4 research outputs found

    Losing a minute every two years: SRG X-ray view of the rapidly accelerating X-ray pulsar SXP 1323

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    The source SXP 1323 is a peculiar high-mass X-ray binary located in the Small Magellanic Cloud. It is renowned for its rapid spin-up. We investigate for the first time broadband X-ray properties of SXP 1323 as observed by the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC and eROSITA telescopes on board the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma observatory. Using ART-XC and eROSITA data, we produced a first broadband 1-20 keV X-ray spectrum and estimated the pulsed fraction box 8 keV. With the addition of archival XMM-Newton observations, we traced the evolution of the spin period of SXP 1323 over the last five years and found that after 2016, the source switched to a linear spin-up with a rate of -29.9 s yr-1. The broadband X-ray spectrum is typical for accreting X-ray pulsars. It has a steep power-law index (Γ = -0.15) and an exponential cutoff energy of 5.1 keV. No significant difference between spectra obtained in states with and without pulsations were found.</p

    SRG/ART-XC discovery of SRGA J204318.2+443815: Towards the complete population of faint X-ray pulsars

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    We report the discovery of the new long-period X-ray pulsar SRGA J204318.2+443815/SRGe J204319.0+443820 in a Be binary system. The source was found in the second all-sky survey by the Mikhail Pavlinsky ART-XC telescope on board the SRG mission. The followup observations with XMM-Newton, NICER, and NuSTAR allowed us to discover a strong coherent signal in the source light curve with a period of ~742 s. The pulsed fraction was found to depend on an increase in energy from ~20% in soft X-rays to >50% at high energies, as is typical for X-ray pulsars. The source has a quite hard spectrum with an exponential cutoff at high energies and a bolometric luminosity of Lx ≃ 4 x 1035 erg s-1. The X-ray position of the source is found to be consistent with the optical transient ZTF18abjpmzf, located at a distance of ~8.0 kpc. Dedicated optical and infrared observations with the RTT-150, NOT, Keck, and Palomar telescopes revealed a number of emission lines (Hα, He I, and the Paschen and Braket series) with a strongly absorbed continuum. According to the SRG scans and archival XMM-Newton data, the source flux is moderately variable (by a factor of 4-10) on timescales of several months and years. All this suggests that SRGA J204318.2+443815/SRGe J204319.0+443820 is a new quasipersistent low-luminosity X-ray pulsar in a distant binary system with a Be-star of the B0-B2e class. Thus the SRG observatory allowed us to unveil a hidden population of faint objects, including a population of slowly rotating X-ray pulsars in Be systems.</p

    A polarimetrically oriented X-ray stare at the accreting pulsar EXO 2030+375

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    Accreting X-ray pulsars (XRPs) are presumed to be ideal targets for polarization measurements, as their high magnetic field strength is expected to polarize the emission up to a polarization degree of 80%. However, such expectations are being challenged by recent observations of XRPs with the Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE). Here, we report on the results of yet another XRP, namely, EXO 2030+375, observed with IXPE and contemporarily monitored with Insight-HXMT and SRG/ART-XC. In line with recent results obtained with IXPE for similar sources, an analysis of the EXO 2030+375 data returns a low polarization degree of 0%- 3% in the phase-averaged study and a variation in the range of 2%- 7% in the phase-resolved study. Using the rotating vector model, we constrained the geometry of the system and obtained a value of 60 for the magnetic obliquity. When considering the estimated pulsar inclination of 130, this also indicates that the magnetic axis swings close to the observera's line of sight. Our joint polarimetric, spectral, and timing analyses hint toward a complex accreting geometry, whereby magnetic multipoles with an asymmetric topology and gravitational light bending significantly affect the behavior of the observed source

    X-ray polarimetry of X-ray pulsar X Persei: another orthogonal rotator?

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    X Persei is a persistent low-luminosity X-ray pulsar of period of ≈ 835 s in a Be binary system. The field strength at the neutron star surface is not known precisely, but indirect signs indicate a magnetic field above 1013 G, which makes the object one of the most magnetized known X-ray pulsars. Here we present the results of observations X Persei performed with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). The X-ray polarization signal was found to be strongly dependent on the spin phase of the pulsar. The energy-averaged polarization degree in 3–8 keV band varied from several to ∼20 per cent over the pulse with a phase dependence resembling the pulse profile. The polarization angle shows significant variation and makes two complete revolutions during the pulse period, resulting in nearly nil pulse-phase averaged polarization. Applying the rotating vector model to the IXPE data we obtain the estimates for the rotation axis inclination and its position angle on the sky, as well as for the magnetic obliquity. The derived inclination is close to the orbital inclination, reported earlier for X Persei. The polarimetric data imply a large angle between the rotation and magnetic dipole axes, which is similar to the result reported recently for the X-ray pulsar GRO J1008−57. After eliminating the effect of polarization angle rotation over the pulsar phase using the best-fitting rotating vector model, the strong dependence of the polarization degree with energy was discovered, with its value increasing from 0 at ∼2 keV to 30per cent at 8 keV