76 research outputs found

    Robust Beamforming and Rate-Splitting Design for Next Generation Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Communications

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    The next generation ultra-reliable and low-latency communications (xURLLC) need novel design to provide satisfactory services to the emerging mission-critical applications. To improve the spectrum efficiency and enhance the robustness of xURLLC, this paper proposes a robust beamforming and rate-splitting design in the finite blocklength (FBL) regime for downlink multi-user multi-antenna xURLLC systems. In the design, adaptive rate-splitting is introduced to flexibly handle the complex inter-user interference and thus improve the spectrum efficiency. Taking the imperfection of the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) into consideration, a max-min user rate problem is formulated to optimize the common and private beamforming vectors and the rate-splitting vector under the premise of ensuring the requirements of transmission latency and reliability of all the users. The optimization problem is intractable due to the non-convexity of the constraint set and the infinite constraints caused by CSIT uncertainties. To solve it, we convert the infinite constraints into finite ones by the S-Procedure method and transform the original problem into a difference of convex (DC) programming. A constrained concave convex procedure (CCCP) and the Gaussian randomization based iterative algorithm is proposed to obtain a local minimum. Simulation results confirm the convergence, robustness and effectiveness of the proposed robust beamforming and rate-splitting design in the FBL regime. It is also shown that the proposed robust design achieves considerable performance gain in the worst user rate compared with existing transmission schemes under various blocklength and block error rate requirements.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Cooperative Beamforming Design for Multiple RIS-Assisted Communication Systems

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) provides a promising way to build programmable wireless transmission environments. Owing to the massive number of controllable reflecting elements on the surface, RIS is capable of providing considerable passive beamforming gains. At present, most related works mainly consider the modeling, design, performance analysis and optimization of single-RIS-assisted systems. Although there are a few of works that investigate multiple RISs individually serving their associated users, the cooperation among multiple RISs is not well considered as yet. To fill the gap, this paper studies a cooperative beamforming design for multi-RIS-assisted communication systems, where multiple RISs are deployed to assist the downlink communications from a base station to its users. To do so, we first model the general channel from the base station to the users for arbitrary number of reflection links. Then, we formulate an optimization problem to maximize the sum rate of all users. Analysis shows that the formulated problem is difficult to solve due to its non-convexity and the interactions among the decision variables. To solve it effectively, we first decouple the problem into three disjoint subproblems. Then, by introducing appropriate auxiliary variables, we derive the closed-form expressions for the decision variables and propose a low-complexity cooperative beamforming algorithm. Simulation results have verified the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm through comparison with various baseline methods. Furthermore, these results also unveil that, for the sum rate maximization, distributing the reflecting elements among multiple RISs is superior to deploying them at one single RIS

    An Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Local Feature Difference Method for Infrared Small-moving Target Detection

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    Detecting small moving targets accurately in infrared (IR) image sequences is a significant challenge. To address this problem, we propose a novel method called spatial-temporal local feature difference (STLFD) with adaptive background suppression (ABS). Our approach utilizes filters in the spatial and temporal domains and performs pixel-level ABS on the output to enhance the contrast between the target and the background. The proposed method comprises three steps. First, we obtain three temporal frame images based on the current frame image and extract two feature maps using the designed spatial domain and temporal domain filters. Next, we fuse the information of the spatial domain and temporal domain to produce the spatial-temporal feature maps and suppress noise using our pixel-level ABS module. Finally, we obtain the segmented binary map by applying a threshold. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods for infrared small-moving target detection

    Towards a Pseudocapacitive Battery: Benchmarking the Capabilities of Quantized Capacitance for Energy Storage

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    Despite being capable of very fast charging, the pseudocapacitive properties of electrochemical capacitors still require significant research to attain energy densities comparable to that of batteries. Herein we discuss and theoretically benchmark the physics of quantized capacitance as a Faradaic charge storage mechanism, providing near “ideal” pseudocapacitive properties in the context of batterylike energy storage. Through careful electrolyte and reactant engineering, our physical analysis suggests that this less explored “pseudocapacitive battery” mechanism could provide power densities of approximately 10 4 W/L combined with volumetric energy densities in the range of 100 Wh/L (or potentially greater). These benchmarks are arrived at though a comprehensive analysis of two-dimensional (2D) graphitic nanoparticles considering the impact of solvation, electron-electron interactions, and electron transfer processes. In general, our findings indicate that 2D nanomaterials exhibiting quantized capacitance provide a promising and underexplored physical axis within electrochemical capacitors towards realizing very fast charging at energy densities comparable to that of batteries

    Research on the Electromagnetic-Heat-Flow Coupled Modeling and Analysis for In-Wheel Motor

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    In this paper, a 15 KW in-wheel motor (IWM) is taken as the research object, and the coupling factors among the electromagnetic field, temperature field and flow field are analyzed, and the strong and weak coupling factors between the three fields are clarified, and by identifying the strong and weak coupling factors between the three fields, a three-field coupling analysis model for IWM with appropriate complexity is established, and the validity of the model is verified. In a certain driving condition, the electromagnetic field, temperature field and flow field characteristics of IWM are analyzed with the multi-field coupling model. The result shows that, after the IWM runs 8440 s under driving conditions, in this paper, the IWM electromagnetic torque of the rated working condition is 134.2 Nm, and IWM the electromagnetic torque of the peak working condition is 451.36 Nm, and the power requirement of the motor can be guaranteed. The highest temperature of the IWM is 150 &deg C, which does not exceed the insulation grade requirements of the motor (155 &deg C), the highest temperature of the permanent magnet (PM) is 65.6 &deg C, and it does not exceed the highest operating temperature of the PM, and ensures the accurate calculation of components loss and the temperature of the motor. It can be found, through research, that the electromagnetic torque difference between unidirectional coupling and bidirectional coupling is 3.2%, the maximum temperature difference is 7.98% in the three-field coupling analysis of IWM under rated working conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of coupling factors on the properties of motor materials when analyzing the electromagnetic field, temperature field and flow field of IWM it also provides some reference value for the simulation analysis of IWM in the future. Document type: Articl

    Direction dependent switching of carrier-type enabled by Fermi surface geometry

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    While charge carriers can typically be designated as either electron- or hole- type, depending on the sign of the Hall coefficient, some materials defy this straightforward classification. Here we find that LaRh6_6Ge4_4 goes beyond this dichotomy, where the Hall resistivity is electron-like for magnetic fields along the cc-axis but hole-like in the basal plane. Together with first-principles calculations, we show that this direction-dependent switching of the carrier type arises within a single band, where the special geometry leads to charge carriers on the same Fermi surface orbiting as electrons along some directions, but holes along others. The relationship between the Fermi surface geometry and occurrence of a Hall sign reversal is further generalized by considering tight-binding model calculations, which show that this type of Fermi surface corresponds to a more robust means of realizing this phenomenon, suggesting an important route for tailoring direction dependent properties for advanced electronic device applications.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A Family of Lanthanide Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors La4_4TXTX (TT = Ru, Rh, Ir; XX = Al, In)

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    We report the discovery of superconductivity in a series of noncentrosymmetric compounds La4_4TXTX (TT = Ru, Rh, Ir; XX = Al, In), which have a cubic crystal structure with space group F4ˉ3mF\bar{4}3m. La4_4RuAl, La4_4RhAl, La4_4IrAl, La4_4RuIn and La4_4IrIn exhibit bulk superconducting transitions with critical temperatures TcT_c of 1.77 K, 3.05 K, 1.54 K, 0.58 K and 0.93 K, respectively. The specific heat of the La4_4TTAl compounds are consistent with an ss-wave model with a fully open superconducting gap. In all cases, the upper critical fields are well described by the Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg model, and the values are well below the Pauli limit, indicating that orbital limiting is the dominant pair-breaking mechanism. Density functional theory (DFT) calculations reveal that the degree of band splitting by the antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling (ASOC) shows considerable variation between the different compounds. This indicates that the strength of the ASOC is highly tunable across this series of superconductors, suggesting that these are good candidates for examining the relationship between the ASOC and superconducting properties in noncentrosymmetric superconductors.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Encode and Permute that Database! Single-Server Private Information Retrieval with Constant Online Time, Communication, and Client-Side Storage

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    Private Information Retrieval (PIR) facilitates the retrieval of database entries by a client from a remote server without revealing which specific entry is being queried. The preprocessing model has emerged as a significant technique for constructing efficient PIR systems, allowing parties to execute a one-time, query-independent offline phase, and then a fast online retrieval phase. In particular, Corrigan-Gibbs and Kogan (EUROCRYPT 2020) presented a new framework for constructing PIR with sublinear online time. Nevertheless, their protocol is deemed impractical in the single-server setting due to the heavy use of Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). More recently, two state-of-the-art (SOTA) single-server PIR protocols (Zhou et al., S&P 2024 and Mughees-Ren, ePrint 2023) have eliminated FHE, at the price of linear offline communication. However, the client-side storage is still relatively large (O~(n)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{n})), which poses challenges to practical deployment, especially when the client has limited computation and storage capabilities. To address such limitation, we propose a novel PIR protocol Pai, which only requires constant online time, communication, and client-side storage. The price we pay is only a 11 - 5×5\times increase in offline communication, which would be acceptable since it is a one-time cost.Building upon our Pai, we also present a Symmetric KPIR (KSPIR) PaiKSPIR and a Chargeable KSPIR (CKSPIR) PaiCKSPIR. These two variants of PIR offer enhanced functionalities while maintaining computational complexities similar to the original Pai. In addition to providing rigorous theoretical proofs of correctness and privacy for Pai, we have undertaken comprehensive protocol implementations and conducted extensive experiments to validate their high efficiency. Our empirical findings demonstrate that our protocols achieve notably higher online efficiency than SOTA protocols, e.g., Pai exhibits 8.88.8 - 91.8×91.8\times better online communication cost and 2.52.5 - 8.8×8.8\times better online time. Given the superior online time and storage, our protocol is well-suited for practical deployment