109 research outputs found

    SAR imagery of ocean-wave swell traveling in an arbitrary direction

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    The intensity wave like patterns observed in Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are known to be caused by two mechanisms: the microwave radar cross sectional amplitude modulation due to tilt and hydrodynamic interaction of the long ocean waves, and intensity modulation due to the motion of the long ocean waves. Two dimensional closed form expressions of intensity wave patterns based on ocean wave swell are developed. They illustrate the relative importance of the amplitude and motion modulations; they also show that velocity bunching and a distortion due to the phase velocity of the ocean wave field are independent of the focus adjustment, provided that the second order temporal effects are neglected. Second order effects are small only over a limited range of ocean/radar parameters

    Modeling of SAR signatures of shallow water ocean topography

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    A hydrodynamic/electromagnetic model was developed to explain and quantify the relationship between the SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) observed signatures and the bottom topography of the ocean in the English Channel region of the North Sea. The model uses environmental data and radar system parameters as inputs and predicts SAR-observed backscatter changes over topographic changes in the ocean floor. The model results compare favorably with the actual SEASAT SAR observed backscatter values. The developed model is valid for only relatively shallow water areas (i.e., less than 50 meters in depth) and suggests that for bottom features to be visible on SAR imagery, a moderate to high velocity current and a moderate wind must be present

    Exploitation of SAR data for measurement of ocean currents and wave velocities

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    Methods of extracting information on ocean currents and wave orbital velocities from SAR data by an analysis of the Doppler frequency content of the data are discussed. The theory and data analysis methods are discussed, and results are presented for both aircraft and satellite (SEASAT) data sets. A method of measuring the phase velocity of a gravity wave field is also described. This method uses the shift in position of the wave crests on two images generated from the same data set using two separate Doppler bands. Results of the current measurements are pesented for 11 aircraft data sets and 4 SEASAT data sets

    Evaluation of ERIM optically processed SEASAT SAR data

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    The results of three studies on the radiometric and geometric properties of optically processed SEASAT SAR imagery are summarized. The accuracy with which the image scale can be predicted based upon a knowledge of the SAR platform and recording system parameters and the processor characteristics was evaluated. The considerations involved in making radiometric measurements from image films, the use of point targets for calibrating the effects of Doppler spectrum shifts on the radiometric calibration of the SAR image data over extended swath lengths was evaluate

    Integration of remote sensing and surface geophysics in the detection of faults

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    Remote sensing was included in a comprehensive investigation of the use of geophysical techniques to aid in underground mine placement. The primary objective was to detect faults and slumping, features which, due to structural weakness and excess water, cause construction difficulties and safety hazards in mine construction. Preliminary geologic reconnaissance was performed on a potential site for an underground oil shale mine in the Piceance Creek Basin of Colorado. LANDSAT data, black and white aerial photography and 3 cm radar imagery were obtained. LANDSAT data were primarily used in optical imagery and digital tape forms, both of which were analyzed and enhanced by computer techniques. The aerial photography and radar data offered supplemental information. Surface linears in the test area were located and mapped principally from LANDSAT data. A specific, relatively wide, linear pointed directly toward the test site, but did not extend into it. Density slicing, ratioing, and edge enhancement of the LANDSAT data all indicated the existence of this linear. Radar imagery marginally confirmed the linear, while aerial photography did not confirm it

    Further SEASAT SAR coastal ocean wave analysis

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    Analysis techniques used to exploit SEASAT synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data of gravity waves are discussed and the SEASAT SAR's ability to monitor large scale variations in gravity wave fields in both deep and shallow water is evaluated. The SAR analysis techniques investigated included motion compensation adjustments and the semicausal model for spectral analysis of SAR wave data. It was determined that spectra generated from fast Fourier transform analysis (FFT) of SAR wave data were not significantly altered when either range telerotation adjustments or azimuth focus shifts were used during processing of the SAR signal histories, indicating that SEASAT imagery of gravity waves is not significantly improved or degraded by motion compensation adjustments. Evaluation of the semicausal (SC) model using SEASAT SAR data from Rev. 974 indicates that the SC spectral estimates were not significantly better than the FFT results

    Observations of internal waves generated by an anticyclonic eddy: a case study in the ice edge region of the Greenland Sea

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    Internal waves in the ocean play an important role in turbulence generation due to wave-breaking processes and mixing of the ocean. Airborne radar images of internal waves and ocean eddies north of Svalbard suggested that ocean eddies could generate internal waves. Here, we test this hypothesis using data from a dedicated internal wave experiment in the Greenland Sea. Internal waves with dominant frequencies of 1–3 cycles per hour and amplitudes up to 15 m were observed using three thermistor chains suspended from a drifting array conveniently placed on the ice in a triangle with sides of several km. Analysis shows that internal waves propagated westwards with a speed of about 0.2 m/s and wavelength of 0.4–1.0 km, away from an anticyclonic ocean eddy located just east of the array. This was consistent with the remote-sensing observations of internal waves whose surface signature was imaged by an airborne radar in the western part of this eddy, and with theories that eddies and vortexes can directly generate internal waves. This case study supports our hypothesis that ocean eddies can be the direct sources of internal waves reported here for the first time and not only enhancing the local internal wave field by draining energy from the eddies, as studied previously. The present challenge is to explore the role of eddies as a new source in generating internal waves in the global ocean

    Theory of synthetic aperture radar ocean imaging: A MARSEN view

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    This paper reviews basic synthetic aperture radar (SAR) theory of ocean wave imaging mechanisms, using both known work and recent experimental and theoretical results from the Marine Remote Sensing (MARSEN) Experiment. Several viewpoints that have contributed to the field are drawn together in a general analysis of the backscatter statistics of a moving sea surface. A common focus for different scattering models is provided by the mean image impulse response function, which is shown to be identical to the (spatially varying) frequency variance spectrum of the local complex reflectivity coefficient. From the analysis has emerged a more complete view of the SAR imaging phenomenon than has been previously available. A new, generalized imaging model is proposed

    Analysis of MARSEN X Band SAR ocean wave data

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