41 research outputs found

    Modular Invariant Critical Superstrings on Four-dimensional Minkowski Space ×\times Two-dimensional Black Hole

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    Extending the seminal work of Bilal and Gervais, we construct a tachyon-free, modular invariant partition function for critical superstrings on four-dimensional Minkowski x two-dimensional black hole. This model may be thought of as an SL(2,R)/U(1) version of Gepner models and corresponds to a conifold point on the moduli space of Calabi-Yau compactifications. We directly deal with N=2, c=9 unitary superconformal characters. Modular invariance is achieved by requiring the string to have a momentum along an extra noncompact direction, in agreement with the picture of singular CFTs advocated by Witten. The four-dimensional massless spectrum coincides with that of the tensionless strings, suggesting a possible dual description of type II strings on a conifold in terms of two intersecting NS5-branes. An interesting relation to D=6, N=4 gauged supergravity is also discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Rational Conformal Field Theory and Multi-Wormhole Partition Function in 3-dimensional Gravity

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    We study the Turaev-Viro invariant as the Euclidean Chern-Simons-Witten gravity partition function with positive cosmological constant. After explaining why it can be identified as the partition function of 3-dimensional gravity, we show that the initial data of the TV invariant can be constructed from the duality data of a certain class of rational conformal field theories, and that, in particular, the original Turaev-Viro's initial data is associated with the Ak+1A_{k+1} modular invariant WZW model. As a corollary we then show that the partition function Z(M)Z(M) is bounded from above by Z((S2×S1)♯g)=(S00)−2g+2∼Λ−3g−32Z((S^2\times S^1)^{\sharp g}) =(S_{00})^{-2g+2}\sim \Lambda^{-\frac{3g-3}{2}}, where gg is the smallest genus of handlebodies with which MM can be presented by Hegaard splitting. Z(M)Z(M) is generically very large near Λ∼+0\Lambda\sim +0if MM is neither S3S^3 nor a lens space, and many-wormholeconfigurations dominate near Λ∼+0\Lambda\sim +0 in the sense that Z(M)Z(M) generically tends to diverge faster as the ``number of wormholes'' gg becomes larger.Comment: 27page

    Lower-dimensional superstrings in the double-spinor formalism

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    We study lower-dimensional superstrings in the double-spinor formalism introduced by Aisaka and Kazama. These superstrings can be consistently quantized and are equivalent to the lower-dimensional pure-spinor superstrings proposed by Grassi and Wyllard. The unexpected physical spectrum of the pure-spinor superstrings may thus be regarded as a manifestation of noncriticality. We also discuss how to couple these covariant superstrings to the compactified degrees of freedom described by the N=2 superconformal field theory.Comment: 32 pages, version published in Prog. Theor. Phy

    On Discrete U-duality in M-theory

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    We give a complete set of generators for the discrete exceptional U-duality groups of toroidal compactified type II theory and M-theory in d>2. For this, we use the DSZ quantization in d=4 as originally proposed by Hull and Townsend, and determine the discrete group inducing integer shifts on the charge lattice. It is generated by fundamental unipotents, which are constructed by exponentiating the Chevalley generators of the corresponding Lie algebra. We then extend a method suggested by the above authors and used by Sen for the heterotic string to get the discrete U-duality group in d=3, thereby obtaining a quantized symmetry in d=3 from a d=4 quantization condition. This is studied first in a toy model, corresponding to d=5 simple supergravity, and then applied to M-theory. It turns out that, in the toy model, the resulting U-duality group in d=3 is strictly smaller than the one generated by the fundamental unipotents corresponding to all Chevalley generators. However, for M-theory, both groups agree. We illustrate the compactification to d=3 by an embedding of d=4 particle multiplets into the d=3 theory.Comment: 50 pages, 6 figures, some typos corrected, accepted for publication in Class.Quant.Gra