10,288 research outputs found

    An optical fibre dynamic instrumented palpation sensor for the characterisation of biological tissue

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    AbstractThe diagnosis of prostate cancer using invasive techniques (such as biopsy and blood tests for prostate-specific antigen) and non-invasive techniques (such as digital rectal examination and trans-rectal ultrasonography) may be enhanced by using an additional dynamic instrumented palpation approach to prostate tissue classification. A dynamically actuated membrane sensor/actuator has been developed that incorporates an optical fibre Fabry–Pérot interferometer to record the displacement of the membrane when it is pressed on to different tissue samples. The membrane sensor was tested on a silicon elastomer prostate model with enlarged and stiffer material on one side to simulate early stage prostate cancer. The interferometer measurement was found to have high dynamic range and accuracy, with a minimum displacement resolution of ±0.4μm over a 721μm measurement range. The dynamic response of the membrane sensor when applied to different tissue types changed depending on the stiffness of the tissue being measured. This demonstrates the feasibility of an optically tracked dynamic palpation technique for classifying tissue type based on the dynamic response of the sensor/actuator

    Trapped Ion Imaging with a High Numerical Aperture Spherical Mirror

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    Efficient collection and analysis of trapped ion qubit fluorescence is essential for robust qubit state detection in trapped ion quantum computing schemes. We discuss simple techniques of improving photon collection efficiency using high numerical aperture (N.A.) reflective optics. To test these techniques we placed a spherical mirror with an effective N.A. of about 0.9 inside a vacuum chamber in the vicinity of a linear Paul trap. We demonstrate stable and reliable trapping of single barium ions, in excellent agreement with our simulations of the electric field in this setup. While a large N.A. spherical mirror introduces significant spherical aberration, the ion image quality can be greatly improved by a specially designed aspheric corrector lens located outside the vacuum system. Our simulations show that the spherical mirror/corrector design is an easy and cost-effective way to achieve high photon collection rates when compared to a more sophisticated parabolic mirror setup.Comment: 5 figure

    Second Core Formation and High Speed Jets: Resistive MHD Nested Grid Simulations

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    The stellar core formation and high speed jets driven by the formed core are studied by using three-dimensional resistive MHD nested grid simulations. Starting with a Bonnor-Ebert isothermal cloud rotating in a uniform magnetic field, we calculate the cloud evolution from the molecular cloud core (n = 10^6 cm^-3, r_c = 4.6 times 10^4 AU) to the stellar core (n \simeq 10^23 cm^-3, r_c \simeq 1 solar radius). We resolve cloud structure over 7 orders of magnitude in spatial extent and over 17 orders of magnitude in density contrast. For comparison, we calculate two models: resistive and ideal MHD models. Both models have the same initial condition, but the former includes dissipation process of magnetic field while the latter does not. The magnetic fluxes in resistive MHD model are extracted from the first core during 10^12 cm^-3 < n < 10^16 cm^-3 by Ohmic dissipation. Magnetic flux density of the formed stellar core (n \simeq 10^20 cm^-3) in resistive MHD model is two orders of magnitude smaller than that in ideal MHD model. Since magnetic braking is less effective in resistive MHD model, rapidly rotating stellar core (the second core) is formed. After stellar core formation, the magnetic field of the core is largely amplified both by magneto-rotational instability and the shearing motion between the stellar core and ambient medium. As a consequence, high speed (simeq 45 km,s^-1) jets are driven by the second core, which results in strong mass ejection. A cocoon-like structure around the second core also forms with clear bow shocks.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to ApJL, For high resolution figures see http://www2.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~machidam/diffusion/doc_diff/MS20545v1.pd

    Tidal Barrier and the Asymptotic Mass of Proto Gas-Giant Planets

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    Extrasolar planets found with radial velocity surveys have masses ranging from several Earth to several Jupiter masses. While mass accretion onto protoplanetary cores in weak-line T-Tauri disks may eventually be quenched by a global depletion of gas, such a mechanism is unlikely to have stalled the growth of some known planetary systems which contain relatively low-mass and close-in planets along with more massive and longer period companions. Here, we suggest a potential solution for this conundrum. In general, supersonic infall of surrounding gas onto a protoplanet is only possible interior to both of its Bondi and Roche radii. At a critical mass, a protoplanet's Bondi and Roche radii are equal to the disk thickness. Above this mass, the protoplanets' tidal perturbation induces the formation of a gap. Although the disk gas may continue to diffuse into the gap, the azimuthal flux across the protoplanets' Roche lobe is quenched. Using two different schemes, we present the results of numerical simulations and analysis to show that the accretion rate increases rapidly with the ratio of the protoplanet's Roche to Bondi radii or equivalently to the disk thickness. In regions with low geometric aspect ratios, gas accretion is quenched with relatively low protoplanetary masses. This effect is important for determining the gas-giant planets' mass function, the distribution of their masses within multiple planet systems around solar type stars, and for suppressing the emergence of gas-giants around low mass stars

    Galaxy Morphology - Halo Gas Connections

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    We studied a sample of 38 intermediate redshift MgII absorption-selected galaxies using (1) Keck/HIRES and VLT/UVES quasar spectra to measure the halo gas kinematics from MgII absorption profiles and (2) HST/WFPC-2 images to study the absorbing galaxy morphologies. We have searched for correlations between quantified gas absorption properties, and host galaxy impact parameters, inclinations, position angles, and quantified morphological parameters. We report a 3.2-sigma correlation between asymmetric perturbations in the host galaxy morphology and the MgII absorption equivalent width. We suggest that this correlation may indicate a connection between past merging and/or interaction events in MgII absorption-selected galaxies and the velocity dispersion and quantity of gas surrounding these galaxies.Comment: 6 pages; 3 figures; contributed talk for IAU 199: Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Line

    Magneto-Hydrodynamics of Population III Star Formation

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    Jet driving and fragmentation process in collapsing primordial cloud are studied using three-dimensional MHD nested grid simulations. Starting from a rotating magnetized spherical cloud with the number density of n=10^3 cm^-3, we follow the evolution of the cloud up to the stellar density n=10^22 cm^-3. We calculate 36 models parameterizing the initial magnetic and rotational energies (\gamma_0, \beta_0). In the collapsing primordial clouds, the cloud evolutions are characterized by the ratio of the initial rotational to magnetic energy, \gamma_0/\beta_0. The Lorentz force significantly affects the cloud evolution when \gamma_0 > \beta_0, while the centrifugal force is more dominant than the Lorentz force when \beta_0 > \gamma_0. When the cloud rotates rapidly with angular velocity of \Omega_0 > 10^-17 (n/10^3 cm^-3)^2/3 s^-1 and \beta_0 > \gamma_0, fragmentation occurs before the protostar is formed, but no jet appears after the protostar formation. On the other hand, a strong jet appears after the protostar formation without fragmentation when the initial cloud has the magnetic field of B_0 > 10^-9 (n/10^3 cm^-3)^2/3 G and \gamma_0 > \beta_0. Our results indicate that proto-Population III stars frequently show fragmentation and protostellar jet. Population III stars are therefore born as binary or multiple stellar systems, and they can drive strong jets, which disturb the interstellar medium significantly, as well as in the present-day star formation, and thus they may induce the formation of next generation stars.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to ApJ, For high resolution figures, see http://astro3.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~machida/astro-ph.pd

    The CJT calculation in studying nuclear matter beyond mean field approximation

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    We have introduced a CJT calculation in studying nuclear matter beyond mean field approximation. Based on the CJT formalism and using Walecka model, we have derived a set of coupled Dyson equations of nucleons and mesons. Neglecting the medium effects of the mesons, the usual MFT results could be reproduced. The beyond MFT calculations have been performed by thermodynamic consistently determining the meson effective masses and solving the coupled gap equations for nucleons and mesons. The numerical results for the nucleon and meson effective masses at finite temperature and chemical potential in nuclear matter are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Realistic Magnetohydrodynamical Simulation of Solar Local Supergranulation

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    Three-dimensional numerical simulations of solar surface magnetoconvection using realistic model physics are conducted. The thermal structure of convective motions into the upper radiative layers of the photosphere, the main scales of convective cells and the penetration depths of convection are investigated. We take part of the solar photosphere with size of 60x60 Mm in horizontal direction and by depth 20 Mm from level of the visible solar surface. We use a realistic initial model of the Sun and apply equation of state and opacities of stellar matter. The equations of fully compressible radiation magnetohydrodynamics with dynamical viscosity and gravity are solved. We apply: 1) conservative TVD difference scheme for the magnetohydrodynamics, 2) the diffusion approximation for the radiative transfer, 3) dynamical viscosity from subgrid scale modeling. In simulation we take uniform two-dimesional grid in gorizontal plane and nonuniform grid in vertical direction with number of cells 600x600x204. We use 512 processors with distributed memory multiprocessors on supercomputer MVS-100k in the Joint Computational Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the proceedings of the GONG 2008 / SOHO XXI conferenc

    Formation Scenario for Wide and Close Binary Systems

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    Fragmentation and binary formation processes are studied using three-dimensional resistive MHD nested grid simulations. Starting with a Bonnor-Ebert isothermal cloud rotating in a uniform magnetic field, we calculate the cloud evolution from the molecular cloud core (n=10^4 cm^-3) to the stellar core (n \simeq 10^22 cm^-3). We calculated 147 models with different initial magnetic, rotational, and thermal energies, and the amplitudes of the non-axisymmetric perturbation. In a collapsing cloud, fragmentation is mainly controlled by the initial ratio of the rotational to the magnetic energy, regardless of the initial thermal energy and amplitude of the non-axisymmetric perturbation. When the clouds have large rotational energies in relation to magnetic energies, fragmentation occurs in the low-density evolution phase (10^12 cm^-3 < n < 10^15 cm^-3) with separations of 3-300 AU. Fragments that appeared in this phase are expected to evolve into wide binary systems. On the other hand, fragmentation does not occur in the low-density evolution phase, when initial clouds have large magnetic energies in relation to the rotational energies. In these clouds, fragmentation only occurs in the high-density evolution phase (n > 10^17 cm^-3) after the clouds experience significant reduction of the magnetic field owing to Ohmic dissipation in the period of 10^12 cm^-3 < n < 10^15 cm^-3. Fragments appearing in this phase have separations of < 0.3 AU, and are expected to evolve into close binary systems. As a result, we found two typical fragmentation epochs, which cause different stellar separations. Although these typical separations are disturbed in the subsequent gas accretion phase, we might be able to observe two peaks of binary separations in extremely young stellar groups.Comment: 45 pages,12 figures, Submitted to ApJ, For high resolution figures see http://www2.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~machidam/protostar/proto/main-astroph.pd