1,539 research outputs found

    Nonextensive effects on QCD chiral phase diagram and baryon-number fluctuations within Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    In this paper, a version of the Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model based on nonextensive statistical mechanics is presented. This new statistics summarizes all possible factors that violate the assumptions of the Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) statistics to a dimensionless nonextensivity parameter qq, and when qq tends to 1, it returns to the BG case. Within the nonextensive PNJL model, we found that as qq increases, the location of the critical end point (CEP) exhibits non-monotonic behavior. That is, for q<1.15q<1.15, CEP moves in the direction of lower temperature and larger quark chemical potential. But for q>1.15q>1.15, CEP turns to move in the direction of lower temperature and lower quark chemical potential. In addition, we studied the moments of the net-baryon number distribution, that is, the variance (σ2\sigma^{2}), skewness (S), and kurtosis (κ\kappa). Our results are generally consistent with the latest experimental data, especially for SNN>19.6 GeV\sqrt{S_{NN}}>19.6\ \mathrm{GeV}, when qq is set to 1.071.07

    MicroRNA 506 regulates expression of PPAR alpha in hydroxycamptothecin-resistant human colon cancer cells

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    AbstractChemotherapeutic drug resistance remains a major obstacle to the successful treatment of colon cancer. Here, we show that 77 differentially expressed miRNAs were identified in SW1116/HCPT versus SW1116, and over-expressed miR-506 in SW1116/HCPT cells was validated. Then it was indicated that PPARα is a common target of miR-506 by using a luciferase reporter assay. Our results also demonstrated that cytotoxic ability of HCPT requires the concomitant presence of PPARα, and that loss of PPARα expression imparts resistance to HCPTs anti-tumor effects. All together, our studies indicate that miR-506 over-expression in established HCPT-resistant colon cancer cell line confers resistance to HCPT by inhibiting PPARα expression, then providing a rationale for the development of miRNA-based strategies for reversing resistance in HCPT-resistant colon cancer cells

    Insights into Hypoxic Systemic Responses Based on Analyses of Transcriptional Regulation in Arabidopsis

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    We have adopted a hypoxic treatment system in which only roots were under hypoxic conditions. Through analyzing global transcriptional changes in both shoots and roots, we found that systemic signals may be transduced from roots to trigger responses in tissues not directly subjected to hypoxia. The molecular mechanisms of such systemic responses under flooding are currently largely unknown. Using ontological categorization for regulated genes, a systemic managing program of carbohydrate metabolism was observed, providing an example of how systemic responses might facilitate the survival of plants under flooding. Moreover, a proportion of gene expressions that regulated in shoots by flooding was affected in an ethylene signaling mutation, ein2-5. Many systemic-responsive genes involved in the systemic carbohydrate managing program, hormone responses and metabolism, ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation were also affected in ein2-5. These results suggested an important role of ethylene in mediation of hypoxic systemic responses. Genes associated with abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis are upregulated in shoots and down regulated in roots. An ABA signaling mutation, abi4-1, affects expression of several systemic responsive genes. These results suggested that regulation of ABA biosynthesis could be required for systemic responses. The implications of these results for the systemic responses of root-flooded Arabidopsis are discussed

    The study of nonstrange quark stars within a modified NJL model

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    In this work, we employ a modified Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with proper-time regularization to study the structure of nonstrange quark stars. Considering the physical meaning of the four-fermion interaction coupling constant GG in the conventional NJL model, we modify it by G=G1+G2⟨ψˉψ⟩G=G_1+G_2\langle\bar{\psi}\psi\rangle to highlight the feedback of quark propagator to gluon propagator. To study the dependence of the equation of state (EOS) on this modification as well as the vacuum pressure, we choose nine representative EOSs for comparison. As a result, we find that a smaller G1G_1 corresponds to a stiffer EOS, but at low energy densities, a higher vacuum pressure (i.e., a smaller bag constant) yields a softer one. Furthermore, the heaviest quark star obtained with the modified NJL model satisfies not only recent mass measurement of PSR J0740+6620, but also radius constraints from x-ray timing observations. The corresponding tidal deformability is also in agreement with GW170817.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
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