3,890 research outputs found

    A WENO Algorithm of the Temperature and Ionization Profiles around a Point Source

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    We develop a numerical solver for radiative transfer problems based on the weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) scheme modified with anti-diffusive flux corrections, in order to solve the temperature and ionization profiles around a point source of photons in the reionization epoch. Algorithms for such simulation must be able to handle the following two features: 1. the sharp profiles of ionization and temperature at the ionizing front (I-front) and the heating front (T-front), and 2. the fraction of neutral hydrogen within the ionized sphere is extremely small due to the stiffness of the rate equations of atom processes. The WENO scheme can properly handle these two features, as it has been shown to have high order of accuracy and good convergence in capturing discontinuities and complicated structures in fluid as well as to be significantly superior over piecewise smooth solutions containing discontinuities. With this algorithm, we show the time-dependence of the preheated shell around a UV photon source. In the first stage the I-front and T-front are coincident, and propagate with almost the speed of light. In later stage, when the frequency spectrum of UV photons is hardened, the speeds of propagation of the ionizing and heating fronts are both significantly less than the speed of light, and the heating front is always beyond the ionizing front. In the spherical shell between the I- and T-fronts, the IGM is heated, while atoms keep almost neutral. The time scale of the preheated shell evolution is dependent on the intensity of the photon source. We also find that the details of the pre-heated shell and the distribution of neutral hydrogen remained in the ionized sphere are actually sensitive to the parameters used. The WENO algorithm can provide stable and robust solutions to study these details.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, accepted in New Astronom

    Payment Barriers in China\u27s B2C Business

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    With the entry into the WTO, China has made a lot of progress in its e-business. However, there are still some barriers that limit the development of e-business in China. One of the most difficult hurdles might be the fragile online payment system. According to The first DHL Global E-commerce Report, in mature Internet countries, online payment is no longer a problem. For instance, six out of 10 companies in the US (60%), Australia (61%) and Finland (58%) say payment is not a barrier to ecommerce. But less mature markets including China consider payment a barrier. This paper mainly discusses the payment barrier to B2C Business in China, and then forwards some suggestions on how to remove those barriers on the basis of analyzing the case of BOLChina—A successful B2C model from Germany. Also, some conclusions are given to make it more clear that China should break the ice of payment barriers on the way to the bright future of its e-business

    Approximation error of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomial

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    The reconstruction approach [Shu C.W.: {\em SIAM Rev.} {\bf 51} (2009) 82--126] for the numerical approximation of f′(x)f'(x) is based on the construction of a dual function h(x)h(x) whose sliding averages over the interval [x−12Δx,x+12Δx][x-\tfrac{1}{2}\Delta x,x+\tfrac{1}{2}\Delta x] are equal to f(x)f(x) (assuming an homogeneous grid of cell-size Δx\Delta x). We study the deconvolution problem [Harten A., Engquist B., Osher S., Chakravarthy S.R.: {\em J. Comp. Phys.} {\bf 71} (1987) 231--303] which relates the Taylor polynomials of h(x)h(x) and f(x)f(x), and obtain its explicit solution, by introducing rational numbers τn\tau_n defined by a recurrence relation, or determined by their generating function, gτ(x)g_\tau(x), related with the reconstruction pair of ex{\rm e}^x. We then apply these results to the specific case of Lagrange-interpolation-based polynomial reconstruction, and determine explicitly the approximation error of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomial (whose sliding averages are equal to the Lagrange interpolating polynomial) on an arbitrary stencil defined on a homogeneous grid.Comment: 31 pages, 1 table; revised version to appear in J. Approx. Theor

    Forming an O Star via Disk Accretion?

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    We present a study of outflow, infall, and rotation in a ~10^5 Lsun (solar luminosity) star-forming region, IRAS 18360-0537, with Submillimeter Array (SMA) and IRAM 30m observations. The 1.3 mm continuum map shows a 0.5 pc dust ridge, of which the central compact part has a mass of ~80 Msun (solar mass) and harbors two condensations, MM1 and MM2. The CO (2--1) and SiO (5--4) maps reveal a biconical outflow centered at MM1, which is a hot molecular core (HMC) with a gas temperature of 320+/-50 K and a mass of ~13 Msun. The outflow has a gas mass of 54 Msun and a dynamical timescale of 8,000 yr. The kinematics of the HMC is probed by high-excitation CH3OH and CH3CN lines, which are detected at sub-arcsecond resolution and unveil a velocity gradient perpendicular to the outflow axis, suggesting a disk-like rotation of the HMC. An infalling envelope around the HMC is evidenced by CN lines exhibiting a profound inverse P-Cygni profile, and the estimated mass infall rate, 1.5x10^{-3} Msun/yr, is well comparable to that inferred from the mass outflow rate. A more detailed investigation of the kinematics of the dense gas around the HMC is obtained from the 13CO and C18O (2--1) lines; the position-velocity diagrams of the two lines are consistent with the model of a free-falling and Keplerian-like rotating envelope. The observations suggest that the protostar of a current mass ~10 Msun embedded within MM1 will develop into an O star via disk accretion and envelope infall.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Cultural Differences in E-Commerce: A Comparison between the U.S. and China

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    Every firm must identify and account cultural problems related to their online globalization. In order to accomplish this, they must identify the characteristics and trends of the Internet and ECommerce in their target market. Next, any firm must differentiates the lessons of e-commerce in the U.S. with the target market by analyzing differences in end user behavior. Finally, they must formulate a plan to discuss how to remove cultural barriers to enhance net growth. This paper specifically presents a study of the ECommerce Market of China. Naturally, the two primary factors that these firms must consider are securing a payment system and overcoming any language barriers. As stated above, this paper will present an overview of the Chinese market, differentiate the Chinese market with the United States, and supply solutions to the E-Commerce problems that are particular to China

    Representation of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomial by combination of substencils

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    The Lagrange reconstructing polynomial [Shu C.W.: {\em SIAM Rev.} {\bf 51} (2009) 82--126] of a function f(x)f(x) on a given set of equidistant (\Delta x=\const) points {xi+ℓΔx;  ℓ∈{−M−,...,+M+}}\bigl\{x_i+\ell\Delta x;\;\ell\in\{-M_-,...,+M_+\}\bigr\} is defined [Gerolymos G.A.: {\em J. Approx. Theory} {\bf 163} (2011) 267--305] as the polynomial whose sliding (with xx) averages on [x−12Δx,x+12Δx][x-\tfrac{1}{2}\Delta x,x+\tfrac{1}{2}\Delta x] are equal to the Lagrange interpolating polynomial of f(x)f(x) on the same stencil. We first study the fundamental functions of Lagrange reconstruction, show that these polynomials have only real and distinct roots, which are never located at the cell-interfaces (half-points) xi+n12Δxx_i+n\tfrac{1}{2}\Delta x (n∈Zn\in\mathbb{Z}), and obtain several identities. Using these identities, by analogy to the recursive Neville-Aitken-like algorithm applied to the Lagrange interpolating polynomial, we show that there exists a unique representation of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomial on {i−M−,...,i+M+}\{i-M_-,...,i+M_+\} as a combination of the Lagrange reconstructing polynomials on the Ks+1≤M:=M−+M+>1K_\mathrm{s}+1\leq M:=M_-+M_+>1 substencils {i−M−+ks,...,i+M+−Ks+ks}\{i-M_-+k_\mathrm{s},...,i+M_+-K_\mathrm{s}+k_\mathrm{s}\} (ks∈{0,...,Ks}k_\mathrm{s}\in\{0,...,K_\mathrm{s}\}), with weights σR1,M−,M+,Ks,ks(ξ)\sigma_{R_1,M_-,M_+,K_\mathrm{s},k_\mathrm{s}}(\xi) which are rational functions of ξ\xi (x=xi+ξΔxx=x_i+\xi\Delta x) [Liu Y.Y., Shu C.W., Zhang M.P.: {\em Acta Math. Appl. Sinica} {\bf 25} (2009) 503--538], and give an analytical recursive expression of the weight-functions. We then use the analytical expression of the weight-functions σR1,M−,M+,Ks,ks(ξ)\sigma_{R_1,M_-,M_+,K_\mathrm{s},k_\mathrm{s}}(\xi) to obtain a formal proof of convexity (positivity of the weight-functions) in the neighborhood of ξ=12\xi=\tfrac{1}{2}, under the condition that all of the substencils contain either point ii or point i+1i+1 (or both).Comment: final corrected version; in print J. Comp. Appl. Mat
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