116 research outputs found

    Stability of charged particles inside a Paul trap with spontaneous localization dynamics

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    Paul traps are ion traps that are widely used in spectroscopic experiments to confine and stabilize a charged particle within a small region using oscillating electric fields. The dynamics of the particle inside a Paul trap is described by Mathieu equations. It has been proposed that such traps can be used to detect the effects produced by spontaneous collapse of the associated wavefunction, as described by the model of CSL (Continuous Spontaneous Localization). This model is a non-linear, stochastic and non-relativistic modification to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation which predicts an additional random motion of particles other than environmental effects. In this paper, we discuss the possibility that such a random motion can throw a particle out of its stable configuration within the Paul trap. We study the changes in the stability diagram of a Paul trap in the presence of CSL. We also constrain the CSL parameter space by assuming the fact that the stability diagram is not significantly altered. The bounds thus obtained are weaker than those coming from X-ray emission from Ge slab.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Cosmic Hysteresis

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    Cosmological hysteresis, has interesting and vivid implications in the scenario of a cyclic bouncy universe. This, purely thermodynamical in nature, is caused by the asymmetry in the equation of state parameter during expansion and contraction phase of the universe, due to the presence of a single scalar field. When applied to variants of modified gravity models this phenomenon leads to the increase in amplitude of the consecutive cycles of the universe, provided we have physical mechanisms to make the universe bounce and turnaround. This also shows that the conditions which creates a universe with an ever increasing expansion, depend on the signature of ∮pdV\oint pdV and on model parameters.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Marcel Grossman Meeting on General Relativity at University of Rome "La Sapienza" - Rome, July 12-18, 201

    Hysteresis in the Sky

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    Hysteresis is a phenomenon occurring naturally in several magnetic and electric materials in condensed matter physics. When applied to cosmology, aka cosmological hysteresis, has interesting and vivid implications in the scenario of a cyclic bouncy universe. Most importantly, this physical prescription can be treated as an alternative proposal to inflationary paradigm. Cosmological hysteresis is caused by the asymmetry in the equation of state parameter during expansion and contraction phase of the universe, due to the presence of a single scalar field. This process is purely thermodynamical in nature, results in a non-vanishing hysteresis loop integral (∮pdV)(\oint pdV) in cosmology. When applied to variants of modified gravity models -1) Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) brane world gravity, 2) Cosmological constant dominated Einstein gravity, 3) Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG), 4) Einstien-Gauss-Bonnet brane world gravity and 5) Randall Sundrum single brane world gravity (RSII), under certain circumstances, this phenomenon leads to the increase in amplitude of the consecutive cycles and to a universe with older and larger successive cycles, provided we have physical mechanisms to make the universe bounce and turnaround. This inculcates an arrow of time in a dissipationless cosmology. Remarkably, this phenomenon appears to be widespread in several cosmological potentials in variants of modified gravity background, which we explicitly study for- i) Hilltop, ii) Natural and iii) Colemann-Weinberg potentials, in this paper. Semi-analytical analysis of these models, for different potentials with minimum/minima, show that the conditions which creates a universe with an ever increasing expansion, depend on the signature of the hysteresis loop integral (∮pdV)(\oint pdV) as well as on the variants of model parameters.Comment: 180 pages, 31 figures, 1 table, Final version, Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Cosmological hysteresis in cyclic universe from membrane paradigm

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    Cosmological hysteresis is a purely thermodynamical phenomenon caused by the gradient in pressure, hence the characteristic equation of state during the expansion and contraction phases of the universe are different, provided that the universe bounces and recollapses. During hysteresis pressure asymmetry is created due to the presence of a single scalar field in the dynamical process. Also such an interesting scenario has vivid implications in cosmology when applied to variants of modified gravity models described within the framework of membrane paradigm. Cyclic universe along with scalar field leads to the increase in the amplitude of the cosmological scale factor at each consecutive cycles of the universe. Detailed analysis shows that the conditions which creates a universe with an ever increasing expansion, depend on the signature of the hysteresis loop integral ∮pdV\oint pdV and on membrane model parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1506.0226

    Bounce and cyclic cosmology in weakly broken galileon theories

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    We investigate the bounce and cyclicity realization in the framework of weakly broken galileon theories. We study bouncing and cyclic solutions at the background level, reconstructing the potential and the galileon functions that can give rise to a given scale factor, and presenting analytical expressions for the bounce requirements. We proceed to a detailed investigation of the perturbations, which after crossing the bouncing point give rise to various observables, such as the scalar and tensor spectral indices and the tensor-to-scalar ratio. Although the scenario at hand shares the disadvantage of all bouncing models, namely that it provides a large tensor-to-scalar ratio, introducing an additional light scalar significantly reduces it through the kinetic amplification of the isocurvature fluctuations.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures,version published in Phys. Rev.

    Constraints on fourth order gravity from binary pulsar and gravitational waves

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    We have earlier proposed a fourth order gravity model as a possible explanation for late time cosmic acceleration, and for flattened galaxy rotation curves. The model has a free length parameter whose value depends on the scale of the system under study (e.g. the whole Universe, a galaxy, or a compact binary pulsar). In the present work, we investigate the constraints imposed on the free model parameter by Hulse-Taylor binary pulsar data: periastron advance; and emission of gravitational waves and consequent period decay. It is shown that the model is consistent with these observations, provided the length parameter is bounded from above.Comment: 11 pages plus appendices (total 18 pages), 1 figure, 1 table, text modified, new calculations and references added, conclusions unchange

    Cosmic Acceleration in a Model of Fourth Order Gravity

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    We investigate a fourth order model of gravity, having a free length parameter, and no cosmological constant or dark energy. We consider cosmological evolution of a flat Friedmann universe in this model for the case that the length parameter is of the order of present Hubble radius. By making a suitable choice for the present value of the Hubble parameter, and value of third derivative of the scale factor (the jerk) we find that the model can explain cosmic acceleration to the same degree of accuracy as the standard concordance model. If the free length parameter is assumed to be time-dependent, and of the order of the Hubble parameter of the corresponding epoch, the model can still explain cosmic acceleration, and provides a possible resolution of the cosmic coincidence problem. We work out the effective equation of state, and its time evolution, in our model. We also compare redshift drift in our model, with that in the standard model. The equation of state and the redshift drift serve to discriminate our model from the standard model.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figures, original Figs. 3 and 12 (b) removed; new Figs. 2(b), 8(b), 9, 10 (b), 12 (b) added; discussion added in Section V on covariant conservation of field equations, conclusions unchanged, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Quantum nonlocality, and the end of classical space-time

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    Quantum non-local correlations and the acausal, spooky action at a distance suggest a discord between quantum theory and special relativity. We propose a resolution for this discord by first observing that there is a problem of time in quantum theory. There should exist a reformulation of quantum theory which does not refer to classical time. Such a reformulation is obtained by suggesting that space-time is fundamentally non-commutative. Quantum theory without classical time is the equilibrium statistical thermodynamics of the underlying non-commutative relativity. Stochastic fluctuations about equilibrium give rise to the classical limit and ordinary space-time geometry. However, measurement on an entangled state can be correctly described only in the underlying non-commutative space-time, where there is no causality violation, nor a spooky action at a distance.Comment: 6 pages. Honorable mention in GRF Essay Contest 201

    Quantum discord as a tool for comparing collapse models and decoherence

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    The quantum to classical transition maybe caused by decoherence or by dynamical collapse of the wave-function. We propose quantum discord as a tool, 1) for comparing and contrasting the role of a collapse model (Continuous Spontaneous Localization) and various sources of decoherence (environmental and fundamental), 2) for detecting collapse model and fundamental decoherence for an experimentally demonstrated macroscopic entanglement. We discuss the experimental times which will lead to the detection of either Continuous Spontaneous Localization or fundamental decoherence. We further put bounds on the collapse parameters from this experiment for quantum discord.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures (both newly added), 1 table; abstract, table and conclusions modified, new results added to section 4, references added, matches with published versio

    Cosmological Constant, Quantum Measurement, and the Problem of Time

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    Three of the big puzzles of theoretical physics are the following: (i) There is apparently no time evolution in the dynamics of quantum general relativity, because the allowed quantum states must obey the Hamiltonian constraint. (ii) During a quantum measurement, the state of the quantum system randomly collapses from being in a linear superposition of the eigenstates of the measured observable, to just one of the eigenstates, in apparent violation of the predictions of the deterministic, linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation. (iii) The observed value of the cosmological constant is exceedingly small, compared to its natural value, creating a serious fine-tuning problem. In this essay we propose a novel idea to show how the three problems help solve each other.Comment: 5 pages, honorable mention in Gravity Research Foundation essay contest 201
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