470 research outputs found

    Ground State Entropy of Potts Antiferromagnets: Bounds, Series, and Monte Carlo Measurements

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    We report several results concerning W(Λ,q)=exp(S0/kB)W(\Lambda,q)=\exp(S_0/k_B), the exponent of the ground state entropy of the Potts antiferromagnet on a lattice Λ\Lambda. First, we improve our previous rigorous lower bound on W(hc,q)W(hc,q) for the honeycomb (hc) lattice and find that it is extremely accurate; it agrees to the first eleven terms with the large-qq series for W(hc,q)W(hc,q). Second, we investigate the heteropolygonal Archimedean 4824 \cdot 8^2 lattice, derive a rigorous lower bound, on W(482,q)W(4 \cdot 8^2,q), and calculate the large-qq series for this function to O(y12)O(y^{12}) where y=1/(q1)y=1/(q-1). Remarkably, these agree exactly to all thirteen terms calculated. We also report Monte Carlo measurements, and find that these are very close to our lower bound and series. Third, we study the effect of non-nearest-neighbor couplings, focusing on the square lattice with next-nearest-neighbor bonds.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Lower Bounds on the Ground State Entropy of the Potts Antiferromagnet on Slabs of the Simple Cubic Lattice

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    We calculate rigorous lower bounds for the ground state degeneracy per site, WW, of the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet on slabs of the simple cubic lattice that are infinite in two directions and finite in the third and that thus interpolate between the square (sq) and simple cubic (sc) lattices. We give a comparison with large-qq series expansions for the sq and sc lattices and also present numerical comparisons.Comment: 7 pages, late

    Lower Bounds and Series for the Ground State Entropy of the Potts Antiferromagnet on Archimedean Lattices and their Duals

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    We prove a general rigorous lower bound for W(Λ,q)=exp(S0(Λ,q)/kB)W(\Lambda,q)=\exp(S_0(\Lambda,q)/k_B), the exponent of the ground state entropy of the qq-state Potts antiferromagnet, on an arbitrary Archimedean lattice Λ\Lambda. We calculate large-qq series expansions for the exact Wr(Λ,q)=q1W(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q)=q^{-1}W(\Lambda,q) and compare these with our lower bounds on this function on the various Archimedean lattices. It is shown that the lower bounds coincide with a number of terms in the large-qq expansions and hence serve not just as bounds but also as very good approximations to the respective exact functions Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) for large qq on the various lattices Λ\Lambda. Plots of Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) are given, and the general dependence on lattice coordination number is noted. Lower bounds and series are also presented for the duals of Archimedean lattices. As part of the study, the chromatic number is determined for all Archimedean lattices and their duals. Finally, we report calculations of chromatic zeros for several lattices; these provide further support for our earlier conjecture that a sufficient condition for Wr(Λ,q)W_r(\Lambda,q) to be analytic at 1/q=01/q=0 is that Λ\Lambda is a regular lattice.Comment: 39 pages, Revtex, 9 encapsulated postscript figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Partition Function Zeros of a Restricted Potts Model on Lattice Strips and Effects of Boundary Conditions

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    We calculate the partition function Z(G,Q,v)Z(G,Q,v) of the QQ-state Potts model exactly for strips of the square and triangular lattices of various widths LyL_y and arbitrarily great lengths LxL_x, with a variety of boundary conditions, and with QQ and vv restricted to satisfy conditions corresponding to the ferromagnetic phase transition on the associated two-dimensional lattices. From these calculations, in the limit LxL_x \to \infty, we determine the continuous accumulation loci B{\cal B} of the partition function zeros in the vv and QQ planes. Strips of the honeycomb lattice are also considered. We discuss some general features of these loci.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Exact Results on Potts Model Partition Functions in a Generalized External Field and Weighted-Set Graph Colorings

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    We present exact results on the partition function of the qq-state Potts model on various families of graphs GG in a generalized external magnetic field that favors or disfavors spin values in a subset Is={1,...,s}I_s = \{1,...,s\} of the total set of possible spin values, Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w), where vv and ww are temperature- and field-dependent Boltzmann variables. We remark on differences in thermodynamic behavior between our model with a generalized external magnetic field and the Potts model with a conventional magnetic field that favors or disfavors a single spin value. Exact results are also given for the interesting special case of the zero-temperature Potts antiferromagnet, corresponding to a set-weighted chromatic polynomial Ph(G,q,s,w)Ph(G,q,s,w) that counts the number of colorings of the vertices of GG subject to the condition that colors of adjacent vertices are different, with a weighting ww that favors or disfavors colors in the interval IsI_s. We derive powerful new upper and lower bounds on Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) for the ferromagnetic case in terms of zero-field Potts partition functions with certain transformed arguments. We also prove general inequalities for Z(G,q,s,v,w)Z(G,q,s,v,w) on different families of tree graphs. As part of our analysis, we elucidate how the field-dependent Potts partition function and weighted-set chromatic polynomial distinguish, respectively, between Tutte-equivalent and chromatically equivalent pairs of graphs.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Variants of the Standard Model with Electroweak-Singlet Quarks

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    The successful description of current data provided by the Standard Model includes fundamental fermions that are color-singlets and electroweak-nonsinglets, but no fermions that are electroweak-singlets and color-nonsinglets. In an effort to understand the absence of such fermions, we construct and study {\it gedanken} models that do contain electroweak-singlet chiral quark fields. These models exhibit several distinctive properties, including the absence of any neutral lepton and the fact that both the (uud)(uud) and (ddu)(ddu) nucleons are electrically charged. We also explore how such models could arise as low-energy limits of grand unified theories and, in this more restrictive context, we show that they exhibit further exotic properties.Comment: 8 pages, late

    Structure of the Partition Function and Transfer Matrices for the Potts Model in a Magnetic Field on Lattice Strips

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    We determine the general structure of the partition function of the qq-state Potts model in an external magnetic field, Z(G,q,v,w)Z(G,q,v,w) for arbitrary qq, temperature variable vv, and magnetic field variable ww, on cyclic, M\"obius, and free strip graphs GG of the square (sq), triangular (tri), and honeycomb (hc) lattices with width LyL_y and arbitrarily great length LxL_x. For the cyclic case we prove that the partition function has the form Z(Λ,Ly×Lx,q,v,w)=d=0Lyc~(d)Tr[(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)m]Z(\Lambda,L_y \times L_x,q,v,w)=\sum_{d=0}^{L_y} \tilde c^{(d)} Tr[(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d})^m], where Λ\Lambda denotes the lattice type, c~(d)\tilde c^{(d)} are specified polynomials of degree dd in qq, TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} is the corresponding transfer matrix, and m=Lxm=L_x (Lx/2L_x/2) for Λ=sq,tri(hc)\Lambda=sq, tri (hc), respectively. An analogous formula is given for M\"obius strips, while only TZ,Λ,Ly,d=0T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d=0} appears for free strips. We exhibit a method for calculating TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} for arbitrary LyL_y and give illustrative examples. Explicit results for arbitrary LyL_y are presented for TZ,Λ,Ly,dT_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d} with d=Lyd=L_y and d=Ly1d=L_y-1. We find very simple formulas for the determinant det(TZ,Λ,Ly,d)det(T_{Z,\Lambda,L_y,d}). We also give results for self-dual cyclic strips of the square lattice.Comment: Reference added to a relevant paper by F. Y. W

    On a Neutrino Electroweak Radius

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    We study a combination of amplitudes for neutrino scattering that can isolate a (gauge-invariant) difference of chirality-preserving neutrino electroweak radii for νμ\nu_\mu and ντ\nu_\tau. This involves both photon and ZμZ_\mu exchange contributions. It is shown that the construction singles out the contributions of the hypercharge gauge field BμB_{\mu} in the standard model. We comment on how gauge-dependent terms from the charge radii cancel with other terms in the relative electroweak radii defined.Comment: 16 pages, revtex with embedded figure

    Spanning Trees on Graphs and Lattices in d Dimensions

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    The problem of enumerating spanning trees on graphs and lattices is considered. We obtain bounds on the number of spanning trees NSTN_{ST} and establish inequalities relating the numbers of spanning trees of different graphs or lattices. A general formulation is presented for the enumeration of spanning trees on lattices in d2d\geq 2 dimensions, and is applied to the hypercubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic, and specific planar lattices including the kagom\'e, diced, 4-8-8 (bathroom-tile), Union Jack, and 3-12-12 lattices. This leads to closed-form expressions for NSTN_{ST} for these lattices of finite sizes. We prove a theorem concerning the classes of graphs and lattices L{\cal L} with the property that NSTexp(nzL)N_{ST} \sim \exp(nz_{\cal L}) as the number of vertices nn \to \infty, where zLz_{\cal L} is a finite nonzero constant. This includes the bulk limit of lattices in any spatial dimension, and also sections of lattices whose lengths in some dimensions go to infinity while others are finite. We evaluate zLz_{\cal L} exactly for the lattices we considered, and discuss the dependence of zLz_{\cal L} on d and the lattice coordination number. We also establish a relation connecting zLz_{\cal L} to the free energy of the critical Ising model for planar lattices L{\cal L}.Comment: 28 pages, latex, 1 postscript figure, J. Phys. A, in pres

    Simultaneous Extraction of the Fermi constant and PMNS matrix elements in the presence of a fourth generation

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    Several recent studies performed on constraints of a fourth generation of quarks and leptons suffer from the ad-hoc assumption that 3 x 3 unitarity holds for the first three generations in the neutrino sector. Only under this assumption one is able to determine the Fermi constant G_F from the muon lifetime measurement with the claimed precision of G_F = 1.16637 (1) x 10^-5 GeV^-2. We study how well G_F can be extracted within the framework of four generations from leptonic and radiative mu and tau decays, as well as from K_l3 decays and leptonic decays of charged pions, and we discuss the role of lepton universality tests in this context. We emphasize that constraints on a fourth generation from quark and lepton flavour observables and from electroweak precision observables can only be obtained in a consistent way if these three sectors are considered simultaneously. In the combined fit to leptonic and radiative mu and tau decays, K_l3 decays and leptonic decays of charged pions we find a p-value of 2.6% for the fourth generation matrix element |U_{e 4}|=0 of the neutrino mixing matrix.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures with 16 subfigures, references and text added refering to earlier related work, figures and text in discussion section added, results and conclusions unchange