38 research outputs found

    Contribution of One-Time Pair Correlation Function to Kinetic Phenomena in Nonequilibrium Gas

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    It has been established in nineteen seventies that in nonequilibrium case the pair collisions generate non-zero two-particle correlations which are non-diagonal in momentum space and give the essential contribution to the current fluctuations of hot electrons. It is shown here that this correlations give also a contribution to the collision integral, i.e., to kinetic properties of nonequilibrium gas. The expression for electron energy loss rate P via phonons is re-derived in detail from this point of view. The contribution of the non-diagonal part of the nonequilibrium pair correlator to phonon-electron collision integral and to P is obtained and explicitly calculated in the electron temperature approximation. It is shown that these results can be obtained from stochastic non-linear kinetic equation with Langevin fluctuation force. Such an approach allows to formulate the simple general conditions under that a contribution of two-particle correlations might be essential in kinetics. The contribution obtained does not contain the extra powers of small gas parameter unlike the equilibrium virial decompositions.Comment: 6 pages, based on the report presented at the conference ``Progress in Nonequilibrium Green's Functions'', Dresden, Germany, 19.-22. August 200

    Genuine converging solution of self-consistent field equations for extended many-electron systems

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    Calculations of the ground state of inhomogeneous many-electron systems involve a solving of the Poisson equation for Coulomb potential and the Schroedinger equation for single-particle orbitals. Due to nonlinearity and complexity this set of equations, one believes in the iterative method for the solution that should consist in consecutive improvement of the potential and the electron density until the self-consistency is attained. Though this approach exists for a long time there are two grave problems accompanying its implementation to infinitely extended systems. The first of them is related with the Poisson equation and lies in possible incompatibility of the boundary conditions for the potential with the electron density distribution. The analysis of this difficulty and suggested resolution are presented for both infinite conducting systems in jellium approximation and periodic solids. It provides the existence of self-consistent solution for the potential at every iteration step due to realization of a screening effect. The second problem results from the existence of continuous spectrum of Hamiltonian eigenvalues for unbounded systems. It needs to have a definition of Hilbert space basis with eigenfunctions of continuous spectrum as elements, which would be convenient in numerical applications. The definition of scalar product specifying the Hilbert space is proposed that incorporates a limiting transition. It provides self-adjointness of Hamiltonian and, respectively, the orthogonality of eigenfunctions corresponding to the different eigenvalues. In addition, it allows to normalize them effectively to delta-function and to prove in the general case the orthogonality of the 'right' and 'left' eigenfunctions belonging to twofold degenerate eigenvalues.Comment: 12 pages. Reported on Interdisciplinary Workshop "Nonequilibrium Green's Functions III", August 22 - 26, 2005, University Kiel, Germany. To be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2006; Typos in Eqs. (37), (53) and (54) are corrected. The content of the footnote is changed. Published version available free online at http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1742-6596/35/1/01

    Observation of anomalously strong penetration of terahertz electric field through terahertz-opaque gold films into a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well

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    We observe an anomalously high electric field of terahertz (THz) radiation acting on a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) placed beneath a thin gold film, which, however, is supposed to be opaque at THz frequencies. We show that the anomalously strong penetration of the THz electric field through a very high conductive gold film emerges if two conditions are fulfilled simultaneously: (i) the film's thickness is less than the skin depth and (ii) the THz electric field is measured beneath the film at distances substantially smaller than the radiation wavelength. We demonstrate that under these conditions the strength of the field acting on a 2DEG is almost the same as it would be in the absence of the gold film. The effect is detected for macroscopically homogeneous perforation-free gold films illuminated by THz-laser radiation with a spot smaller than the film area. This eliminates the near-field of the edge diffraction as a possible cause of the anomalous penetration. The microscopic origin of the effect remains unexplained in its details, yet. The observed effect can be used for the development of THz devices based on two-dimensional materials requiring robust highly conducting top gates placed at less than nanometer distance from the electron gas location