24,527 research outputs found

    Minimizer of an isoperimetric ratio on a metric on R2\R^2 with finite total area

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    Let g=(gij)g=(g_{ij}) be a complete Riemmanian metric on R2\R^2 with finite total area and Ig=inf⁑γI(Ξ³)I_g=\inf_{\gamma}I(\gamma) with I(Ξ³)=L(Ξ³)(Ain(Ξ³)βˆ’1+Aout(Ξ³)βˆ’1)I(\gamma)=L(\gamma)(A_{in}(\gamma)^{-1}+A_{out}(\gamma)^{-1}) where Ξ³\gamma is any closed simple curve in R2\R^2, L(Ξ³)L(\gamma) is the length of Ξ³\gamma, Ain(Ξ³)A_{in}(\gamma) and Aout(Ξ³)A_{out}(\gamma) are the area of the regions inside and outside Ξ³\gamma respectively, with respect to the metric gg. We prove the existence of a minimizer for IgI_g. As a corollary we obtain a new proof for the existence of a minimizer for Ig(t)I_{g(t)} for any 0<t<T0<t<T when the metric g(t)=gij(β‹…,t)=uΞ΄ijg(t)=g_{ij}(\cdot,t)=u\delta_{ij} is the maximal solution of the Ricci flow equation \1 g_{ij}/\1 t=-2R_{ij} on R2Γ—(0,T)\R^2\times (0,T) \cite{DH} where T>0T>0 is the extinction time of the solution.Comment: 14 pages, some typos are corrected and some proofs are written in more detai

    Another proof of Ricci flow on incomplete surfaces with bounded above Gauss curvature

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    We give a simple proof of an extension of the existence results of Ricci flow of G.Giesen and P.M.Topping [GiT1],[GiT2], on incomplete surfaces with bounded above Gauss curvature without using the difficult Shi's existence theorem of Ricci flow on complete non-compact surfaces and the pseudolocality theorem of G.Perelman [P1] on Ricci flow. We will also give a simple proof of a special case of the existence theorem of P.M.Topping [T] without using the existence theorem of W.X.Shi [S1].Comment: 13 page

    A harmonic map flow associated with the standard solution of Ricci flow

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    Let (Rn,g(t))(\Bbb{R}^n,g(t)), 0≀t≀T0\le t\le T, nβ‰₯3n\ge 3, be a standard solution of the Ricci flow with radially symmetric initial data g0g_0. We will extend a recent existence result of P. Lu and G. Tian and prove that for any t0∈[0,T)t_0\in [0,T) there exists a solution of the corresponding harmonic map flow Ο•t:(Rn,g(t))β†’(Rn,g(t0))\phi_t:(\Bbb{R}^n,g(t))\to (\Bbb{R}^n,g(t_0)) satisfying βˆ‚Ο•t/βˆ‚t=Ξ”g(t),g(t0)Ο•t\partial \phi_t/\partial t=\Delta_{g(t),g(t_0)}\phi_t of the form Ο•t(r,ΞΈ)=(ρ(r,t),ΞΈ)\phi_t(r,\theta) =(\rho (r,t),\theta) in polar coordinates in RnΓ—(t0,T0)\Bbb{R}^n\times (t_0,T_0), Ο•t0(r,ΞΈ)=(r,ΞΈ)\phi_{t_0}(r,\theta)=(r,\theta), where r=r(t)r=r(t) is the radial co-ordinate with respect to g(t)g(t) and T0=sup⁑{t1∈(t0,T]:βˆ₯ρ~(β‹…,t)βˆ₯L∞(R+)+βˆ₯βˆ‚Ο~/βˆ‚r(β‹…,t)βˆ₯L∞(R+)<βˆžβˆ€t0<t≀t1}T_0=\sup\{t_1\in (t_0,T]: \|\widetilde{\rho}(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^{\infty}(\Bbb{R}^+)} +\|\partial\widetilde{\rho}/\partial r(\cdot ,t)\|_{L^{\infty}(\Bbb{R}^+)} <\infty\quad\forall t_0<t\le t_1\} with ρ~(r,t)=log⁑(ρ(r,t)/r)\widetilde{\rho}(r,t) =\log (\rho(r,t)/r). We will also prove the uniqueness of solution of the harmonic map flow. We will also use the same technique to prove that the solution uu of the heat equation in (Ξ©βˆ–{0})Γ—(0,T)(\Omega\setminus\{0\})\times (0,T) has removable singularities at {0}Γ—(0,T)\{0\}\times (0,T), Ξ©βŠ‚Rm\Omega\subset\Bbb{R}^m, mβ‰₯3m\ge 3, if and only if ∣u(x,t)∣=O(∣x∣2βˆ’m)|u(x,t)|=O(|x|^{2-m}) locally uniformly on every compact subset of (0,T)(0,T).Comment: 21 page

    A pseudolocality theorem for Ricci flow

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    In this paper we will give a simple proof of a modification of a result on pseudolocality for the Ricci flow by P.Lu without using the pseudolocality theorem 10.1 of Perelman [P1]. We also obtain an extension of a result of Hamilton on the compactness of a sequence of complete pointed Riemannian manifolds {(Mk,gk(t),xk)}k=1∞\{(M_k,g_k(t),x_k)\}_{k=1}^{\infty} evolving under Ricci flow with uniform bounded sectional curvatures on [0,T][0,T] and uniform positive lower bound on the injectivity radii at xkx_k with respect to the metric gk(0)g_k(0).Comment: 11 pages, I have add one mild assumption on the theorem and completely rewrites the proof of the theorem which avoids the use of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality completely. I also obtain an extension of the compactness result of Hamilton on a sequence of complete pointed Riemannian manifolds evolving under Ricci flo

    Super fast vanishing solutions of the fast diffusion equation

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    We will extend a recent result of B.Choi, P.Daskalopoulos and J.King. For any nβ‰₯3n\ge 3, 0000, we will construct subsolutions and supersolutions of the fast diffusion equation ut=nβˆ’1mΞ”umu_t=\frac{n-1}{m}\Delta u^m in RnΓ—(t0,T)\mathbb{R}^n\times (t_0,T), t0<Tt_0<T, which decay at the rate (Tβˆ’t)1+Ξ³1βˆ’m(T-t)^{\frac{1+\gamma}{1-m}} as tβ†—Tt\nearrow T. As a consequence we obtain the existence of unique solution of the Cauchy problem ut=nβˆ’1mΞ”umu_t=\frac{n-1}{m}\Delta u^m in RnΓ—(t0,T)\mathbb{R}^n\times (t_0,T), u(x,t0)=u0(x)u(x,t_0)=u_0(x) in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, which decay at the rate (Tβˆ’t)1+Ξ³1βˆ’m(T-t)^{\frac{1+\gamma}{1-m}} as tβ†—Tt\nearrow T when u0u_0 satisfies appropriate decay condition.Comment: 37 pages, typos corrected, reference update

    Uniqueness of solutions of Ricci flow on complete noncompact manifolds

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    We prove the uniqueness of solutions of the Ricci flow on complete noncompact manifolds with bounded curvatures using the De Turck approach. As a consequence we obtain a correct proof of the existence of solution of the Ricci harmonic flow on complete noncompact manifolds with bounded curvatures.Comment: A simple example of a manifold with bounded curvature and injectivity radius going to zero as the point tends to infinity is given. A proof and argument why the crucial lemma Lemma 2.2 of the Chen-Zhu's paper \cite{CZ} cannot hold is give

    Generalized \Cal{L}-geodesic and monotonicity of the generalized reduced volume in the Ricci flow

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    Suppose MM is a complete n-dimensional manifold, nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, with a metric gΛ‰ij(x,t)\bar{g}_{ij}(x,t) that evolves by the Ricci flow βˆ‚tgΛ‰ij=βˆ’2RΛ‰ij\partial_t \bar{g}_{ij}=-2\bar{R}_{ij} in MΓ—(0,T)M\times (0,T). For any 0<p<10<p<1, (p0,t0)∈MΓ—(0,T)(p_0,t_0)\in M\times (0,T), q∈Mq\in M, we define the \Cal{L}_p-length between p0p_0 and qq, \Cal{L}_p-geodesic, the generalized reduced distance lpl_p and the generalized reduced volume V~p(Ο„)\widetilde{V}_p(\tau), Ο„=t0βˆ’t\tau=t_0-t, corresponding to the \Cal{L}_p-geodesic at the point p0p_0 at time t0t_0. Under the condition RΛ‰ijβ‰₯βˆ’c1gΛ‰ij\bar{R}_{ij}\ge -c_1\bar{g}_{ij} on MΓ—(0,t0)M\times (0,t_0) for some constant c1>0c_1>0, we will prove the existence of a \Cal{L}_p-geodesic which minimize the \Cal{L}_p(q,\bar{\tau})-length between p0p_0 and qq for any Ο„Λ‰>0\bar{\tau}>0. This result for the case p=1/2p=1/2 is conjectured and used many times but no proof of it was given in Perelman's papers on Ricci flow. My result is new and answers in affirmative the existence of such \Cal{L}-geodesic minimizer for the Lp(q,Ο„)L_p(q,\tau)-length which is crucial to the proof of many results in Perelman's papers on Ricci flow. We also obtain many other properties of the generalized \Cal{L}_p-geodesic and generalized reduced volume.Comment: 64 page

    A simple proof on the non-existence of shrinking breathers for the Ricci flow

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    Suppose MM is a compact n-dimensional manifold, nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, with a metric gij(x,t)g_{ij}(x,t) that evolves by the Ricci flow βˆ‚tgij=βˆ’2Rij\partial_tg_{ij}=-2R_{ij} in MΓ—(0,T)M\times (0,T). We will give a simple proof of a recent result of Perelman on the non-existence of shrinking breather without using the logarithmic Sobolev inequality.Comment: 15 page

    Maximum principle and convergence of fundamental solutions for the Ricci flow

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    In this paper we will prove a maximum principle for the solutions of linear parabolic equation on complete non-compact manifolds with a time varying metric. We will prove the convergence of the Neumann Green function of the conjugate heat equation for the Ricci flow in BkΓ—(0,T)B_k\times (0,T) to the minimal fundamental solution of the conjugate heat equation as kβ†’βˆžk\to\infty. We will prove the uniqueness of the fundamental solution under some exponential decay assumption on the fundamental solution. We will also give a detail proof of the convergence of the fundamental solutions of the conjugate heat equation for a sequence of pointed Ricci flow (MkΓ—(βˆ’Ξ±,0],xk,gk)(M_k\times (-\alpha,0],x_k,g_k) to the fundamental solution of the limit manifold as kβ†’βˆžk\to\infty which was used without proof by Perelman in his proof of the pseudolocality theorem for Ricci flow.Comment: 15 page

    Removable singularity of the polyharmonic equation

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    Let x0βˆˆΞ©βŠ‚Rnx_0\in\Omega\subset\Bbb{R}^n, nβ‰₯2n\ge 2, be a domain and let mβ‰₯2m\ge 2. We will prove that a solution uu of the polyharmonic equation Ξ”mu=0\Delta^mu=0 in Ξ©βˆ–{x0}\Omega\setminus\{x_0\} has a removable singularity at x0x_0 if and only if βˆ£Ξ”ku(x)∣=o(∣xβˆ’x0∣2βˆ’n)βˆ€k=0,1,2,...,mβˆ’1|\Delta^ku(x)|=o(|x-x_0|^{2-n})\quad\forall k=0,1,2,...,m-1 as ∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£β†’0|x-x_0|\to 0 for nβ‰₯3n\ge 3 and =o(log⁑(∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£βˆ’1))βˆ€k=0,1,2,...,mβˆ’1=o(\log (|x-x_0|^{-1}))\quad\forall k=0,1,2,...,m-1 as ∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£β†’0|x-x_0|\to 0 for n=2n=2. For mβ‰₯2m\ge 2 we will also prove that uu has a removable singularity at x0x_0 if ∣u(x)∣=o(∣xβˆ’x0∣2mβˆ’n)|u(x)|=o(|x-x_0|^{2m-n}) as ∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£β†’0|x-x_0|\to 0 for nβ‰₯3n\ge 3 and ∣u(x)∣=o(∣xβˆ’x0∣2mβˆ’2log⁑(∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£βˆ’1))|u(x)| =o(|x-x_0|^{2m-2}\log (|x-x_0|^{-1})) as ∣xβˆ’x0βˆ£β†’0|x-x_0|\to 0 for n=2n=2.Comment: 6 page
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