70 research outputs found

    Black holes: accretion processes in X-ray binaries

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    Accretion onto black holes is one of the most efficient energy source in the Universe. Black hole accretion powers some of the most luminous objects in the universe, including quasars, active galactic nuclei, tidal disruption events, gamma-ray bursts, and black hole X-ray transients. In the present review, we give an astrophysical overview of black hole accretion processes, with a particular focus on black hole X-ray binary systems. In Section 1, we briefly introduce the basic paradigms of black hole accretion. Physics related to accretion onto black holes are introduced in Section 2. Models proposed for black hole accretion are discussed in this section, from the Shakura-Sunyaev thin disk accretion to the advective-dominated accretion flow. Observational signatures that make contact to stellar-mass black hole accretion are introduced in Section 3, including the spectral and fast variability properties. A short conclusion is given in Section 4.Comment: invited chapter for the 'Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics (Eds C.Bambini and A Santangelo, Springer, Singapore, 2023

    X-ray performance of a customized large-format scientifc CMOS detector

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    In recent years, the performance of Scientifc Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (sCMOS) sensors has been improved signifcantly. Compared with CCD sensors, sCMOS sensors have various advantages, making them potentially better devices for optical and X-ray detection, especially in time-domain astronomy. After a series of tests of sCMOS sensors, we proposed a new dedicated high-speed, large-format X-ray detector in 2016 cooperating with Gpixel Inc. This new sCMOS sensor has a physical size of 6 cm by 6 cm, with an array of 4096 by 4096 pixels and a pixel size of 15 um. The frame rate is 20.1 fps under current condition and can be boosted to a maximum value around 100 fps. The epitaxial thickness is increased to 10 um compared to the previous sCMOS product. We show the results of its frst taped-out product in this work. The dark current of this sCMOS is lower than 10 e/pixel/s at 20C, and lower than 0.02 e/pixel/s at -30C. The Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) and the readout noise are lower than 5 e in high-gain situation and show a small increase at low temperature. The energy resolution reaches 180.1 eV (3.1%) at 5.90 keV for single-pixel events and 212.3 eV (3.6%) for all split events. The continuous X-ray spectrum measurement shows that this sensor is able to response to X-ray photons from 500 eV to 37 keV. The excellent performance, as demonstrated from these test results, makes sCMOS sensor an ideal detector for X-ray imaging and spectroscopic application.Comment: 20 pages. published in PAS

    Evolution of QPOs in GX 339-4 and EXO 1846-031 with Insight-HXMT and NICER

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    We conduct a spectral and timing analysis of GX 339-4 and EXO 1846-031 with the aim of studying the evolution of Type-C QPOs with spectral parameters. The high cadence data from Insight-HXMT and NICER allow us to track them. Type-C QPOs appear at the end of low-hard state and/or hard-intermediate state. The results reveal that the QPO frequency is closely related to the inner disk radius and mass accretion rate in the two sources. Such a correlation is nicely consistent with the dynamic frequency model.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, comments welcom

    Fast On-orbit Pulse Phase Estimation of X-ray Crab Pulsar for XNAV Flight Experiments

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    The recent flight experiments with Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (\textit{NICER}) and \textit{Insight}-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (\textit{Insight}-HXMT) have demonstrated the feasibility of X-ray pulsar-based navigation (XNAV) in the space. However, the current pulse phase estimation and navigation methods employed in the above flight experiments are computationally too expensive for handling the Crab pulsar data. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a fast algorithm of on-orbit estimating the pulse phase of Crab pulsar called X-ray pulsar navigaTion usIng on-orbiT pulsAr timiNg (XTITAN). The pulse phase propagation model for Crab pulsar data from \textit{Insight}-HXMT and \textit{NICER} are derived. When an exposure on the Crab pulsar is divided into several sub-exposures, we derive an on-orbit timing method to estimate the hyperparameters of the pulse phase propagation model. Moreover, XTITAN is improved by iteratively estimating the pulse phase and the position and velocity of satellite. When applied to the Crab pulsar data from \textit{NICER}, XTITAN is 58 times faster than the grid search method employed by \textit{NICER} experiment. When applied to the Crab pulsar data from \textit{Insight}-HXMT, XTITAN is 180 times faster than the Significance Enhancement of Pulse-profile with Orbit-dynamics (SEPO) which was employed in the flight experiments with \textit{Insight}-HXMT. Thus, XTITAN is computationally much efficient and has the potential to be employed for onboard computation
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