest not protected by the conservation status, 21 (7.7±0.88) in the camping area, recreation centre – 33 species (5.5±0.62 pairs/km). All dominants of communities are hemisinanthropes: Fringilla сoelebs, Turdus merula, Phylloscopus collybita, Passer montanus. On the gradient of recreational transformation, the synanthropization index of bird communities and the relative abundance of synanthropes increase. The main factor in the formation of α- and β-diversity of bird communities is the regulation of human activity. The living conditions associated with the culture of human behaviour and the protection of the territory at the recreation centre increase the diversity of nesting stations of birds (nests in buildings and in nest boxes), ensuring protection of birds from ruining nests. There is a redistribution of nesting species in favour of protected forest areas, an increase in the α-diversity of their communities, which results in the similarity of the bird communities of the reserve with the community of the recreation centre, but not with the community of forestry sites

    The avifauna of the National Nature Park "Homilshanski Lisy"

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    In the recreational zone of "Homilshanski Lisy" National Park 137 species of birds were identified during the period 1980–2015, of which 127 species nest, 8 winter, and 2 observed during the spring migration. The nesting species are distributed in 4 ecological groups dominated by dendrophylls (67 species), with fewer limnophylls-fresh water species (29), campophylls-open country species (16) and sclerophylls (11). Among the nesting birds 11 landscape-genetic faunal assemblages were distinguished, dominated by typical nemoral-woodland (19%), tropical (14%) and forest-steppe (13%) species. The average density of the birds nesting in the park amounts to 1.2 ± 0.2 with n overall density of 148.3 pairs/km route line. The habitat distribution of the bird population was relatively even. The most intensively populated habitat was upland oak forest, the least were pine and mixed forests. It was found that the communities of breeding birds in tree plantations changed due to the natural aging process of forests, which has led to an increase in the number of birds of prey (Falconiiformes), woodpeckers (Piciformes), secondary hollow-nesting birds. The bird communities of floodplain and steppe meadows, as well as habitats in residential areas subject to constant recreational pressure, changed under the pressure of anthropogenic loading. The favorable natural and geographical location of the park and the diversity of its habitats contributed to the emergence in the list of fauna of which are expanding their range. Analysis of the dominant species in the community points to a significant negative impact of recreational pressure on all habitats of the park. The dominant birds in the pinewood community list included only one campophyll, tree pipit (Anthus trivialis L.). For the steppe meadows, in addition to the dominant colonial birds that nest in holes , the yellow wagtail (Motacilla flava L.) was marked as subdominant. In general, in the recreational area of NPP "Homilshanski Lisy" 30 common species (24.2%, total abundance 0.198) nest on the ground. The variety and balance of breeding bird communities in most habitats is stable, but in the meadow ecosystem communities the uniformity of the distribution of species abundance is being significantly disrupted. The Jacquard and Sorenson performance indices for floodplain and steppe meadows are 0.4 and 0.5, and for grove and pine woods, respectively, 0.7 and 0.8. Taking into account the data of the cluster analysis, the distribution curves of shared abundance and participation indicatee sinanthropic breeding bird communities. It follows that anthropogenic pressure exerts the most significant effect on the birds’ occupation of breeding habitats in the recreational zone NPP "Homilshanski Lisy". The highest performance is characterized by the condition of the avifauna of forest habitats, such as oak forest and pine woods, the most threatened breeding bird communities being those of floodplain meadows