68 research outputs found

    Інституціональні трансформації ринків цінних паперів у системі чинників глобальних фінансових криз

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    У статті досліджено зв’язок деяких аспектів сучасних інституціональних трансформацій фондових ринків розвинутих країн із формуванням передумов глобальних фінансових криз перших десяти років ХХІ ст. Наведено теоретичне обґрунтування гіпотези, що процеси конвергенції англосаксонської та континентальної моделей організації фінансових ринків (зокрема стосовно розширення ролі банків на ринках цінних паперів країн з англосаксонською моделлю) а також неконтрольоване використання банками інструмента розподілу ризиків «кредитно-дефолтний своп» суттєво збільшили вірогідність виникнення кризових дисбалансів у глобальній фінансовій системі.This article examines relationship between some aspects of modern stock markets’ institutional transformations in developed countries and the formation of the prerequisites of global financial crises in the first decade of the XXI century. The article contains theoretical justification of the hypothesis that convergence of Anglo-Saxon and Continental models of stock markets’ organization (including the expansion of the role of banks in the securities markets in countries with the first model) and uncontrolled using of risk-sharing instrument «CDS» by banks has significantly increased the likelihood of financial crisis

    Silver and gold nanoparticle coated membranes applied to protein dot blots

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    Detection and identification of low abundance biomarker proteins is frequently based on various types of membrane-based devices. Lowering of the protein detection limits is vital in commercial applications such as lateral flow assays and in Western blots widely used in proteomics. These currently suffer from insufficient detection sensitivity and low retention for small 2–5 kDa proteins. In this study, we report the deposition of two types of metal nanoparticles: gold colloids (50–95 nm diameter) and silver fractals onto a range of commonly used types of membranes including polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF). Due to strong affinity of proteins to noble metals, such modified membranes have the potential to effectively capture trace proteins preventing their loss. The membranes modified by metal particles were characterized optically and by SEM. The membrane performance in protein dot blots was evaluated using the protein—fluorophore conjugates Deep Purple-bovine serum albumin and fluorescein—human serum albumin. We found that the metal nanoparticles increase light extinction by metals, which is balanced by increased fluorescence, so that the effective fluorescence signal is unchanged. This feature combined with the capture of proteins by the nanoparticles embedded in the membrane increases the detection limit of membrane assays.12 page(s

    Fluorescent polyelectrolyte capped silver nanoclusters:optimization and spectroscopic evaluation

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    In the present work, we have synthesized water soluble Ag nanoclusters using PMAA as a template with different Ag+: COO-ratios, to optimize it for highest brightness using less UV exposure time. Fluorescence polarization was 0.30 for and was found to vary with excitation and emission wavelength with few hundred picoseconds average fluorescence lifetime. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy data depicts slower diffusion at red excitation compared to blue excitation in confocal volume than conventionally synthesized colloids proving presence of multiple sizes. The optical properties of the particles are dependent upon the excitation wavelength used and the emission wavelength collected

    Reduction of photobleaching and photodamage in single molecule detection: observing single actin monomer in skeletal myofibrils

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    Recent advances in detector technology make it possible to achieve single molecule detection (SMD) in a cell. SMD avoids complications associated with averaging signals from large assemblies and with diluting and disorganizing proteins. However, it requires that cells be illuminated with an intense laser beam, which causes photobleaching and cell damage. To reduce these effects, we study cells on coverslips coated with silver nanoparticle monolayers (NML). Muscle is used as an example. Actin is labeled with a low concentration of fluorescent phalloidin to assure that less than a single molecule in a sarcomere is fluorescent. On a glass substrate, the fluorescence of actin decays in a step-wise fashion, establishing a single molecule detection regime. Single molecules of actin in living muscle are visualized for the first time. NML coating decreases the fluorescence lifetime 17 times and enhances intensity ten times. As a result, fluorescence of muscle bleaches four to five times slower than on glass. Monolayers decrease photobleaching because they shorten the fluorescence lifetime, thus decreasing the time that a fluorophore spends in the excited state when it is vulnerable to oxygen attack. They decrease damage to cells because they enhance the electric field near the fluorophore, making it possible to illuminate samples with weaker light

    Enhanced fluorescence emission of Me-ADOTA<sup>+</sup> by self-assembled silver nanoparticles on a gold film

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    We report a multi-fold enhancement of the fluorescence of methyl-azadioxatriangulenium chloride (Me-ADOTA•Cl) in PVA deposited on a 50 nm thick gold mirror carrying an evaporation induced self-assembly of colloidal silver nanoparticles (Ag-SACs). The average measured increase in fluorescence emission of about 50-fold is accompanied by hot spots with a local enhancement in brigthness close to 200. The long lifetime of the dye allows for the first direct determination of the correlation between the enhancement of emission intensity and the decrease in fluorescence lifetime. The Ag-SACs surface preparation and observed enhancements are highly reproducible. We believe that these robust plasmonic surfaces will find use in sensing platforms for ultrasensitive detection

    Plasmonic platforms of self-assembled silver nanostructures in application to fluorescence

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    Fluorescence intensity changes were investigated theoretically and experimentally using self-assembled colloidal structures on silver semitransparent mirrors. Using a simplified quasi-static model and finite element method, we demonstrate that near-field interactions of metallic nanostructures with a continuous metallic surface create conditions that produce enormously enhanced surface plasmon resonances. The results were used to explain the observed enhancements and determine the optimal conditions for the experiment. The theoretical parts of the studies are supported with reports on detailed emission intensity changes which provided multiple fluorescence hot spots with 2–3 orders of enhancements. We study two kinds of the fluorophores: dye molecules and fluorescent nanospheres characterized with similar spectral emission regions. Using a lifetime-resolved fluorescence/reflection confocal microscopy technique, we find that the largest rate for enhancement (~1000-fold) comes from localized areas of silver nanostructures

    Fluorescence amplification by electrochemically deposited silver nanowires with fractal architecture

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    Electrochemically deposited silver structures with nanowires 50−100 nm in diameter show high fluorescence amplification and strongly reduced fluorescence lifetimes. Both quantities depend on the structure thickness. With increasing thickness the fluorescence amplification proportionally increases and the fluorescence lifetime decreases. This thickness dependence is caused by fluorophore interaction with a system of plasmon excitations in coupled nanowires extending over micrometer size regions. Thus the amplification is attributed to a combination of extended structure area and strong plasmonic coupling between nanowires which also help to radiatively scatter the fluorescence emission.6 page(s